JIDE 3.5.15

Interface DeprecatedDockingManager

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface DeprecatedDockingManager

This interface hold all methods that are implement only for backward compatibility. In the future this class and all the contain methods will not longer be supported. In most cases the functionality is supported by another function.

In some cases the functions represented internal event handling and are now perform no operation.

Method Summary
 void autohideFrame(DockableFrame frame, int side, int index)
          Deprecated. use #autohideFrame(String,int,int) instead.
 MouseListener createAutoHideMouseListener(DockableFrame frame, int side)
          Deprecated. This was for internal eventing and is no longer needed.
 void dockFrame(DockableFrame dockableFrame, int side, int index)
          Deprecated. use #dockFrame(String,int,int) instead.
 void doLayout()
          Deprecated. This was for internal eventing and is no longer needed.
 void floatFrame(DockableFrame dockableFrame, Rectangle bounds, boolean isSingle)
          Deprecated. use #floatFrame(String, Rectangle, boolean). All frame accessor should use keys to prevents memory leaks
 void floatingFrameActivated(WindowEvent windowEvent)
          Deprecated. This was for internal eventing and is no longer needed.
 void floatingFrameDeactivated(WindowEvent windowEvent)
          Deprecated. This was for internal eventing and is no longer needed.
 DockableFrame getActiveFrame()
          Deprecated. use #getActiveFrameKey() instead.
 AutoHideContainer getAutoHideContaner(int side)
          Deprecated. use #getAutoHideContainer(int). This method had a typo.
 Component getDefaultFocusComponent()
          Deprecated. The Docking Manager doesn't have it's own focus policy. It routes all focus to the individual frames or the workspace because these components implement Refocusable. Refocusable.getDefaultFocusComponent().
 DockableFrame getFirstFrame()
          Deprecated. use #getFirstFrameKey(). All frame accessor should use keys to prevents memory leaks
 DockableFrame getLastFrame()
          Deprecated. use #getLastFrameKey(). All frame accessor should use keys to prevents memory leaks
 JFrame getMainFrame()
          Deprecated. use getRootPaneContainer instead since DockingManager can support all RootPaneContainer, not just JFrame
 DockableFrame getMaximizedFrame()
          Deprecated. use getMaximizedFrame(). All frame accessor should use keys to prevents memory leaks
 DockableFrame getNextFrame(DockableFrame frame)
          Deprecated. use #getNextFrameKey(String). All frame accessor should use keys to prevents memory leaks
 DockableFrame getPreviousFrame(DockableFrame frame)
          Deprecated. use #getPreviousFrameKey(String). All frame accessor should use keys to prevents memory leaks
 void handleEscapeKey(AWTEvent event)
          Deprecated. This was for internal eventing and is no longer needed.
 void hideActiveAutohideFrame()
          Deprecated. use #stopShowingAutohideFrame(). This method had confusing but similar functionality
 boolean isAllowRequestFocus()
          Deprecated. This was for internal eventing and is no longer needed.
 boolean isFocusDuringLoadLayout()
          Deprecated. This was for internal eventing and is no longer needed.
 void setAutohideShowingFrame(DockableFrame frame)
          Deprecated. This was for internal eventing and is no longer needed.
 void setDefaultFocusComponent(Component defaultFocusComponent)
          Deprecated. The Docking Manager doesn't have it's own focus policy. It routes all focus to the individual frames or the workspace because these components implement Refocusable. Refocusable.setDefaultFocusComponent(Component defaultFocusComponent).

The approach is to now call setDefaultFocusComponent() on Workspace or DockableFrame. This will mean that whenever the getMainContainer() (which is what is added to the user's provided content pane) receives focus it will transfer it to the active pane's (Workspace or DockableFrame) defaultFocusComponent. By default, we will use workspace.getDefaultFocusComponent and put focus on it. If you want the focus to be in a DockableFrame, you can call dockingManager.activateFrame after loadLayoutData is called.

