JIDE 3.5.15

Package com.jidesoft.grid

The package contains all kinds of components and classes based on JTable for JIDE Grids product.


Interface Summary
AutoFilterBox.FilterTitleFormatter An interface which is used to format the filter title.
AutoFilterTableHeaderAdapter Deprecated. replaced by AutoFilterTableModel.
AutoFilterTableHeaderAdapter.FilterTitleFormatter An interface which is used to format the filter title.
AutoFilterTableModel The table model that provides input for AutoFilterTableHeader.
Cacheable An interface to indicate something can be cached.
CalculatedColumn The interface is to define a column that is calculated from other columns of a table model.
CalculatedRowColumn CalculatedColumn for Row based TreeTableModel.
CategorizedTableModel CategoriedTableModel is used in CategorizedTable.
CellEditingSupport AutoCellEditingSupport is an interface that can be implemented on cell editor to tell the table to enable the cell editing when the mouse is over the cell.
CellEditorFactory Interfaces used by CellEditorManager to create a cell editor using the factory pattern.
CellEditorManager.CellEditorCustomizer A cell editor customizer interface.
CellEditorValueProvider Deprecated. replaced by ListComboBoxCellEditor or CheckBoxListComboBoxCellEditor which know how to use userObject of ConverterContext to configure the possible values dynamically.
CellPainter A CellPainter interface which is used to paint the cell overlay and the cell underlay.
CellRendererManager.CellRendererCustomizer A cell editor customizer interface.
CellRolloverSupport RolloverCellEditingSupport is an interface that can be implemented on cell editor to tell the table to enable rollover editing when the mouse is over the cell.
CellStyleCustomizer This interface works with CellStyleTable to allow you to add extra non-default styles to CellStyle class and use this interface to read the style from CellStyle and customizes the renderer component or the editor component.
CellStyleProvider CellStyleProvider is an interface to allow user to customize the CellStyle for any table model without implementing StyleModel interface on the table model.
ColumnDraggableSupport The interface to define if a column is draggable.
ColumnIdentifierTableModel ColumnIdentifierTableModel provides a way to let TableModel define an unique identifier for each table column.
ColumnTableModelWrapper ColumnTableModelWrapper is a wrapper around table model which is referred as the actual table model or underlying table model.
ColumnWidthTableModel This is an interface to store column width in the table model so that you don't have to get instance of TableColumnModel to set each column width.
ContextSensitiveCellEditorFactory Interfaces used by CellEditorManager to create a cell editor using factory pattern.
ContextSensitiveTableModel This interface should be used along with TableModel class.
CustomFilterEditorContainer An interface to indicate the window or dialog contains a CustomFilterEditor.
DefaultGroupTableModel.ColumnComparatorContextProvider An interface used by SortableTableModel.setColumnComparatorContextProvider(com.jidesoft.grid.SortableTableModel.ColumnComparatorContextProvider).
DynamicTableFilter<T> DynamicFilter extends Filter interface to allow you to customize the filter just before it is used.
EditableColumnTableModel EditableColumnTableModel is am interface supports editable table column.
EditorContextSupport The interface indicates the class who extends it can support EditorContext.
EditorStyleSupport This is a supporting interface for CellEditor to use.
EditorStyleTableModel This is a table model to define the editor style.
Expandable An interface to indicate an object that has children and can be expanded and collapsed.
ExpandableCell An interface to indicate anything that can be expanded and collapsed.
ExpandableRow ExpandableRow combines expandable and row.
Filter<T> Deprecated. The class is moved to com.jidesoft.filter.
FilterableTableModelListener The listener interface for receiving FilterableTableModel events.
FilterEditor The FilterEditor interface for the JComponents that edits the filters to implement.
FilterListener The listener interface for receiving filter events.
GridColorProvider An interface to provide the colors of the grid lines in a JideTable.
GroupHeaderTableProvider This is the interface to provide table interface for the GroupTableHeader.
GroupModelProvider This interface is to provide support to GroupTableHeader.
GroupRow An interface for the row used in GroupTableModel.
HasFocusCellRenderer This is a markup interface for cell renderers of the first column of TreeTable or HierarchicalTable to indicate whether the cell renderer should have the actual hasFocus value in getTableCellRendererComponent.
HeaderLineWrapModel The table model interface to provide line wrap properties for its table header.
