JIDE 3.5.15

Class AbstractExpandableRow

  extended by com.jidesoft.grid.AbstractNode
      extended by com.jidesoft.grid.AbstractExpandable
          extended by com.jidesoft.grid.AbstractExpandableRow
All Implemented Interfaces:
Expandable, ExpandableRow, Node, Row
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractGroupRow, DefaultGanttEntry

public abstract class AbstractExpandableRow
extends AbstractExpandable
implements ExpandableRow

An abstract implements for ExpandableRow. It implements two methods in Row to achieve a read-only Row. In addition, it extends AbstractExpandable which implements most methods in Expandable.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.jidesoft.grid.AbstractExpandable
_expandable, _expanded
Fields inherited from class com.jidesoft.grid.AbstractNode
Fields inherited from interface com.jidesoft.grid.Expandable
Fields inherited from interface com.jidesoft.grid.Node
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void cellUpdated(int columnIndex)
          Notifies the cell at the specified column is updated.
 Class<?> getCellClassAt(int columnIndex)
          Gets the type for the cell at columnIndex.
 ConverterContext getConverterContextAt(int columnIndex)
          Gets the converter context for the cell at columnIndex.
 EditorContext getEditorContextAt(int columnIndex)
          Gets the editor context for the cell at columnIndex.
 boolean isCellEditable(int columnIndex)
          Returns true if the cell at columnIndex is editable.
 void notifyCellUpdated(Object child, int columnIndex)
          Notifies the child is updated.
 void rowUpdated()
          Notifies the row is updated.
 void setValueAt(Object value, int columnIndex)
          Sets the value in the cell at columnIndex.
Methods inherited from class com.jidesoft.grid.AbstractExpandable
addChild, addChild, addChildren, getAllChildrenCount, getAllVisibleChildrenCount, getChildAt, getChildIndex, getChildrenCount, getNumberOfVisibleChildren, getNumberOfVisibleExpandable, getTreeTableModel, hasChildren, hasVisibleChildren, isAdjusting, isExpandable, isExpanded, moveDownChild, moveUpChild, notifyChildDeleted, notifyChildInserted, notifyChildrenDeleted, notifyChildrenInserted, notifyChildrenUpdated, notifyChildUpdated, removeAllChildren, removeChild, removeChildren, setAdjusting, setExpandable, setExpanded
Methods inherited from class com.jidesoft.grid.AbstractNode
addPropertyChangeListener, addPropertyChangeListener, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, getLevel, getNextSibling, getParent, getPreviousSibling, getPropertyChangeListeners, getPropertyChangeListeners, removePropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener, setParent
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.jidesoft.grid.Expandable
addChild, addChild, addChildren, getAllVisibleChildrenCount, getChildAt, getChildIndex, getChildren, getChildrenCount, getNumberOfVisibleExpandable, hasChildren, isExpandable, isExpanded, moveDownChild, moveUpChild, notifyChildDeleted, notifyChildInserted, notifyChildrenDeleted, notifyChildrenInserted, notifyChildrenUpdated, notifyChildUpdated, removeAllChildren, removeChild, removeChildren, setChildren, setExpandable, setExpanded
Methods inherited from interface com.jidesoft.grid.Row
Methods inherited from interface com.jidesoft.grid.Node
getLevel, getNextSibling, getParent, getPreviousSibling, setParent

Constructor Detail


public AbstractExpandableRow()
Method Detail


public boolean isCellEditable(int columnIndex)
Description copied from interface: Row
Returns true if the cell at columnIndex is editable. Otherwise, setValueAt on the cell will not change the value of that cell.

Specified by:
isCellEditable in interface Row
columnIndex - the column whose value to be queried
true if the cell is editable
See Also:
Row.setValueAt(java.lang.Object, int)


public ConverterContext getConverterContextAt(int columnIndex)
Description copied from interface: Row
Gets the converter context for the cell at columnIndex.

Specified by:
getConverterContextAt in interface Row
columnIndex - the column index
the converter context for the specified cell.


public EditorContext getEditorContextAt(int columnIndex)
Description copied from interface: Row
Gets the editor context for the cell at columnIndex.

Specified by:
getEditorContextAt in interface Row
columnIndex - the column index
the editor context for the specified cell.


public Class<?> getCellClassAt(int columnIndex)
Description copied from interface: Row
Gets the type for the cell at columnIndex.

Specified by:
getCellClassAt in interface Row
columnIndex - the column index
the type for the specified cell.


public void setValueAt(Object value,
                       int columnIndex)
Description copied from interface: Row
Sets the value in the cell at columnIndex.

Specified by:
setValueAt in interface Row
value - the new value
columnIndex - the column whose value is to be changed
See Also:
Row.getValueAt(int), Row.isCellEditable(int)


public void cellUpdated(int columnIndex)
Description copied from interface: Row
Notifies the cell at the specified column is updated.

Specified by:
cellUpdated in interface Row
columnIndex - the column index the column index.


public void rowUpdated()
Description copied from interface: Row
Notifies the row is updated. You can call this method if any of the cells are changed. But if you know exactly which cell is changed, you should use Row.cellUpdated(int) instead.

Specified by:
rowUpdated in interface Row


public void notifyCellUpdated(Object child,
                              int columnIndex)
Description copied from interface: ExpandableRow
Notifies the child is updated.

Specified by:
notifyCellUpdated in interface ExpandableRow
child - the child which is updated
columnIndex - the column index.

JIDE 3.5.15