JIDE 3.5.15

Package com.jidesoft.swing

The package contains many based classes we added on top of Swing for JIDE Common Layer.


Interface Summary
Alignable Alignable is an interface that can be implemented by any components to provide information such as how to set orientation and check whether a component supports vertical orientation or horizontal orientation.
AlignmentSupport A general interface for alignment support.
AnimatorListener This is a listener that can be used to customize the behaviour of animation.
ButtonStyle The definitions of various button style.
ComponentStateSupport A component should implement this interface if it supports various background and foreground for different states.
DraggableHandle An interface to indicate a component can be used as a handle to be drag.
IContour A Contour is a lightweight component which only paints the outline of component when dragged.
JideMenu.MenuCreator Deprecated. The createMenu method of MenuCreator should JPopupMenu as parameter.
JideMenu.PopupMenuCustomizer Customizes the popup menu.
JideMenu.PopupMenuOriginCalculator Calculates the origin of the popup menu if specified.
JideScrollPaneConstants Constants used with the JideScrollPane component.
JideSwingUtilities.ConditionHandler A simple handler used by setRecursively.
JideSwingUtilities.GetHandler A simple handler used by getRecursively.
JideSwingUtilities.Handler A simple handler used by setRecursively.
JideTabbedPane.ColorProvider An interface to provide colors for tab background and foreground.
JideTabbedPane.GradientColorProvider A ColorProvider that can supports gradient tab background.
LabeledTextField.PopupMenuCustomizer The PopupMenuCustomizer for the context menu when clicking on the label/icon before the text field.
LayoutPersistence An interface to support persist layout.
NavigationComponent A markup interface to indicate a component is for the navigation.
Overlayable Overlayable provides a way to add a number of components on top of another component as the overlay components.
Prioritized An interface to indicate something that has priority.
ResizableSupport An interface to indicate a component support Resizable.
RootPanePersistence One special type of LayoutPersistence, which will maintain the JFrame's bounds and state while loading.
SearchableBar.Installer The installer for SearchableBar.
SearchableProvider SearchableProvider is an interface that works with Searchable to provide different way to supply the searching text.
Selectable Selectable is an interface indicating something is selectable.
ShadowRenderer An interface for adding a shadow to an in-memory image
SplitButtonModel SplitButtonModel is for JideSplitButton.
StringConverter An interface to convert a string to anther one.
TabColorProvider A Color Provider to provide background and foreground for both JideTabbedPane and SidePaneItem.
TabEditingListener Defines an object which listens for TabEditingEvent.
TopLevelMenuContainer A markup interface to indicate this is a top level menu or command bar.
UndoableSupport A general interface to provide undoable support within Swing component.
WholeWordsSupport An interface to support whole words.