HeaderStyleModel This is the style model for headers.
HierarchicalTableComponentFactory An interface to create a component from the value that returned from HierarchicalTableModel.
HierarchicalTableModel HierarchicalTableModel is an interface used by HierarchicalTable to show any components in a table in a hierarchical fashion.
HierarchicalTableSupport Please do not use this interface for now as we are still changing it to support some enhancements.
IFilterableTableModel An interface to allow you to implement filtering feature on any table model.
IndexChangeEventGenerator This interface indicate the table model which implements this interface could fire IndexChangeEvent.
IndexChangeListener The listener interface for receiving IndexChangeEvent.
IndexedRowTableModelWrapper This is an interface extends RowTableModelWrapper to provide a more specific row table model wrapper implementation with index.
ISortableTableModel An interface to allow you to implement sorting feature on any table model.
ITreeTableModel<T extends Row>  
JideCellEditor JideCellEditor extends CellEditor to provide a validate method.
JideCellEditorListener JideCellEditorListener extends CellEditorListener to add additional methods for cell editor changes.
MultiTableModel MultiTableModel is a special table model which it can use one table model to represent multiple table models.
NavigableModel The NavigationModel interface specifies the methods the JTable will use to implement selective navigation.
NavigableTableModel NavigableTableModel interface combines TableModel and NavigableModel.
Node An interface to indicate an object that can have parent in a tree-like data structure.
ReferenceRow An interface that references to a row in the underlying data model.
RendererWrapper A component returned by a renderer which wraps another renderer.
Row Row is an interface to represent a row in a table.
RowHeightChangeListener RowHeightChangeListener defines the interface for an object that listens to changes in a RowHeights.
RowModel RowModel is a table model interface that supports row based on table model.
RowTableModelWrapper RowTableModelWrapper is a wrapper around table model which is referred as the actual table model or underlying table model.
SortableTableModel.ColumnComparatorContextProvider An interface used by SortableTableModel.setColumnComparatorContextProvider(com.jidesoft.grid.SortableTableModel.ColumnComparatorContextProvider).
SortableTableModel.SortOrderHandler A handler to handle the toggling of sort order.
SortItemSupport.SortOrderHandler A handler to handle the toggling of sort order.
SortListener The listener interface for receiving SortEvent.
SortTableHeaderRenderer.SortArrow An interface for SortArrow, the arrow which is used to display on the table header to indicate sort direction and sort index.
SpanModel The SpanModel interface specifies the methods the JTable will use to implement cell span.
SpanTableModel SpanTableModel interface combines TableModel and SpanModel.
StyleModel StyleModel provides a way to use CellStyle along with any TableModel.
StyleTableModel StyleTableModel interface combines TableModel and StyleModel.
TableAdapter This interface includes many important operations for a JTable.
TableCellEditorRenderer JTable uses cell renderer and cell editor for cell rendering and editing respectively.
TableColumnWidthKeeper This is an interface used by JideTable to save the table column width and order before table structure changed event so that the columns' width and order can be restored later.
TableCustomizer Interface to customize a JTable.
TableFilter<T> A filter for FilterableTableModel.
TableHeaderCellDecorator TableHeaderCellDecorator provides a way for users to paint over the margin of any table header's cells.
TableHeaderPopupMenuCustomizer An interface to allow user to customize for the TableHeaderPopupMenuInstaller.
TableModelsWrapper TableModelsWrapper is a wrapper around several table models which are all referred as the actual table model or underlying table model.
TableModelWrapper TableModelWrapper is a wrapper around table model which is referred as the actual table model or underlying table model.
TablePopupMenuCustomizer An interface to allow user to customize for the TablePopupMenuInstaller.
TableRowFilter<T> A filter for FilterableTreeTableModel.
TableRowModel TableRowModel in an interface that implements both RowModel and TableModel.
TableSelectionListener The listener that's notified when a table selection value changes.
TableSelectionModel This is a selection model that can represents non-contiguous cell selection in JideTable when setNonConfiguous is set to true.
TableStyleProvider CellStyleProvider is an interface to allow user to customize the CellStyle for any table model.
TableUndoableSupport Undoable support for TableModel to implement.
ToolTipSupport This is an interface that can be implemented on a table model.
ValueConverter Converts the cell value in a table to the value that will be written to csv file.
