JIDE 3.5.15

Class Searchable

  extended by com.jidesoft.swing.Searchable
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractComboBoxSearchable, CodeEditorSearchable, ComboBoxSearchable, ListSearchable, TableScrollPaneSearchable, TableSearchable, TextComponentSearchable, TreeSearchable

public abstract class Searchable
extends Object

JList, JTable and JTree are three data-rich components. They can be used to display a huge amount of data so searching function will be very a useful feature in those components. Searchable is such a class that can make JList, JTable and JTree searchable. User can simply type in any string they want to search for and use arrow keys to navigate to next or previous occurrence.

Searchable is a base abstract class. ListSearchable, TableSearchable and TreeSearchable are implementations to make JList, JTable and JTree searchable respectively. For each implementation, there are five methods need to be implemented.

Please look at the javadoc of each method to learn more details.

The keys used by this class are fully customizable. Subclass can override the methods such as isActivateKey(java.awt.event.KeyEvent), isDeactivateKey(java.awt.event.KeyEvent), isFindFirstKey(java.awt.event.KeyEvent),isFindLastKey(java.awt.event.KeyEvent), isFindNextKey(java.awt.event.KeyEvent), isFindPreviousKey(java.awt.event.KeyEvent) to provide its own set of keys.

In addition to press up/down arrow to find next occurrence or previous occurrence of particular string, there are several other features that are very handy.

Multiple selection feature - If you press CTRL key and hold it while pressing up and down arrow, it will find next/previous occurrence while keeping existing selections.
Select all feature - If you type in a searching text and press CTRL+A, all the occurrences of that searching string will be selected. This is a very handy feature. For example you want to delete all rows in a table whose name column begins with "old". So you can type in "old" and press CTRL+A, now all rows beginning with "old" will be selected. Pressing delete will delete all of them.
Basic regular expression support - It allows '?' to match any letter or digit, or '*' to match several letters or digits. Even though it's possible to implement full regular expression support, we don't want to do that. The reason is the regular expression is very complex, it's probably not a good idea to let user type in such a complex expression in a small popup window. However if your user is very familiar with regular expression, you can add the feature to Searchable. All you need to do is to override compare(String, String) method and implement by yourself.

As this is an abstract class, please refer to to javadoc of ListSearchable,TreeSearchable, and TableSearchable to find out how to use it with JList, JTree and JTable respectively.

This component has a timer. If user types very fast, it will accumulate them together and generate only one searching action. The timer can be controlled by setSearchingDelay(int).

By default we will use lightweight popup for the sake of performance. But if you use heavyweight component which could obscure the lightweight popup, you can call setHeavyweightComponentEnabled(boolean) to true so that heavyweight popup will be used.

When a Searchable is installed on a component, component.getClientProperty(Searchable.CLIENT_PROPERTY_SEARCHABLE) will give you the Searchable instance. You can use static method getSearchable(javax.swing.JComponent) to get it too.

Last but not the least, only one Searchable is allowed on a component. If you install another one, it will remove the first one and then install the new one.

