JIDE 3.5.15

Package com.jidesoft.docking

The package contains classes for JIDE Docking Framework product.


Interface Summary
DeprecatedDockingManager This interface hold all methods that are implement only for backward compatibility.
Dockable An interface to indicate the component can be docked to a DockableHolder.
DockableHolder DockableHolder inteface is used to indicate the container can hold Dockable.
DockingFrameworkContour A Contour is a lightweight component which only paints the outline of component when dragged.
DockingManager DockingManager is an interface that has a bunch of methods which managers DockableFrames.
DockingManager.FloatingContainerCustomizer A FloatingContainer customizer so that users can customize the FloatingContainer.
DockingManager.TabbedPaneCustomizer A tabbed pane customizer so that users can customize the appearance of tabbed pane.
PopupMenuCustomizer Interface to customer a popup menu for dockable frame.
Refocusable An interface to provide a method to return focus to the last previous focus owner, or to a default focus component if the last previous focus owner is null or unknown.

Class Summary
AutoHideContainer AutoHideContainer extends SidePane which allows DockableFrame to shrink to one side of JFrame.
AutoHideMouseListener MouseListener for AutohideContainer.
ContainerContainer ContainerContainer extends JideSplitPane.
ContainerContainerDivider The divider between DockableFrames in Docking Framework.
DefaultAppletDockableHolder JApplet implementation of DockableHolder.
DefaultDialogDockableHolder Default implementation of DockableHolder for JDialog.
DefaultDockableHolder Default implementation of DockableHolder.
DefaultDockingManager Default implementation of DockingManager.
DefaultInternalFrameDockableHolder A JInternalFrame implementation of DockableHolder.
DefaultWindowDockableHolder Default implementation of DockableHolder for JWindow.
DialogFloatingContainer Container to hold DockableFrame when they are floating.
DockableFrame A lightweight frame that provides many of the features of a native frame, including dragging, hiding, resizing, title display, and support docking, auto-hiding and floating.
DockableFramePopup DockableFramePopup is a component that integrates JidePopup with DockableFrame.
DockableHolderPanel A JPanel which can be used as DockableHolder.
DockContext A object that stores state, mode and size information of a DockableFrame.
DockedFrameContainer Container that holds all other dockable components except side panes.
DockingLayoutLoader DockingLayoutLoader is a utility that loads a layout produced by docking framework without actually loading it into a DockingManager.
DockingManagerGroup This class is used to create a multiple-exclusion scope for a set of DockingManagers.
DockingManagerUndoableEdit An UndoableEdit for DockingManager.
DockingPersistenceUtils The docking persistence utility class to save/load docking layout to/from XML format stream or file.
FrameContainer Container to hold DockableFrame when they are tabbed.
FrameFloatingContainer Container to hold DockableFrame when they are floating.
NotificationFlasher An ActionListener with timer.
SlidingOverFrameContainer Container that holds the frames that are sliding over the docked panels.
WindowFloatingContainer Container to hold DockableFrame when they are floating.
Workspace Container for document windows.

Package com.jidesoft.docking Description

The package contains classes for JIDE Docking Framework product.

JIDE 3.5.15