ValueProvider ValueProvider is an interface to retrieve a cell value from a table model.
ValueStringAdjustProvider This is an interface for those tables like AggregateTable to adjust the display string for some special cells.
WrappedRow Wrapped Row for DefaultColumnModelWrapper wrapping ITreeTableModel.

Class Summary
AbstractCalculatedColumn This is an abstract implementation of CalculatedColumn interface.
AbstractComboBoxCellEditor A cell editor based on AbstractComboBox.
AbstractExpandable An abstract implementation of Expandable.
AbstractExpandableRow An abstract implements for ExpandableRow.
AbstractFilter<T> Deprecated. The class is moved to com.jidesoft.filter.
AbstractGroupTableModel AbstractGroupTableModel is an abstract class to extend TreeTableModel.
AbstractJideCellEditor AbstractJideCellEditor adds the validation support to AbstractCellEditor.
AbstractMultiTableModel An abstract implementation of MultiTableModel based on AbstractTableModel.
AbstractNavigableTableModel AbstractNavigableTableModel adds NavigableModel support to AbstractTableModel.
AbstractNode An abstract implementation of Node.
AbstractPageTableModel AbstractPageTableModel is the abstract implementation for PagingSupport.
AbstractPropertyTableModel<T extends Property> The table model is used by PropertyTable.
AbstractRow An abstract row implements.
AbstractSpanTableModel AbstractSpanTableModel adds SpanModel support to AbstractTableModel.
AbstractStyleTableModel AbstractStyleTableModel adds StyleModel support to AbstractTableModel.
AbstractTableCellEditorRenderer AbstractTableCellEditorRenderer is an abstract implementation for TableCellEditorRenderer.
AbstractTableFilter<T> AbstractTableFilter is a special Filter for TableModel.
AbstractTableRowFilter<T> AbstractTableRowFilter is an abstract implementation of TableRowFilter.
AbstractUndoableTableModel Abstract undoable table model that extends AbstractTableModel.
AddCalculatedColumnDialog This class is not ready for public usage yet.
AdvancePageTableModel AdvancedPageTableModel extends AbstractPageTableModel and provides more advanced features such as sorting and filtering.
AutoFilterBox AutoFilterBox is used as the cell editor component for AutoFilterTableHeader.
AutoFilterTableHeader AutoFilterTableHeader implements auto-filter feature.
AutoFilterTableHeaderEditor Header cell editor for AutoFilterTableHeader.
AutoFilterTableHeaderRenderer Header cell renderer for AutoFilterTableHeader.
AutoFilterUtils Deprecated. replaced by newly designed NestedTableHeader which could work well with AutoFilter function and also have the capability to accept text input.
AutoResizePopupMenuCustomizer A TableHeaderPopupMenuCustomizer to auto resize a column or all columns.
BasicTableModel<T> BasicTableModel provides a quick way to create a table model from a list of objects.
BeanTableModel<T> BeanTableModel provides the same features as BasicTableModel after we introduced the BasicTableModel.
BooleanCellEditor CellEditor for Boolean type.
BooleanCheckBoxCellEditor CellEditor for Boolean.
BooleanCheckBoxCellRenderer CellRenderer for Boolean.
ButtonTableCellEditorRenderer A table cell editor/renderer that can display a hyperlink as cell.
ByteCellEditor CellEditor for Byte or byte.
CachedTableModel CachedTableModel is a table model that can cache the table data.
CalculatedTableModel CalculatedTableModel allows user to create a new table model based on an existing table model using column based conversion.
CalculatedTableModelColumnEditor This class is not ready for public usage yet.
CalculatorCellEditor CellEditor uses Calculator.
CategorizedTable CategorizedTable is a table that has category rows.
CellChangeEvent The event object for JideCellEditerListener.
CellEditorManager A global object that can register cell editor with a type and a EditorContext.
CellRendererManager A global object that can register cell renderer with a type and a EditorContext.
CellRendererPaneEx Extends CellRendererPane and added an actual renderer and an option to paint or not paint the background.
CellSpan CellSpan defines a cell span.
CellSpanTable CellSpanTable introduces cell spans to table.
CellStyle CellStyle defines the styles of a table cell.
CellStyleEditor An editor for cell styles.
CellStyleTable CellStyleTable introduces cell styles to table.