Nested Class Summary
protected  class Searchable.SearchField
          A text field for searching text.
 class Searchable.SearchPopup
Field Summary
protected  JComponent _component
protected  ComponentListener _componentListener
protected  FocusListener _focusListener
protected  KeyListener _keyListener
protected  int _matchCount
          The client property for Searchable instance.
protected  EventListenerList listenerList
          A list of event listeners for this component.
Constructor Summary
Searchable(JComponent component)
          Creates a Searchable.
Searchable(JComponent component, SearchableProvider searchableProvider)
          Creates a Searchable.
Method Summary
 void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener propertychangelistener)
          Adds the property change listener.
 void addSearchableListener(SearchableListener l)
          Adds the specified listener to receive searchable events from this searchable.
 void adjustSelectedIndex(int index, boolean incremental)
          Sets the selected index.
protected  void cancelHighlightAll()
          Cancel highlight all.
protected  boolean compare(Object element, String searchingText)
          Checks if the element matches the searching text.
protected  boolean compare(String text, String searchingText)
          Checks if the element string matches the searching text.
protected abstract  String convertElementToString(Object element)
          Converts the element that returns from getElementAt() to string.
 String convertToString(Object element)
          Converts the element to String.
protected  ComponentListener createComponentListener()
          Creates a component listener that updates the popup when component is hidden, moved or resized.
protected  FocusListener createFocusListener()
          Creates a FocusListener.
protected  KeyListener createKeyListener()
          Creates the KeyListener and listen to key typed in the component.
protected  Searchable.SearchPopup createSearchPopup(String searchingText)
          Creates the popup to hold the searching text.
 List<Integer> findAll(String s)
          findAll uses the Searchable to find all the element indices that match the searching string.
 int findFirst(String s)
          Finds the first element that matches the searching text.
 int findFromCursor(String s)
          Finds the next matching index from the cursor.
 int findLast(String s)
          Finds the last element that matches the searching text.
 int findNext(String s)
          Finds the next matching index from the cursor.
 int findPrevious(String s)
          Finds the previous matching index from the cursor.
 void firePropertyChangeEvent(String searchingText)
protected  void fireSearchableEvent(SearchableEvent e)
          Fires a searchable event.
 Color getBackground()
          Gets the background color used inn the search popup.
 Component getComponent()
          Gets the actual component which installed this Searchable.
protected  int getCurrentIndex()
 int getCursor()
          Gets the cursor which is the index of current location when searching.
protected abstract  Object getElementAt(int index)
          Gets the element at the specified index.
 String getElementAtAsString(int index)
          Gets the element at the specified index as string using convertElementToString(Object) method.
protected abstract  int getElementCount()
          Gets the total element count in the component.
 Color getForeground()
          Gets the foreground color used inn the search popup.
 Color getMismatchForeground()
          Gets the foreground color when the searching text doesn't match with any of the elements in the component.
 int getPopupLocation()
          Gets the popup location.
 Component getPopupLocationRelativeTo()
          Gets the component that the location of the popup relative to.
 int getPopupTimeout()
          Gets the timeout for showing the popup.
protected  String getResourceString(String key)
          Gets the localized string from resource bundle.
static Searchable getSearchable(JComponent component)
          Gets the Searchable installed on the component.
 SearchableListener[] getSearchableListeners()
          Returns an array of all the SearchableListeners added to this SearchableGroup with addSearchableListener.
 SearchableProvider getSearchableProvider()
 int getSearchingDelay()
          If it returns a positive number, it will wait for that many ms before doing the search.
 String getSearchingText()
          Gets the searching text.
 String getSearchLabel()
          Gets the current text that appears in the search popup.
protected abstract  int getSelectedIndex()
          Gets the selected index in the component.
 WildcardSupport getWildcardSupport()
          Gets the WildcardSupport.
 void hidePopup()
          Hides the popup.
protected  void highlightAll()
          Highlight all matching cases in the target.
 void installListeners()
          Installs necessary listeners to the component.
protected  boolean isActivateKey(KeyEvent e)
          Checks if the key in KeyEvent should activate the search popup.
 boolean isCaseSensitive()