 void setFocusDuringLayout(boolean doFocus)
          Deprecated. This was for internal eventing and is no longer needed.
 void startShowingAutohideFrame(DockableFrame frame, int side, int delay)
          Deprecated. use #startShowingAutohideFrame(String,int,int) instead.
 void startShowingAutohideFrame(DockableFrame frame, int side, int delay, boolean forceFocus)
          Deprecated. use #startShowingAutohideFrame(String,int,int) instead.
 void toggleAutohideState(DockableFrame frame)
          Deprecated. use #toggleAutohideState(String). All frame accessor should use keys to prevents memory leaks
 void toggleDockable(DockableFrame frame)
          Deprecated. use #toggleDockable(String). All frame accessor should use keys to prevents memory leaks
 void toggleMaximizeState(DockableFrame f)
          Deprecated. use #toggleMaximizeState(String). All frame accessor should use keys to prevents memory leaks
 void toggleState(DockableFrame frame, boolean single)
          Deprecated. use #toggleState(String,java.awt.Rectangle,boolean) instead. *

Method Detail


DockableFrame getActiveFrame()
Deprecated. use #getActiveFrameKey() instead.

currently selected frame


void startShowingAutohideFrame(DockableFrame frame,
                                          int side,
                                          int delay)
Deprecated. use #startShowingAutohideFrame(String,int,int) instead.

Starts to show the autohide frame.

frame -
side -
delay -


void startShowingAutohideFrame(DockableFrame frame,
                                          int side,
                                          int delay,
                                          boolean forceFocus)
Deprecated. use #startShowingAutohideFrame(String,int,int) instead.

Starts to show the autohide frame.

frame -
side -
delay -
forceFocus - if delay == 0


void toggleState(DockableFrame frame,
                            boolean single)
Deprecated. use #toggleState(String,java.awt.Rectangle,boolean) instead. *

Toggle the frame's state. If it's docked, change to floating mode; if floating, change to docked mode.

frame - the frame to change mode
single - change mode for all frames in the same tabbed pane or just the frame itself.


void toggleDockable(DockableFrame frame)
Deprecated. use #toggleDockable(String). All frame accessor should use keys to prevents memory leaks

Toggle dockable attribute sof the frame with the specified key.


void toggleAutohideState(DockableFrame frame)
Deprecated. use #toggleAutohideState(String). All frame accessor should use keys to prevents memory leaks

Toggle the frame between auto-hide mode and docked mode.

frame - the frame to be toggled.


void autohideFrame(DockableFrame frame,
                              int side,
                              int index)
Deprecated. use #autohideFrame(String,int,int) instead.

Autohides a frame at the specified side and index. Index is the index of group.

frame -
side -
index -


void floatFrame(DockableFrame dockableFrame,
                           Rectangle bounds,
                           boolean isSingle)
Deprecated. use #floatFrame(String, Rectangle, boolean). All frame accessor should use keys to prevents memory leaks

Sets the frame to floating state


void dockFrame(DockableFrame dockableFrame,
                          int side,
                          int index)
Deprecated. use #dockFrame(String,int,int) instead.

Docks the frame at the specified side and index. Index is the index in the split pane.

dockableFrame -
side -
index -


DockableFrame getFirstFrame()
Deprecated. use #getFirstFrameKey(). All frame accessor should use keys to prevents memory leaks

Gets the first visible dockable frame. We used #getAllVisibleFrameKeys() to figure out which is the first one. It is the first one in the array that is returned from getAllVisibleFrameKeys method.

the first visible dockable frame.


DockableFrame getLastFrame()
Deprecated. use #getLastFrameKey(). All frame accessor should use keys to prevents memory leaks

Gets the last visible dockable frame. We used #getAllVisibleFrameKeys() to figure out which is the last one. It is the last one in the array that is returned from getAllVisibleFrameKeys method.

the last visible dockable frame.


DockableFrame getNextFrame(DockableFrame frame)
Deprecated. use #getNextFrameKey(String). All frame accessor should use keys to prevents memory leaks

Gets the next visible dockable frame. We used #getAllVisibleFrameKeys() to figure out which is the next one. It is the next one in the array that is returned from getAllVisibleFrameKeys method. If the frame is the last one, the first frame will be returned. Or if the frame is hidden, this method will return the first frame too. So unless you have no dockable frame at all, this method will never return null.

frame - the current frame.
the next visible dockable frame.


DockableFrame getPreviousFrame(DockableFrame frame)
Deprecated. use #getPreviousFrameKey(String). All frame accessor should use keys to prevents memory leaks

Gets the previous visible dockable frame. We used #getAllVisibleFrameKeys() to figure out which is the previous one. It is the next one in the array that is returned from getAllVisibleFrameKeys method. If the frame is the first one, the last frame will be returned. Or if the frame is hidden, this method will return the last frame too. So unless you have no dockable frame at all, this method will never return null.

frame - the current frame.
the previous visible dockable frame.