CellStyleTableHeader This is a table header which is able to paint designated style in the header while keeping original header renderer in its maximum effort.
CheckBoxListComboBoxCellEditor This class is for any cell editor where one needs to choose multiple value from a list.
CheckBoxTreeComboBoxCellEditor This class is for any cell editor where one needs to choose values from a tree.
ColorCellEditor CellEditor for Color.
ColorCellRenderer CellRenderer for Color.
ColumnCellStyleProvider CellStyleProvider for column stripes.
ColumnStripeCellStyleProvider Deprecated. Please use CellStyleTable.setTableStyleProvider(TableStyleProvider) to set a ColumnStripeTableStyleProvider which will keep the alternative column stripes even after the columns are rearranged.
ColumnStripeTableStyleProvider CellStyleProvider for column stripes.
ComboBoxShrinkSearchableSupport ComboBoxShrinkSearchableSupport is a subclass of ShrinkSearchableSupport to make ComboBoxSearchable shrinkable while searching.
CompoundTableModelEvent This is a subclass of TableModelEvent.
ContextSensitiveCellEditor CellEditor which can accept ConverterContext.
ContextSensitiveCellRenderer TableCellRenderer which can accept ConverterContext.
ContextSensitiveTable ContextSensitiveTable is a JTable which supports EditorContext.
ContextSensitiveTableSearchable This is the Searchable class for ContextSensitiveTable so that searchable could search on the converted string other than just value#toString().
ContextSensitiveTableTransferHandler TransferHandler for ContextSensitiveTable.
CsvPivotTableUtils CsvPivotTableUtils is a class that has methods to export PivotTablePane's content to Character Separated Values file format.
CsvPivotTableUtils.CsvPivotTableExportConfig A class that has all the parameters that could be customized when exporting a PivotTablePane to csv file.
CsvTableScrollPaneUtils CsvTableScrollPaneUtils is a class that has methods to export TableScrollPane's content to Character Separated Values file format.
CsvTableUtils CsvTableUtils is a class that has methods to export any JTable's content to Character Separated Values file format.
CsvTableUtils.CsvTableExportConfig A class that has all the parameters that could be customized when exporting a table or a TableScrollPane to csv file.
CustomFilterEditorDialog A dialog for CustomFilterEditor.
CustomValueFilterListSelectionModel A CheckBoxListSelectionModel which contains All, Custom and other special table filter items.
DateCellEditor CellEditor for Date or Calendar.
DefaultColumnTableModelWrapper The default implementation of ColumnTableModelWrapper.
DefaultExpandable A default implementation of Expandable.
DefaultExpandableRow An abstract implements for ExpandableRow.
DefaultGroupRow Default implementation for GroupRow.
DefaultMultiTableModel Default implementation of MultiTableModel based on DefaultTableModel.
DefaultNavigableTableModel DefaultNavigableTableModel adds NavigableModel support to DefaultTableModel.
DefaultPageTableModel DefaultPageTableModel extends AbstractPageTableModel to provide a default implementation for PageNavigationSupport.
DefaultProperty Default implementation of Property.
DefaultSpanTableModel DefaultSpanTableModel adds SpanModel support to DefaultTableModel.
DefaultStyleTableModel DefaultStyleTableModel adds StyleModel support to DefaultTableModel.
DefaultTableColumnWidthKeeper DefaultTableColumnWidthKeeper provides a default implementation of TableColumnWidthKeeper to enable the application to keep the column width and column order even after the tableStructureChanged event is fired.
DefaultTableModelWrapper The default implementation of RowTableModelWrapper.
DefaultTableSelectionModel TableSelectionModel is a table selection model that can support non-contiguous selection.
DefaultUndoableTableModel Default undoable TableModel that implements TableUndoableSupport over DefaultTableModel.
DefaultWrappedRow The default wrapped row class used by ColumnTableModelWrapper.
DimensionCellEditor CellEditor for Dimension.
DoubleCellEditor CellEditor for Double.
DraggingTableHeader Subclass JTableHeader in order to fire property change event on DraggingTableHeader.setDraggedColumn(javax.swing.table.TableColumn) and DraggingTableHeader.setResizingColumn(javax.swing.table.TableColumn).
DualTable DualTable is a pane that contains two JTables and a bunch of buttons.
EditableTableHeader As the name indicates, EditableTableHeader is an editable JTableHeader.