Class Summary
AbstractLayoutPersistence Abstract implementation of LayoutPersistence.
Animator An ActionListener with a timer.
ArrowKeyNavigationSupport This is a util class to support the four arrow keys navigation in any container.
AutoCompletion AutoCompletion is a helper class to make JTextComponent or JComboBox auto-complete based on a list of known items.
AutoCompletionComboBox An auto completion combobox.
AutoRepeatButtonUtils AutoRepeatButtonUtils is a utility class which can make a button automatically trigger action events continuously.
AutoResizingTextArea An extended version of JTextArea that automatically resizes itself vertically.
AutoScroll Please note: we are still polishing this class and may change the public interface in the future.
Calculator Calculator is a component that can do simple arithmetic calculation.
CheckBoxList CheckBoxList is a special JList which uses JCheckBox as the list element.
CheckBoxListCellRenderer Renders an item in a list using JCheckBox.
CheckBoxListCellRenderer.UIResource A subclass of CheckBoxListCellRenderer that implements UIResource.
CheckBoxListWithSelectable CheckBoxListWithSelectable is a special JList which uses JCheckBox as the list element.
CheckBoxTree CheckBoxTree is a special JTree which uses JCheckBox as the tree renderer.
CheckBoxTree.Handler CheckBoxTree's mouse event handler, key event handler and tree selection event handler.
CheckBoxTreeCellRenderer Renderers an item in a tree using JCheckBox.
CheckBoxTreeSelectionModel CheckBoxTreeSelectionModel is a selection _model based on DefaultTreeSelectionModel and use in CheckBoxTree to keep track of the checked tree paths.
ClickThroughLabel ClickThroughLabel is a special JLabel that will retarget all mouse events to specified target component.
ClickThroughStyledLabel ClickThroughStyledLabel is a special ClickThroughStyledLabel that will retarget all mouse events to specified target component.
ComboBoxSearchable ComboBoxSearchable is an concrete implementation of Searchable that enables the search function in non-editable JComboBox.
ContentContainer In JIDE Action Framework, ContentContainer is the area that contains all command bars.
Contour A Contour is a lightweight component which only paints the outline of component when dragged.
DefaultOverlayable DefaultOverlayable is the default implementation of Overlayable using JPanel as the base component.
DefaultSelectable The element used by CheckBoxList's ListModel.
DelayUndoManager An undo manager that aggregates UndoableEdits into one CompoundEdit if they are executed very close to each other.
DelegateAction DelegateAction is a special AbstractAction which can do something then delegate to another action depending on the return value of DelegateAction.delegateActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent).
DelegateMouseInputListener This mouse input listener can delegate the mouse events to another mouse input listener.
DelegateMouseListener This mouse listener can delegate the mouse events to another mouse listener.
DelegateMouseMotionListener This mouse motion listener can delegate the mouse events to another mouse motion listener.
Flashable Flashable is a basic interface to enable flashing in any component.
FolderChooser FolderChooser provides a simple mechanism for the user to choose a folder.
FontUtils This is a global class to keep a record of Font so that we can improve the performance and memory usage in various scenarios like StyledLabel.
Gripper Gripper is a component that you can drag.
HeaderBox HeaderBox is a special component that is used in JIDE Pivot Grid product to mimic a button with table header style.
HeavyweightWrapper HeavyweightWrapper is a special heavyweight Panel that can hold another component.
IconBorder IconBorder creates a border that places an Icon in the border on one or several sides.
JCellRendererPane Deprecated. no longer used in other JIDE classes.
JideBorderLayout This is a modified version of BorderLayout.
JideBoxLayout JideBoxLayout is very similar to BoxLayout in the way that all components are arranged either from left to right or from top to bottom.
JideButton JideButton is a replacement for JButton when it is used on toolbar (or command bar in the case of JIDE Action Framework).
JideComboBox JideComboBox is a JCombobox used on JToolBar or CommandBar.
JideCursors A utility class that create additional cursors used by JIDE products.
JideLabel Just like JideButton comparing to JButton, JideLabel is like JLabel except it is used on JToolBar or CommandBar.
JideMenu A special implementation of JMenu.
JidePopupMenu This component extends JPopupMenu and adds a method to display the menu inside the screen even if the mouse pointer is near the edge of the screen.
JideScrollPane JideScrollPane is an enhanced version of JScrollPane.
JideScrollPaneLayout The layout manager used by JideScrollPane.
JideSplitButton JideSplitButton is a combination of button and menu.
JideSplitPane JideSplitPane is used to divide multiple Components.
JideSplitPaneDivider Divider used by JideSplitPane.
JideSplitPaneLayout Layout manager used by JideSplitPane.
JideSwingUtilities A utilities class for Swing.
JideTabbedPane JideTabbedPane is an enhanced version of JTabbedPane.
JideTabbedPane.TabListCellRenderer The default tab list cell renderer used to renderer the list in the popup when tab list button is pressed.
JideTitledBorder The source code is the same as TitledBorder in JDK 1.4.2 except field TEXT_INSET_H is 0 instead of 5.
JideToggleButton An implementation of a two-state JideButton.
JideToggleButton.ToggleButtonModel The ToggleButton model

Warning: Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Swing releases.

JideToggleSplitButton An implementation of a two-state JideButton.
JideToggleSplitButton.ToggleSplitButtonModel The ToggleButton model

Warning: Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Swing releases.