          Checks if the case is sensitive during searching.
 boolean isCountMatch()
          Gets the flag indicating if the Searchable should count all matches for every search.
protected  boolean isDeactivateKey(KeyEvent e)
          Checks if the key in KeyEvent should hide the search popup.
protected  boolean isFindFirstKey(KeyEvent e)
          Checks if the key is used as a key to find the first occurrence.
protected  boolean isFindLastKey(KeyEvent e)
          Checks if the key is used as a key to find the last occurrence.
protected  boolean isFindNextKey(KeyEvent e)
          Checks if the key is used as a key to find the next occurrence.
protected  boolean isFindPreviousKey(KeyEvent e)
          Checks if the key is used as a key to find the previous occurrence.
 boolean isFromStart()
          This is a property of how to compare searching text with the data.
 boolean isHeavyweightComponentEnabled()
 boolean isHideSearchPopupOnEvent()
          Get the flag indicating if the search popup should be hidden on the component's event.
protected  boolean isIncrementalSelectKey(KeyEvent e)
          Checks if the key will trigger incremental selection.
protected  boolean isNavigationKey(KeyEvent e)
          Checks if the key is used as a navigation key.
 boolean isPopupVisible()
          Check if the searchable popup is visible.
 boolean isProcessModelChangeEvent()
          Get the flag if we should process model change event.
 boolean isRepeats()
          Checks if restart from the beginning when searching reaches the end or restart from the end when reaches beginning.
 boolean isReverseOrder()
          Checks the searching order.
 boolean isSearchableListenerInstalled(SearchableListener l)
          Returns if a given listener is already installed.
protected  boolean isSelectAllKey(KeyEvent e)
          Checks if the key will trigger selecting all.
 boolean isWildcardEnabled()
          Checks if it supports wildcard in searching text.
protected  void keyTypedOrPressed(KeyEvent e)
          This method is called when a key is typed or pressed.
 void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener propertychangelistener)
          Removes the property change listener.
 void removeSearchableListener(SearchableListener l)
          Removes the specified searchable listener so that it no longer receives searchable events.
 int reverseFindFromCursor(String s)
          Finds the previous matching index from the cursor.
protected  void searchingTextEmpty()
          Actions to take on searching text empty scenario
protected  void select(int index, String searchingText)
          Select the index for the searching text.
 void setBackground(Color background)
          Sets the background color used by popup.
 void setCaseSensitive(boolean caseSensitive)
          Sets the case sensitive flag.
 void setCountMatch(boolean countMatch)
          Sets the flag indicating if the Searchable should count all matches for every search.
 void setCursor(int cursor)
          Sets the cursor which is the index of current location when searching.
 void setCursor(int cursor, boolean incremental)
          Sets the cursor which is the index of current location when searching.
 void setForeground(Color foreground)
          Sets the foreground color used by popup.
 void setFromStart(boolean fromStart)
          Sets the fromStart property.
 void setHeavyweightComponentEnabled(boolean heavyweightComponentEnabled)
 void setHideSearchPopupOnEvent(boolean hideSearchPopupOnEvent)
          Set the flag indicating if the search popup should be hidden on the component's event.
 void setMismatchForeground(Color mismatchForeground)
          Sets the foreground for mismatch.
 void setPopupLocation(int popupLocation)
          Sets the popup location.
 void setPopupLocationRelativeTo(Component popupLocationRelativeTo)
          Sets the location of the popup relative to the specified component.
 void setPopupTimeout(int popupTimeout)
          Sets the timeout for showing the popup.
 void setProcessModelChangeEvent(boolean processModelChangeEvent)
          Set the flag if we should process model change event.
 void setRepeats(boolean repeats)
          Sets the repeat flag.
 void setReverseOrder(boolean reverseOrder)
          Sets the searching order.
 void setSearchableProvider(SearchableProvider searchableProvider)
 void setSearchingDelay(int searchingDelay)
          If this flag is set to a positive number, it will wait for that many ms before doing the search.
 void setSearchLabel(String searchLabel)
          Sets the text that appears in the search popup.
protected abstract  void setSelectedIndex(int index, boolean incremental)
          Sets the selected index.
 void setWildcardEnabled(boolean wildcardEnabled)
          Enable or disable the usage of wildcard.
 void setWildcardSupport(WildcardSupport wildcardSupport)
          Sets the WildcardSupport.
 void showPopup(String searchingText)
          Shows the search popup.
protected  void textChanged(String text)
 void uninstallListeners()
          Uninstall the listeners that installed before.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final JComponent _component