EditorContext The editor context is used by CellRendererManager and CellEditorManager so that for the same type, different editor/renderer can be registered since the EditorContext is different.
EnumCellEditor A cell editor that based on ListComboBoxCellEditor.
EnumCellRenderer Deprecated. Please use ContextSensitiveCellRenderer instead because in the case of cell renderer, there is no need to use a renderer based on ExComboBox since it is not editable anyway.
ExComboBoxCellEditor A cell editor based on ExComboBox.
ExpandablePanel The component has a "+/-" button which can be used in TreeTable or other tables.
ExpandableTableCellRenderer TableCellRenderer for tables that needs +/- icon.
ExpressionCalculatedColumn ExpressionCalculatedColumn is a special CalculatedColumn that can accept a string as expression.
Field A class representing a column in the table model.
FileCellEditor CellEditor for File.
FileNameCellEditor CellEditor for FileName.
FilterableTableHeaderCellDecorator This class is to paint filter button.
FilterableTableModel FilterableTableModel is a table model which wraps another table model so that user can apply filters on it.
FilterableTableModelEvent An AWTEvent that adds support for FilterableTableModel objects as the event source when filter is added or removed.
FilterableTreeTableModel<T extends Row> A filterable TreeTableModel used by TreeTable.
FilterEvent An AWTEvent that adds support for Filter objects as the event source.
FilterItemSupport FilterableTableModel is a table model which wraps another table model so that user can apply filters on it.
FilterListCellRenderer The cell renderer for the drop down of AutoFilterBox and QuickFilterPane's JLists.
FlashCellStyle FlashCellStyle provides an alternative cell style to allow cell flashing.
FloatCellEditor CellEditor for Float or float.
FolderCellEditor CellEditor for a folder.
FolderNameCellEditor CellEditor for FolderName.
FontCellEditor CellEditor for Font.
FontNameCellEditor CellEditor for FontFace.
FormattedTextFieldCellEditor This is a CellEditor which will assume userObject of a converter context as JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter and use it on a FormattedTextField.
GridIconsFactory A helper class to contain icons for JIDE Grids product.
GroupTable GroupTable is a special TreeTable that can group rows who has the same value in certain column into a group.
GroupTableHeader The GroupTableHeader allows the user to (un)group columns by dragging them with the mouse.
GroupTableInputListener The input listener for GroupTableHeader.
GroupTablePopupMenuCustomizer A TableHeaderPopupMenuCustomizer for AggregateTable.
GroupTableSearchable GroupTableSearchable is a special Searchable that implements Searchable that enables the search function in GroupTable.
HierarchicalPanel HierarchicalPanel is a special panel that is used as container for child component in HierarchicalTable.
HierarchicalRowHeights A special row model for HierarchicalTable.
HierarchicalTable HierarchicalTable is a special JTable which can show any components inside the table in a hierarchical fashion.
HierarchicalTableCellRenderer The cell renderer for the expandable column of HierarchicalTable where there is a +/- icon.
HyperlinkTableCellEditorRenderer A table cell editor/renderer that can display a hyperlink as cell.
IconCellRenderer A renderer to display an icon.
IconRenderer Deprecated. renamed to IconCellRenderer so please use IconCellRenderer instead.
IFilterableTableModel.FilterItem FilterItem contains a column and a filter for that column.
IndexChangeEvent Index change event.
IndexChangeListenerHelper Default listener for index changing.
IndexReferenceRow An implementation of ReferenceRow which refers to a row using the row index.
InsetsCellEditor CellEditor for Insets.
IntegerCellEditor CellEditor for Integer.
JideCellEditorAdapter JideCellEditorAdapter is the default implementation for JideCellEditorListener so that you don't have to implement all the methods on the listener.
JideTable JideTable is an extended version of JTable.
JideTable.NonContiguousTransferHandler The transfer handler for JDK5 and lower version just for backward compatibility concern.
JideTableSearchable This is the Searchable class for JideTable when table's isNonContiguousCellSelection is true.
JideTableTransferHandler Default TransferHandler for JideTable which supports import data by default.
JoinTableModel JoinTableModel joints several table models horizontally.
KeyStrokeSupport Collection of static methods providing default implementations for KeyStroke-related tests.
LegacyBooleanCellEditor Legacy CellEditor for Boolean type.