DockableFrame getMaximizedFrame()
Deprecated. use getMaximizedFrame(). All frame accessor should use keys to prevents memory leaks

Gets the maximized frame if any.

the maximized frame. If no frame is maximized, return null.


void toggleMaximizeState(DockableFrame f)
Deprecated. use #toggleMaximizeState(String). All frame accessor should use keys to prevents memory leaks

Toggle between maximized and restored state.

f -


void hideActiveAutohideFrame()
Deprecated. use #stopShowingAutohideFrame(). This method had confusing but similar functionality

Hide active autohide frame immediately.


AutoHideContainer getAutoHideContaner(int side)
Deprecated. use #getAutoHideContainer(int). This method had a typo.

Gets the autohide container by side. Valid side is defined in DockContext such as DockContext.DOCK_SIDE_NORTH, DockContext.DOCK_SIDE_SOUTH, DockContext.DOCK_SIDE_EAST and DockContext.DOCK_SIDE_WEST.

side -
autohide container


void doLayout()
Deprecated. This was for internal eventing and is no longer needed.


JFrame getMainFrame()
Deprecated. use getRootPaneContainer instead since DockingManager can support all RootPaneContainer, not just JFrame

Gets the main JFrame.

main JFrame


void setAutohideShowingFrame(DockableFrame frame)
Deprecated. This was for internal eventing and is no longer needed.


void floatingFrameDeactivated(WindowEvent windowEvent)
Deprecated. This was for internal eventing and is no longer needed.

Notification from one of our floatingFrame windows that it has been deactivated

windowEvent -


void floatingFrameActivated(WindowEvent windowEvent)
Deprecated. This was for internal eventing and is no longer needed.

Notification from one of our floatingFrame windows that it has been activated.

windowEvent -


void handleEscapeKey(AWTEvent event)
Deprecated. This was for internal eventing and is no longer needed.


MouseListener createAutoHideMouseListener(DockableFrame frame,
                                                     int side)
Deprecated. This was for internal eventing and is no longer needed.

Creates the AutoHideMouseListener that is used on AutoHideContainer.

frame - the dockable frame.
side - the side.
the MouseListener


boolean isFocusDuringLoadLayout()
Deprecated. This was for internal eventing and is no longer needed.

Accessor for the flag indicating whether focus should be requested for DockableFrames during load layout. (also implies activation, which happens when a subcomponent receives focus)

if focus request is enabled during load layout


void setFocusDuringLayout(boolean doFocus)
Deprecated. This was for internal eventing and is no longer needed.

Accessor to set the flag indicating whether focus should be requested for DockableFrames during load layout. (also implies activation, which happens when a subcomponent receives focus)

doFocus - should focus requests be enabled during load layout


boolean isAllowRequestFocus()
Deprecated. This was for internal eventing and is no longer needed.

Because requesting focus may be restricted by the DockingManager during load layout, this method allows a DockableFrame to ask if it is allowed to request focus.

Does the DockingManager allow a focus request at this time?


Component getDefaultFocusComponent()
Deprecated. The Docking Manager doesn't have it's own focus policy. It routes all focus to the individual frames or the workspace because these components implement Refocusable. Refocusable.getDefaultFocusComponent().

Gets the default focus component. When application started, this component will get focus. Also when ESC key is pressed in dockable frame, this component will get focus as well.

the default component.


void setDefaultFocusComponent(Component defaultFocusComponent)
Deprecated. The Docking Manager doesn't have it's own focus policy. It routes all focus to the individual frames or the workspace because these components implement Refocusable. Refocusable.setDefaultFocusComponent(Component defaultFocusComponent).

The approach is to now call setDefaultFocusComponent() on Workspace or DockableFrame. This will mean that whenever the getMainContainer() (which is what is added to the user's provided content pane) receives focus it will transfer it to the active pane's (Workspace or DockableFrame) defaultFocusComponent. By default, we will use workspace.getDefaultFocusComponent and put focus on it. If you want the focus to be in a DockableFrame, you can call dockingManager.activateFrame after loadLayoutData is called.

Sets the default focus component.

defaultFocusComponent -

JIDE 3.5.15