protected int _matchCount


protected ComponentListener _componentListener


protected KeyListener _keyListener


protected FocusListener _focusListener


public static final String PROPERTY_SEARCH_TEXT
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected EventListenerList listenerList
A list of event listeners for this component.


public static final String CLIENT_PROPERTY_SEARCHABLE
The client property for Searchable instance. When Searchable is installed on a component, this client property has the Searchable.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public Searchable(JComponent component)
Creates a Searchable.

component - component where the Searchable will be installed.


public Searchable(JComponent component,
                  SearchableProvider searchableProvider)
Creates a Searchable.

component - component where the Searchable will be installed.
searchableProvider - the Searchable Provider.
Method Detail


protected abstract int getSelectedIndex()
Gets the selected index in the component. The concrete implementation should call methods on the component to retrieve the current selected index. If the component supports multiple selection, it's OK just return the index of the first selection.

Here are some examples. In the case of JList, the index is the row index. In the case of JTree, the index is the row index too. In the case of JTable, depending on the selection mode, the index could be row index (in row selection mode), could be column index (in column selection mode) or could the cell index (in cell selection mode).

the selected index.


protected abstract void setSelectedIndex(int index,
                                         boolean incremental)
Sets the selected index. The concrete implementation should call methods on the component to select the element at the specified index. The incremental flag is used to do multiple select. If the flag is true, the element at the index should be added to current selection. If false, you should clear previous selection and then select the element.

index - the index to be selected
incremental - a flag to enable multiple selection. If the flag is true, the element at the index should be added to current selection. If false, you should clear previous selection and then select the element.


public void adjustSelectedIndex(int index,
                                boolean incremental)
Sets the selected index. The reason we have this method is just for back compatibility. All the method do is just to invoke setSelectedIndex(int, boolean).

Please do NOT try to override this method. Always override setSelectedIndex(int, boolean) instead.

index - the index to be selected
incremental - a flag to enable multiple selection. If the flag is true, the element at the index should be added to current selection. If false, you should clear previous selection and then select the element.


protected abstract int getElementCount()
Gets the total element count in the component. Different concrete implementation could have different interpretation of the count. This is totally OK as long as it's consistent in all the methods. For example, the index parameter in other methods should be always a valid value within the total count.

the total element count.


protected abstract Object getElementAt(int index)
Gets the element at the specified index. The element could be any data structure that internally used in the component. The convertElementToString method will give you a chance to convert the element to string which is used to compare with the string that user types in.

index - the index
the element at the specified index.


protected abstract String convertElementToString(Object element)
Converts the element that returns from getElementAt() to string.

element - the element to be converted
the string representing the element in the component.


public String convertToString(Object element)
Converts the element to String.

This method will invoke convertElementToString(Object) only. This method is added to provide a public method for ShrinkSearchSupport without breaking the existing code of the customers.

element - the element to be converted
the string representing the element in the component.


public boolean isHideSearchPopupOnEvent()
Get the flag indicating if the search popup should be hidden on the component's event.

By default, the value is true so that the search popup will be hidden anyway when the component get related events. However, you could set this flag to false if you don't want to hide the search popup in some scenarios. For example, JIDE ComboBoxShrinkSearchableSupport will set this flag to false temporarily when it tries to shrink the list.

true if the search popup is hidden on event. Otherwise false.


public void setHideSearchPopupOnEvent(boolean hideSearchPopupOnEvent)
Set the flag indicating if the search popup should be hidden on the component's event.

hideSearchPopupOnEvent - the flag
See Also:


public void hidePopup()
Hides the popup.


public SearchableProvider getSearchableProvider()


public void setSearchableProvider(SearchableProvider searchableProvider)


public void installListeners()
Installs necessary listeners to the component. This method will be called automatically when Searchable is created.


protected ComponentListener createComponentListener()
Creates a component listener that updates the popup when component is hidden, moved or resized.

a ComponentListener.


protected KeyListener createKeyListener()
Creates the KeyListener and listen to key typed in the component.

the KeyListener.


protected FocusListener createFocusListener()
Creates a FocusListener. We use it to hide the popup when the component loses focus.

a FocusListener.


public void uninstallListeners()
Uninstall the listeners that installed before. This method is never called because we don't have the control of the life cycle of the component. However you can call this method if you don't want the component to be searchable any more.


public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener propertychangelistener)
Adds the property change listener. The only property change event that will be fired is the "searchText" property which will be fired when user types in a different search text in the popup.

propertychangelistener - the listener


public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener propertychangelistener)
Removes the property change listener.

propertychangelistener - the listener


public void firePropertyChangeEvent(String searchingText)


protected void searchingTextEmpty()
Actions to take on searching text empty scenario


protected boolean compare(Object element,
                          String searchingText)
Checks if the element matches the searching text.

element - the element to be checked
searchingText - the searching text
true if matches.


protected boolean compare(String text,
                          String searchingText)
Checks if the element string matches the searching text. Different from compare(Object, String), this method is after the element has been converted to string using convertElementToString(Object).

text - the text to be checked
searchingText - the searching text
true if matches.