LegacyCheckBoxListComboBoxCellEditor This class is for any cell editor where one needs to choose multiple value from a list.
LegacyColorCellEditor AbstractComboBox based CellEditor for Color.
LegacyColorCellRenderer CellRenderer for Color.
LegacyDateCellEditor CellEditor for Date or Calendar.
LegacyEnumCellEditor A cell editor that based on ListComboBoxCellEditor.
LegacyEnumCellRenderer A cell renderer that based on ListComboBox.
LegacyFileCellEditor CellEditor for File.
LegacyFileNameCellEditor CellEditor for FileName.
LegacyFolderCellEditor CellEditor for a folder.
LegacyFolderNameCellEditor CellEditor for FolderName.
LegacyFontNameCellEditor CellEditor for FontFace.
LegacyInsetsCellEditor CellEditor for Insets.
LegacyListComboBoxCellEditor This class is for any cell editor where one needs to choose value from a list.
LegacyMonthCellEditor CellEditor for Month/Year.
LegacyMultilineStringCellEditor A cell editor for text with line breaks.
LegacySortableTableHeader The Legacy SortableTableHeader to be compatible with Synth table header UI.
LegacyStringArrayCellEditor A String array cell editor.
LegacyTableComboBoxCellEditor This class is for any cell editor where one needs to choose value from a table.
LegacyTreeComboBoxCellEditor This class is for any cell editor where one needs to choose value from a tree.
ListComboBoxCellEditor This class is for any cell editor where one needs to choose value from a list.
ListComboBoxShrinkSearchableSupport ListComboBoxShrinkSearchableSupport is a subclass of ShrinkSearchableSupport to make ListComboBoxSearchable shrinkable while searching.
ListSelectionModelGroup This class is used to create a multiple-exclusion scope for a set of ListSelectionModel so that one ListSelectionModel can have selected index at a time.
ListShrinkSearchableSupport ListShrinkSearchableSupport is a subclass of ShrinkSearchableSupport to make ListSearchable shrinkable while searching.
ListTableModelAdapter The table model used by DualTable.
LongCellEditor CellEditor for Long or long.
MarginExpandablePanel The component used by PropertyTableCellRenderer and HierarchicalTableCellRenderer which has a "+/-" button.
MixedTableSelectionModelGroup This class is used to create a multiple-exclusion scope for a set of Table's selectionModel so that only one table can have selected index at a time.
MonthCellEditor CellEditor for Month/Year.
MultilineStringCellEditor A cell editor for text with line breaks.
MultilineStringCellRenderer A cell renderer for text with line breaks.
MultilineTableCellEditor A cell editor uss JTextArea as the editor component.
MultilineTableCellRenderer A cell renderer using MultilineLabel as the renderer component to display a string in multiple lines.
MultilineTableCellRenderer.UIResource A subclass of MultilineTableCellRenderer that implements UIResource.
MultipleEnumCellEditor MultipleEnumCellEditor is a cell editor based on CheckBoxListComboBoxCellEditor using MultipleEnumConverter.
MultipleValuesFilter<T> A Filter that uses filters away all values that are not in the object array.
MultiTableModelUtils MultiTableModelUtils contains methods useful for MultiTableModel.
MultiValuedMap A multi valued Map.
NavigableTable An extension to JTable which can programmatically avoid navigation on certain cells.
NavigationHierarchicalTable NavigationHierarchicalTable is a special HierarchicalTable that is designed for the navigation purpose.
NavigationSortableTable NavigationSortableTable is a special SortableTable that is designed for the navigation purpose.
NavigationTreeTable NavigationTreeTable is a special list that is designed for the navigation purpose.
NestedSortableTableHeader Deprecated. replaced by NestedTableHeader since 3.1.0
NestedTableHeader A table header supporting nested table columns.
NumberCellEditor<T extends Number> CellEditor for Number.
NumberCellRenderer CellEditor for Number.
PagedTablePane PagedTablePane is a panel that displays several tables side by side so that more rows are visible at the same time.
PagedTablePane.TablePosition A class that define a table, a row index and a column index.
PagedTablePaneNavigationBar PagedTablePaneNavigationBar is a PageNavigationBar for PagedTablePane.
PasswordCellEditor CellEditor for password.
PasswordCellRenderer CellRenderer for password.
PointCellEditor CellEditor for Point.
