

Creates a Level 2 mapped image.

Command Line Usage


SeaDAS-OCSSW -> l2mapgen


l2mapgen takes a product from a L2 file, maps it using a Plate Carree cylindrical projection, and produces a gray scale PGM or color PPM file.

l2mapgen GUI

UI Element Name Type Description Required/Optional Default Value
ifile ifile Input Level 2 data product. Required
ofile ofile Output filename for generated level 2 image file. Required
product_table ifile product table Optional $OCDATAROOT/common/smigen_product_table.dat
prod string product name Optional
palfile ifle palette file name Optional
palette_dir ifile palette directory Optional $OCDATAROOT/common/palette
flaguse string flags to be masked Optional
quality int minimum allowable quality level for SST. Valid only for SST and only if qual_sst or qual_sst4 SDS exist Optional 2
datamin float minimum value for data scaling Optional 0.0 or see SMI product table
datamax float maximum value for data scaling Optional 0.0 or see SMI product table
stype int scaling type:
    1: linear
    2: log
Optional 0 or see SMI product table
east float Map East longitude Optional 0.0 or scene(s) Easternmost Longitude
west float Map West longitude Optional 0.0 or scene(s) Westernmost Longitude
north float Map North longitude Optional 0.0 or scene(s) Northernmost Longitude
south float Map South longitude Optional 0.0 or scene(s) Southernmost Longitude
width int width of the output image Optional 800
threshold float minimum percentage of the area of interest that must receive valid pixel data before an image is generated Optional 5
outmode string format of the output file :
    ppm: PPM or PGM image file
    png: PNG color or grayscale image file
    tiff: TIFF color or grayscale geo tiff image file
Optional ppm
apply_pal boolean apply color palette Optional false (gray scale)
mask boolean apply mask to land, cloud and glint Optional no

UI Element Name Type Description
Browser Button Button Selects ifile/ofile
Load Parameters ... Button Reads in previously saved parameters and populates the fields in GUI.
Store Parameters ... Button Saves the current arguments in GUI in a file.
Run Button Executes the l2mapgen command with arguments provided in the UI.
Cancel Button Closes current processor GUI.
Apply Button Makes current arguments effective.
Open in SeaDAS Checkbox If selected, the ofile will be added to the open products list right after its generation.
? Button Displays the help content of the current command.

Command Line Usage

l2mapgen 1.0 (Nov 17 2018 15:45:01)
Usage: l2mapgen argument-list

  This program takes a product from a L2 file, maps it using a Plate
  Carree cylindrical projection, and produces a gray scale PGM or
  color PPM file.

  The argument-list is a set of keyword=value pairs. The arguments can
  be specified on the commandline, or put into a parameter file, or the
  two methods can be used together, with commandline over-riding.

The list of valid keywords follows:

   help (boolean) (alias=h) (default=false) = print usage information
   version (boolean) (default=false) = print the version
   dump_options (boolean) (default=false) = print
        information about each option
   dump_options_paramfile (ofile) = print
        information about each option to paramfile
   dump_options_xmlfile (ofile) = print
        information about each option to XML file
   par (ifile) = input parameter file
   ifile (ifile) = input L2 file name or file with a list of files names
   ofile (ofile) = output map filename (NULL=STDOUT)
   prod (string) = product name
   apply_pal (boolean) (default=false) = apply color palette, false = grayscale
   palfile (ifile) (default=default) = palette filename
   palette_dir (ifile) (default=$OCDATAROOT/common/palette) = palette directory
   product_table (ifile) (default=$OCDATAROOT/common/smigen_product_table.dat) = product table
   flaguse (string) = flags to be masked
   quality (int) (default=2) = minimum allowable quality level for SST.  Valid
        only for SST  and only if qual_sst or qual_sst4 SDS exist
   mask (boolean) (default=no) = apply mask to land, cloud and glint (see below)
   datamin (float) (default=0.0) = minimum value for data scaling
        (default see SMI product table)
   datamax (float) (default=0.0) = maximum value for data scaling
        (default see SMI product table)
   stype (int) (default=0) = scaling type (default see SMI product table)
        1: LINEAR
        2: LOG
   east (float) (default=0.0) = Map East longitude
        (default=scene(s) Easternmost Longitude)
   west (float) (default=0.0) = Map West longitude
        (default=scene(s) Westernmost Longitude)
   north (float) (default=0.0) = Map North latitude
        (default=scene(s) Northernmost Longitude)
   south (float) (default=0.0) = Map South latitude
        (default=scene(s) Southernmost Longitude)
   width (int) (default=800) = width of the output image
   threshold (float) (default=5) = minimum percentage of the area of interest
        that must receive valid pixel data before an image is generated
   outmode (string) (default=ppm) = format of the output file
        ppm: PPM or PGM image file (alias 1)
        png: PNG color or grayscale image file (alias 2)
        tiff: TIFF color or grayscale geo tiff image file (alias 3)

   If the "mask" option is set, the output PGM image will be masked for
   flags defined in the flaguse parameter. The "no data" pixel value will
   change from 0 to 255, and pixel values 252, 253, and 254 will represent the
   sunglint, land, and all other (e.g. clouds/ice,hilt,atmfail,navfail,chlfail)
   masks, respectively. NOTE: sunglint is NOT masked by default, but if it is
   added to the flaguse parameter, it will be distinguished in the masking as
   medium gray.  If a palette is applied and the mask option is set, the
   palette values will be modified:
                  Value   R       G       B
                  252     128     128     128
                  253     160     82      45
                  254     255     255     255
                  255     0       0       0

   By default, this program sends its results to standard output as a
   PGM-formatted binary data stream.  Save it to a file via ">" or pipe it
   to your favorite image display program.  The output image is rendered in
   a Plate Carree projection.