Multi-level Processor

Multi-level Processor

Processes a file or list of files through multiple levels.

Command Line Usage


SeaDAS-OCSSW -> multilevel_processor


multilevel_processor - Main Tab

UI Element Name Type Description Required/Optional Default Value
ifile file name Input file or list of files Required none
odir output directory name output directory name Optional none
Parfile text all parameters for each section Required none

UI Element Name Type Description
Browser Button Button Selects the input file
Load Parameters Button Selects a parfile to load
Retain Selected IFILE Check Box When loading a parfile, use the ifile above instead of the ifile in the parfile
Save Parameters Button Write the current parfile to a file
Run Button Executes multilevel_processor with arguments provided in the UI
Cancel Button Closes current processor GUI
Apply Button Makes current arguments effective
? Button Displays the help content of the current command

multilevel_processor - Processor Chain Tab

UI Element Name Type Description
Program Buttons Button Opens a GUI window to configure the individual step/program
Keep Check Box When selected the output files produced by this step/program will be kept on disk and not deleted
Params Text Parameters passed to this step/program
Run Button Executes multilevel_processor with arguments provided in the UI
Cancel Button Closes current processor GUI
Apply Button Makes current arguments effective
? Button Displays the help content of the current command


Command Line Usage

    multilevel_processor [options] parameter_file

    The parameter_file is similar to, but not exactly like, parameter
    files for OCSSW processing programs:
     - It has sections separated by headers which are denoted by "["
        and "]".
    The section named "main" is required.  Its allowed options are:
        ifile - Required entry naming the input file(s) to be processed.
        use_nrt_anc - use near real time ancillary data
        keepfiles - keep all the data files generated
        overwrite - overwrite any data files which already exist
        use_existing  - use any data files which already exist

        Simultaneous use of both the overwrite and use_existing options
        is not permitted.

    The names for other sections are the programs for which that section's
    entries are to be applied.  Intermediate sections which are required for the
    final level of processing do not need to be defined if their default options
    are acceptable.  A section can be empty.  The final level of processing
    must have a section header, even if no entries appear within that section.
     - Entries within a section appear as key=value.  Comma separated lists of
    values can be used when appropriate.
     - Comments are marked by "#"; anything appearing on a line after that
    character is ignored.  A line beginning with a "#" is completely ignored.

    In addition to the main section, the following sections are allowed:
        Section name:           Applicable Instrument(s):
        -------------           -------------------------
        level 1a:               modis
        l1aextract_seawifs:     seawifs
        l1brsgen:               modis, meris, goci, seawifs, general
        l1mapgen:               modis, meris, goci, seawifs, general
        geo:                    modis, viirs, seawifs
        l1aextract_modis:       modis
        level 1b:               modis, viirs, meris, goci, seawifs, general
        l2gen:                  modis, viirs, meris, goci, seawifs, general
        l2extract:              modis, viirs, meris, goci, seawifs, general
        l2bin:                  modis, viirs, meris, goci, seawifs, general
        l2brsgen:               modis, viirs, meris, goci, seawifs, general
        l2mapgen:               modis, viirs, meris, goci, seawifs, general
        l3bin:                  modis, viirs, meris, goci, seawifs, general
        l3mapgen:               modis, viirs, meris, goci, seawifs, general


    # Sample par file for multilevel_processor.
    # final processing level

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -k, --keepfiles       keep files created during processing
  --ifile=IFILE         input file
  --output_dir=ODIR, --odir=ODIR
                        user specified directory for output
  --overwrite           overwrite files which already exist (default = stop
                        processing if file already exists)
  --timing              report time required to run each program and total
  --use_existing        use files which already exist (default = stop
                        processing if file already exists)
  -v, --verbose         print status messages to stdout