Property The basic data for each row in PropertyTable.
PropertyPane The PropertyPane is a wrapper around PropertyTable.
PropertyTable PropertyTable is a two-column table which name/value pair can be shown.
PropertyTableCellRenderer TableCellRenderer for PropertyTable.
PropertyTableModel<T extends Property> The table model is used by PropertyTable.
PropertyTableSearchable PropertyTableSearchable is a special Searchable that implements Searchable that enables the search function in PropertyTable.
QuickFilterField QuickFilterField is an abstract class which can provide filter function to JList, JTable or JTree.
QuickFilterPane QuickFilterPane works along with any TableModel to provide filtering feature.
QuickTableFilterField QuickTableFilterField works along with any TableModel to provide searching feature.
RectangleCellEditor CellEditor for rectangle.
RolloverTableUtils RolloverTableUtils adds a mouse input listener to any JTable and will try to automatically force the table cell into editing mode or the rollover mode when mouse is moved over a cell if condition meets.
RootExpandableRow An expandable row used at the root for TreeTableModel.
RowHeightChangeEvent RowHeightChangeEvent is used to notify listeners that a table's row height has changed.
RowHeights RowHeights is wrapper around a SizeSequence object.
RowStripeCellStyleProvider Deprecated. Please use CellStyleTable.setTableStyleProvider(TableStyleProvider) to set a RowStripeTableStyleProvider which will keep the alternative row stripes even after the rows are sorted using JDK's table sorting feature.
RowStripeTableStyleProvider CellStyleProvider for row stripes.
RowTableModelValueProvider A RowTableModelValueProvider is a ValueProvider which retrieves a value from a table model or a row model.
RowValueProvider RowValueProvider is a ValueProvider which retrieves values from a Row.
SelectTablePopupMenuCustomizer A TableHeaderPopupMenuCustomizer to have "Select all" and "Select none" menu items.
ShortCellEditor CellEditor for Short or short.
ShrinkSearchableSupport Searchable is a class that can make JList, JTable and JComboBox searchable.
SingleColumn A direct mapping from a single existing column of a table model.
SingleValueFilter<T> A Filter that uses filters away all values except the specified value.
SliderCellEditor A CellEditor that uses a JSlider.
SortableTable SortableTable is a table which uses SortableTableModel so that multiple columns can be sorted.
SortableTableHeader A special table header for SortableTable which draws arrows and index to indicate the sorting order.
SortableTableHeaderCellDecorator This class is to paint sort icon and sort index.
SortableTableHeaderMouseListener The SortableTableHeaderMouseListener which is added to the table header of a SortableTable to do sorting.
SortableTableModel TableModel used by SortableTable.
SortableTreeTableModel<T extends Row> A sortable TreeTableModel used by TreeTable.
SortEvent An AWTEvent that adds support for SortableTableModel objects as the event source.
SortItemEditor An editor with a combobox to select a column from a TableModel and a SortItemEditor.
SortItemSupport TableModel used by SortableTable.
SortOrderEditor An editor to customize the sort order which can be used in SortableTableModel.
SortTableHeaderRenderer The SortTableHeaderRenderer will consider \n in headings and display them on multiple lines.
SpinnerCellEditor This class is for any cell editors that need to use JSpinner.
StringArrayCellEditor A String array cell editor.
StringCellEditor CellEditor for String.
StyledTableCellRenderer A table cell renderer based on StyledLabel.
StyledTableCellRenderer.UIResource A subclass of DefaultTableCellRenderer that implements UIResource.
TableColumnAutoResizer Allows table column automatically resize to fit in all the contents in the cells when user mouse double clicks on the grid line of table header or table depending on the parameter you use to construct this class.
TableColumnChooser TableColumnChooser's show/hide column popup menu feature is replaced by TableHeaderPopupMenuInstaller class which is more powerful and flexible.
TableColumnChooserDialog TableColumnChooserDialog is a dialog to allow user to select the columns to be displayed in a JTable using a CheckBoxList.
TableColumnChooserPopupMenuCustomizer A TableHeaderPopupMenuCustomizer to add menu items related to show or hide the columns to a popup menu.
TableColumnGroup TableColumnGroup is used by NestedTableHeader to implement nested column header feature.
TableColumnResizer Allows table columns to be resized not only on table header but also on any places along the vertical grid line.