public int getCursor()
Gets the cursor which is the index of current location when searching. The value will be used in findNext and findPrevious.

the current position of the cursor.


public void setCursor(int cursor)
Sets the cursor which is the index of current location when searching. The value will be used in findNext and findPrevious.

cursor - the new position of the cursor.


public void setCursor(int cursor,
                      boolean incremental)
Sets the cursor which is the index of current location when searching. The value will be used in findNext and findPrevious. We will call this method automatically inside this class. However, if you ever call setSelectedIndex(int, boolean) method from your code, you should call this method with the same parameters.

cursor - the new position of the cursor.
incremental - a flag to enable multiple selection. If the flag is true, the element at the index should be added to current selection. If false, you should clear previous selection and then select the element.


protected void highlightAll()
Highlight all matching cases in the target.

In default implementation, it will just search all texts in the target to highlight all. If you have a really huge text to search, you may want to override this method to have a lazy behavior on visible areas only.


protected void cancelHighlightAll()
Cancel highlight all.

By default, it does nothing. However, if you want to override highlightAll(), you may want to override this method to notify your Searchable that the highlightAll button is to be released.


protected void select(int index,
                      String searchingText)
Select the index for the searching text.

index - the start offset
searchingText - the searching text presented in the searchable event to be fired here.


public int findNext(String s)
Finds the next matching index from the cursor.

s - the searching text
the next index that the element matches the searching text.


protected int getCurrentIndex()


public int findPrevious(String s)
Finds the previous matching index from the cursor.

s - the searching text
the previous index that the element matches the searching text.


public int findFromCursor(String s)
Finds the next matching index from the cursor. If it reaches the end, it will restart from the beginning. However is the reverseOrder flag is true, it will finds the previous matching index from the cursor. If it reaches the beginning, it will restart from the end.

s - the searching text
the next index that the element matches the searching text.


public int reverseFindFromCursor(String s)
Finds the previous matching index from the cursor. If it reaches the beginning, it will restart from the end.

s - the searching text
the next index that the element matches the searching text.


public int findFirst(String s)
Finds the first element that matches the searching text.

s - the searching text
the first element that matches with the searching text.


public int findLast(String s)
Finds the last element that matches the searching text.

s - the searching text
the last element that matches the searching text.


protected void keyTypedOrPressed(KeyEvent e)
This method is called when a key is typed or pressed.

e - the KeyEvent.


public void showPopup(String searchingText)
Shows the search popup. By default, the search popup will be visible automatically when user types in the first key (in the case of JList, JTree, JTable) or types in designated keystroke (in the case of JTextComponent). So this method is only used when you want to show the popup manually.

searchingText - the searching text


protected Searchable.SearchPopup createSearchPopup(String searchingText)
Creates the popup to hold the searching text.

searchingText - the searching text
the searching popup.


public String getSearchingText()
Gets the searching text.

the searching text.


protected boolean isFindFirstKey(KeyEvent e)
Checks if the key is used as a key to find the first occurrence.

e - the key event
true if the key in KeyEvent is a key to find the firstoccurrencee. By default, home key is used.


protected boolean isFindLastKey(KeyEvent e)
Checks if the key is used as a key to find the last occurrence.

e - the key event
true if the key in KeyEvent is a key to find the last occurrence. By default, end key is used.


protected boolean isFindPreviousKey(KeyEvent e)
Checks if the key is used as a key to find the previous occurrence.

e - the key event
true if the key in KeyEvent is a key to find the previous occurrence. By default, up arrow key is used.


protected boolean isFindNextKey(KeyEvent e)
Checks if the key is used as a key to find the next occurrence.

e - the key event
true if the key in KeyEvent is a key to find the next occurrence. By default, down arrow key is used.


protected boolean isNavigationKey(KeyEvent e)
Checks if the key is used as a navigation key. Navigation keys are keys which are used to navigate to other occurrences of the searching string.

e - the key event
true if the key in KeyEvent is a navigation key.


protected boolean isActivateKey(KeyEvent e)
Checks if the key in KeyEvent should activate the search popup.

e - the key event
true if the keyChar is visible except space and tab.