JToolTipFactory This class creates instances of JTooltip components.
LabeledTextField LabeledTextField is a combo component which includes text field and an optional JLabel in the front and another optional AbstractButton at the end.
LayoutPersistenceManager LayoutPersistenceManager can manage multiple LayoutPersistences as one unit.
LegacyTristateCheckBox Deprecated. Replaced by TristateCheckBox.
LegacyTristateCheckBox.State This is a type-safe enumerated type
ListSearchable ListSearchable is an concrete implementation of Searchable that enables the search function in JList.
MarqueePane MarqueePane is a subclass of JScrollPane with automation of scrolling.
MultilineLabel Normal JLabel cannot have multiple lines.
MultilineToggleButton A toggle button (JCheckBox or JRadioButton) that can wrap its label to extend to multiple lines.
NavigationComponentHelper NavigationComponentHelper is a helper class to implement on JTree, JList and JTable (or JIDE table subclasses) so they can be used for the navigation purpose.
NullButton This is part of the null-components.
NullCheckBox This is part of the null-components.
NullJideButton This is part of the null-components.
NullLabel This is part of the null-components.
NullPanel This is part of the null-components.
NullRadioButton This is part of the null-components.
NullTristateCheckBox This is part of the null-components.
OverlayableIconsFactory A helper class to contain icons for the overlayable components Those icons are copyrighted by JIDE Software, Inc.
OverlayableUtils This util class has several methods related to Overlayable.
PaintPanel A panel which support Paint as background.
PartialGradientLineBorder This is a border which allows you to have gradient line only at one side or several sides.
PartialLineBorder This is a better version of LineBorder which allows you to show line only at one side or several sides and supports rounded corner.
PopupWindow PopupWindow class

You can add another JPopupMenu or JComboxBox in this popup.

RangeSlider RangeSlider is a slider that can be used to select a range.
Resizable Resizable is a class that supports the resizable feature.
ResizableDialog A resizable undecorated dialog.
ResizableFrame A resizable undecorated frame.
ResizableMouseInputAdapter Mouse input listener to control the resizing of Resizable component.
ResizablePanel ResizablePanel is a panel that can be resized.
ResizableWindow A resizable window.
ScrollPaneOverview Original code http://forums.java.net/jive/thread.jspa?forumID=73&threadID=14674 under "Do whatever you want with this code" license
Searchable JList, JTable and JTree are three data-rich components.
SearchableBar SearchableBar is a convenient component to enable searching feature for components.
SearchableBarIconsFactory A helper class to contain icons for SearchableBar.
SearchableUtils Utility class to make component searchable.
SelectAllUtils SelectAllUtils is a utility class to select all the text in a text component when the component first time receives focus.
SelectionModelGroup<T,V> This class is used to create a multiple-exclusion scope for a set of any selection model so that one selection model can have selected index at a time.
ShadowFactory A shadow factory generates a drop shadow for any given picture, respecting the transparency channel if present.
SidePane SidePane is a component that can display several buttons horzontally or vertically.
SidePaneGroup A data structure used by SidePane to represent a group of SidePaneItem.
SidePaneItem SidePaneItem is a data structure used by SidePane.
SimpleScrollPane SimpleScrollPane is a special scroll pane.
SplashScreen Deprecated. We will not work on this component in the future.
SplitButtonGroup SplitButtonGroup extends ButtonGroup to provide the same button grouping function for JideToggleSplitButton.
Sticky Sticky is a helper class to make JList or JTree or JTable changing selection when mouse moves.
StyledLabel StyledLabel is a special JLabel which can display text in different styles.
StyledLabelBuilder StyledLabelBuilder is a quick way to define StyledLabel.
StyledToolTip A Tooltip that could receives StyledLabel annotations.
StyleRange A data structure represents a style for a range of text.
TableSearchable TableSearchable is an concrete implementation of Searchable that enables the search function in JTable.
TextComponentSearchable TextComponentSearchable is an concrete implementation of Searchable that enables the search function in JTextComponent.
TitledSeparator TitledSeparator is a component used for separating components on a panel or in a GUI.
TransparentComponentWrapper This is a wrapper component for containing another component that uses a transparent (or translucent background).
TreeSearchable TreeSearchable is an concrete implementation of Searchable that enables the search function in JTree.
TristateButtonModel Model for TristateCheckBox.
TristateCheckBox TristateCheckBox is a check box with three states - selected, unselected and mixed (a.k.a partial selected state).
VisibilityFocusTraversalPolicy The focus traversal policy to screen out those components that are not actually painted in the target container.
WeakPropertyChangeListener How to use this:

Package com.jidesoft.swing Description

The package contains many based classes we added on top of Swing for JIDE Common Layer.

JIDE 3.5.15