JIDE 3.5.15

Package com.jidesoft.diff

The package contains classes related for JIDE Diff product.


Interface Summary
DiffDivider.RowConverter Converts from the row index as in the Difference to the y position for DiffDivider.

Class Summary
AbstractDiffPane AbstractDiffPane is the base for the diff/merge panes.
AbstractMergePane AbstractMergePane extends AbstractDiffPane to add one more pane since it is for a three-way merge.
BasicDiffPane<T> BasicDiffPane is a diff pane to compare two components that are using JScrollPane.
CodeEditorCharSequence The CharSequence class used by CodeEditorDiffPane and CodeEditorMergePane to save memory usage.
CodeEditorDiffPane CodeEditorDiffPane is a diff pane based on CodeEditor component in JIDE Code Editor product.
CodeEditorMergePane CodeEditorMergePane is a merge pane based on CodeEditor component in JIDE Code Editor product.
Conflict Represents a conflict, as used in Merge.
Diff<T> Compares two lists, returning a list of the additions, changes, and deletions between them.
DiffDivider DiffDivider is a panel using different color area to indicate different type of changes (changed, inserted or deleted) between two panes.
Difference Represents a difference, as used in Diff.
DifferenceList The Difference List created by the Diff class.
DiffIconsFactory A helper class to contain icons for JIDE Grids product.
DiffTableStyleProvider The style provider class to display table difference.
LazyLoadTableRowData The lazy load table row data to represent a row's data to save the memory.
Merge<T> Compares three lists, returning a list of the conflicts and changes among them.

Package com.jidesoft.diff Description

The package contains classes related for JIDE Diff product.

JIDE 3.5.15