protected boolean isDeactivateKey(KeyEvent e)
Checks if the key in KeyEvent should hide the search popup. If this method return true and the key is not used for navigation purpose (isNavigationKey(java.awt.event.KeyEvent) return false), the popup will be hidden.

e - the key event
true if the keyCode in the KeyEvent is escape key, enter key, or any of the arrow keys such as page up, page down, home, end, left, right, up and down.


protected boolean isSelectAllKey(KeyEvent e)
Checks if the key will trigger selecting all.

e - the key event
true if the key in KeyEvent is a key to trigger selecting all.


protected boolean isIncrementalSelectKey(KeyEvent e)
Checks if the key will trigger incremental selection.

e - the key event
true if the key in KeyEvent is a key to trigger incremental selection. By default, ctrl down key is used.


public Color getMismatchForeground()
Gets the foreground color when the searching text doesn't match with any of the elements in the component.

the foreground color for mismatch. If you never call setMismatchForeground(java.awt.Color). red color will be used.


public void setMismatchForeground(Color mismatchForeground)
Sets the foreground for mismatch.

mismatchForeground - mismatch forground


public boolean isCaseSensitive()
Checks if the case is sensitive during searching.

true if the searching is case sensitive.


public void setCaseSensitive(boolean caseSensitive)
Sets the case sensitive flag. By default, it's false meaning it's a case insensitive search.

caseSensitive - the flag if searching is case sensitive


public int getSearchingDelay()
If it returns a positive number, it will wait for that many ms before doing the search. When the searching is complex, this flag will be useful to make the searching efficient. In the other words, if user types in several keys very quickly, there will be only one search. If it returns 0 or negative number, each key will generate a search.

the number of ms delay before searching starts.


public void setSearchingDelay(int searchingDelay)
If this flag is set to a positive number, it will wait for that many ms before doing the search. When the searching is complex, this flag will be useful to make the searching efficient. In the other words, if user types in several keys very quickly, there will be only one search. If this flag is set to 0 , each key will generate a search with no delay. If this flag is set to a negative number, there are different behaviors. SearchableBar will not generate any search while typing, but others will generate a search with no delay as well as it is set to 0.

searchingDelay - the number of ms delay before searching start.


public boolean isRepeats()
Checks if restart from the beginning when searching reaches the end or restart from the end when reaches beginning. Default is false.

true or false.


public void setRepeats(boolean repeats)
Sets the repeat flag. By default, it's false meaning it will stop searching when reaching the end or reaching the beginning.

repeats - the repeat flag


public Color getForeground()
Gets the foreground color used inn the search popup.

the foreground. By default it will use the foreground of tooltip.


public void setForeground(Color foreground)
Sets the foreground color used by popup.

foreground - the foreground


public Color getBackground()
Gets the background color used inn the search popup.

the background. By default it will use the background of tooltip.


public void setBackground(Color background)
Sets the background color used by popup.

background - the background


public boolean isWildcardEnabled()
Checks if it supports wildcard in searching text. By default it is true which means user can type in "*" or "?" to match with any characters or any character. If it's false, it will treat "*" or "?" as a regular character.

true if it supports wildcard.


public void setWildcardEnabled(boolean wildcardEnabled)
Enable or disable the usage of wildcard.

wildcardEnabled - the flag if wildcard is enabled
See Also:


public WildcardSupport getWildcardSupport()
Gets the WildcardSupport. If user never sets it, DefaultWildcardSupport will be used.

the WildcardSupport.


public void setWildcardSupport(WildcardSupport wildcardSupport)
Sets the WildcardSupport. This class allows you to define what wildcards to use and how to convert the wildcard strings to a regular expression string which is eventually used to search.

wildcardSupport - the new WildCardSupport.


public String getSearchLabel()
Gets the current text that appears in the search popup. By default it is "Search for: ".

the text that appears in the search popup.


public void setSearchLabel(String searchLabel)
Sets the text that appears in the search popup.

searchLabel - the search label


public void addSearchableListener(SearchableListener l)
Adds the specified listener to receive searchable events from this searchable.

l - the searchable listener


public void removeSearchableListener(SearchableListener l)
Removes the specified searchable listener so that it no longer receives searchable events.

l - the searchable listener


public SearchableListener[] getSearchableListeners()
Returns an array of all the SearchableListeners added to this SearchableGroup with addSearchableListener.