TableComboBoxCellEditor This class is for any cell editor where one needs to choose value from a table.
TableComboBoxShrinkSearchableSupport TableComboBoxShrinkSearchableSupport is a subclass of ShrinkSearchableSupport to make TableComboBoxSearchable shrinkable while searching.
TableCustomFilterEditor TableCustomFilterEditor adds additional controls to create a list of FilterItems and they can be added to FilterableTableModel.
TableFlashable TableFlashable makes the CellStyleTable cells flashing as long as the StyleModel's getCellStyleAt method return a FlashCellStyle.
TableHeaderFiller The original source code is from http://l2fprod.com/blog/2008/08/30/the-fun-of-swing-jtable-column-resizing/.
TableHeaderPopupMenuInstaller TableHeaderPopupMenuInstaller allows you to add a popup menu to table header and customize it.
TableModelValueProvider A TableModelValueProvider is a ValueProvider which retrieves a value from a table model.
TableModelWrapperImpl The default implementation of TableModelWrapper.
TableModelWrapperUtils TableWrapperUtils is a utility class that contains several useful methods for TableModelWrapper.
TablePopupMenuInstaller TablePopupMenuInstaller allows you to add a popup menu to table and customize it.
TableRowResizer Allows table rows to be resized.
TableScrollPane TableScrollPane is a special JideScrollPane that supports header and footer columns or rows.
TableScrollPane.TablePosition A class that define a table, a row index and a column index.
TableScrollPanePrintable An implementation of Printable for printing TableScrollPanes.
TableScrollPaneSearchable TableScrollPaneSearchable is an concrete implementation of Searchable that enables the search function in TableScrollPane.
TableSelectionEvent An event that characterizes a change in the current selection in a table.
TableSelectionModelGroup This class is used to create a multiple-exclusion scope for a set of TableSelectionModel so that one TableSelectionModel can have selected index at a time.
TableShrinkSearchableSupport TableShrinkSearchableSupport is a subclass of ShrinkSearchableSupport to make TableSearchable shrinkable while searching.
TableSortItemEditor TableSortItemEditor is an editor for a list of SortItems and ColumnComparatorContextProvider.
TableSplitPane TableSplitPane displays a MultiTableModel in several separate tables in a JideSplitPane.
TableUtils A collection of utility methods for JTable.
TableUtils.ColumnSelectionRow The row to keep column selection information.
TextFieldCellEditor This class is for any cell editors that need to use JTextField.
TransposeTableModel This is a table model to change the orientation of the table.
TreeComboBoxCellEditor This class is for any cell editor where one needs to choose value from a tree.
TreeExpandablePanel The component used by TreeTableCellRenderer which has a "+/-" button.
TreeLikeHierarchicalPanel TreeLikeHierarchicalPanel is a special HierarchicalPanel which will draw a tree hash line that links the expand/collapse button to the child component.
TreeTable TreeTable is a combination of a tree and a table -- a component capable of both expanding and contracting rows, as well as showing multiple columns of data.
TreeTableCellRenderer The cell renderer for the expandable column of TreeTable where there is a +/- icon.
TreeTableModel<T extends Row> TreeTableModel is the table model used by TreeTable.
TreeTableRowMarginSupport TreeTableRowMarginSupport provides the margin support for TreeTable and its subclasses.
TreeTableSearchable TreeTableSearchable is a special Searchable that implements Searchable that enables the search function in TreeTable.
TristateCheckBoxCellEditor CellEditor based on TristateCheckBox.
TristateCheckBoxCellRenderer CellRenderer based on TristateCheckBox.
UndoableTableModelEvent A special TableModelEvent that contains the information of UndoableEdit.
ValueFilterListSelectionModel Deprecated. replaced by CheckBoxListSelectionModel
VerticalContextSensitiveCellRenderer TableCellRenderer which can accept ConverterContext.
VerticalTableCellRenderer This class is copied from JDK DefaultTableCellRenderer except using JideLabel to support vertical text.
VerticalTableCellRenderer.UIResource A subclass of DefaultTableCellRenderer that implements UIResource.

Exception Summary
EditingNotStoppedException This exception is used to indicate the editor is not stopped in editingStopped method of JideTable.

Package com.jidesoft.grid Description

The package contains all kinds of components and classes based on JTable for JIDE Grids product.

JIDE 3.5.15