JIDE 3.5.15

Class ComboBoxShrinkSearchableSupport

  extended by com.jidesoft.grid.ShrinkSearchableSupport
      extended by com.jidesoft.grid.ComboBoxShrinkSearchableSupport
All Implemented Interfaces:
SearchableListener, PropertyChangeListener, EventListener

public class ComboBoxShrinkSearchableSupport
extends ShrinkSearchableSupport

ComboBoxShrinkSearchableSupport is a subclass of ShrinkSearchableSupport to make ComboBoxSearchable shrinkable while searching.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.jidesoft.grid.ShrinkSearchableSupport
Constructor Summary
ComboBoxShrinkSearchableSupport(Searchable searchable)
Method Summary
protected  void applyFilter(String searchingText)
          Update the filterable model, usually applying filter, based on the latest Searchable searching text.
protected  int getActualIndexAt(int viewIndex)
          Get actual index from the visual index.
protected  int getVisualIndexAt(int actualIndex)
          Get visual index from the actual index.
 void installFilterableModel()
          Install a filterable model for the component where Searchable installed in.
protected  boolean needReinstallFilterableModel(PropertyChangeEvent event)
          Checks if the filterable model should be reinstalled if the model is changed.
 void uninstallFilterableModel()
          Uninstall the filterable model installed by installFilterableModel.
Methods inherited from class com.jidesoft.grid.ShrinkSearchableSupport
convertElementToString, propertyChange, searchableEventFired
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ComboBoxShrinkSearchableSupport(Searchable searchable)
Method Detail


protected boolean needReinstallFilterableModel(PropertyChangeEvent event)
Description copied from class: ShrinkSearchableSupport
Checks if the filterable model should be reinstalled if the model is changed.

To keep the backward compatibility, it returns false by default.

To avoid potential infinite loop, the recommended implementation for this method is

 return event.getNewValue() != _filterableListModel.

needReinstallFilterableModel in class ShrinkSearchableSupport
event - the property change event
true if a new filterable model should be installed. Otherwise false.


public void installFilterableModel()
Description copied from class: ShrinkSearchableSupport
Install a filterable model for the component where Searchable installed in.

Specified by:
installFilterableModel in class ShrinkSearchableSupport


public void uninstallFilterableModel()
Description copied from class: ShrinkSearchableSupport
Uninstall the filterable model installed by installFilterableModel.

If you are extending this class to create your customized ShrinkSearchableSupport class, please make sure you will invoke _searchable.getComponent().removePropertyChangeListener("model", this); to remove the property change listener. Otherwise the filterable model may not be removed.

Specified by:
uninstallFilterableModel in class ShrinkSearchableSupport


protected void applyFilter(String searchingText)
Description copied from class: ShrinkSearchableSupport
Update the filterable model, usually applying filter, based on the latest Searchable searching text.

If you want to override this method, please be noted that you probably need make your filter#convertElementToString to invoke ShrinkSearchableSupport.convertElementToString(Object). Below is one sample implementation while creating the filter.

 WildcardFilter wildcardFilter = new WildcardFilter(searchingText) {
     protected String convertElementToString(Object value) {
         String stringValue = TableShrinkSearchableSupport.this.convertElementToString(value);
         return stringValue != null ? stringValue : super.convertElementToString(value);

Specified by:
applyFilter in class ShrinkSearchableSupport
searchingText - current searching text


protected int getActualIndexAt(int viewIndex)
Description copied from class: ShrinkSearchableSupport
Get actual index from the visual index. This method will be invoked before we invoke applyFilter so that we can get the current selection information hence we are able to set the selection back after the filter is applied.

Specified by:
getActualIndexAt in class ShrinkSearchableSupport
viewIndex - the visual index
the actual index


protected int getVisualIndexAt(int actualIndex)
Description copied from class: ShrinkSearchableSupport
Get visual index from the actual index. This method will be invoked after we invoke applyFilter so that we can set the selection back.

Specified by:
getVisualIndexAt in class ShrinkSearchableSupport
actualIndex - the actual index
the visual index

JIDE 3.5.15