all of the SearchableListeners added or an empty array if no listeners have been added
See Also:


public boolean isSearchableListenerInstalled(SearchableListener l)
Returns if a given listener is already installed.

l - the listener
true if the listener is already installed. Otherwise false.


protected void fireSearchableEvent(SearchableEvent e)
Fires a searchable event.

e - the event


public Component getComponent()
Gets the actual component which installed this Searchable.

the actual component which installed this Searchable.


public int getPopupLocation()
Gets the popup location. It could be either SwingConstants.TOP or SwingConstants.BOTTOM.

the popup location.


public void setPopupLocation(int popupLocation)
Sets the popup location.

popupLocation - the popup location. The valid values are either SwingConstants.TOP or SwingConstants.BOTTOM.


public boolean isReverseOrder()
Checks the searching order. By default the searchable starts searching from top to bottom. If this flag is false, it searches from bottom to top.

the reverseOrder flag.


public void setReverseOrder(boolean reverseOrder)
Sets the searching order. By default the searchable starts searching from top to bottom. If this flag is false, it searches from bottom to top.

reverseOrder - the flag if searching from top to bottom or from bottom to top


protected String getResourceString(String key)
Gets the localized string from resource bundle. Subclass can override it to provide its own string. Available keys are defined in swing.properties that begin with "Searchable.".

key - the resource string key
the localized string.


public boolean isPopupVisible()
Check if the searchable popup is visible.

true if visible. Otherwise, false.


public boolean isHeavyweightComponentEnabled()


public void setHeavyweightComponentEnabled(boolean heavyweightComponentEnabled)


public Component getPopupLocationRelativeTo()
Gets the component that the location of the popup relative to.

the component that the location of the popup relative to.


public void setPopupLocationRelativeTo(Component popupLocationRelativeTo)
Sets the location of the popup relative to the specified component. Then based on the value of getPopupLocation(). If you never set, we will use the searchable component or its scroll pane (if exists) as the popupLocationRelativeTo component.

popupLocationRelativeTo - the relative component


public boolean isFromStart()
This is a property of how to compare searching text with the data. If it is true, it will use String.startsWith(String) to do the comparison. Otherwise, it will use String.indexOf(String) to do the comparison.

true or false.


public void setFromStart(boolean fromStart)
Sets the fromStart property.

fromStart - true if the comparison matches from the start of the text only. Otherwise false. The difference is if true, it will use String's startWith method to match. If false, it will use indedxOf method.


public static Searchable getSearchable(JComponent component)
Gets the Searchable installed on the component. Null is no Searchable was installed.

component - the component
the Searchable installed. Null is no Searchable was installed.


public boolean isProcessModelChangeEvent()
Get the flag if we should process model change event.

By default, the value is true, which means the model change event should be processed.

In ListShrinkSearchableSupport case, since we will fire this event while applying filters. This flag will be switched to false before we fire the event and set it back to true.

In normal case, please do not set this flag.

true if we should process model change event. Otherwise false.


public void setProcessModelChangeEvent(boolean processModelChangeEvent)
Set the flag if we should process model change event.

In normal case, please do not set this flag.

processModelChangeEvent - the flag
See Also:


public int getPopupTimeout()
Gets the timeout for showing the popup.

the popup timeout.
See Also:


public void setPopupTimeout(int popupTimeout)
Sets the timeout for showing the popup.

By default, the timeout value is 0, which means no timeout. You could set it to a positive value to automatically hide the search popup after an idle time.

popupTimeout - the timeout in milliseconds


public boolean isCountMatch()
Gets the flag indicating if the Searchable should count all matches for every search.

true if should count all matches. Otherwise false.
See Also:


public void setCountMatch(boolean countMatch)
Sets the flag indicating if the Searchable should count all matches for every search.

By default, the flag is false to keep performance high.

countMatch - the flag


public List<Integer> findAll(String s)
findAll uses the Searchable to find all the element indices that match the searching string.

s - the searching string.
the list of indices.


public String getElementAtAsString(int index)
Gets the element at the specified index as string using convertElementToString(Object) method.

index - the index.
the element at the index converted to string.


protected void textChanged(String text)

JIDE 3.5.15