JIDE 3.5.15

Package com.jidesoft.combobox

The package contains all kinds of comboboxes for JIDE Grids product.


Interface Summary
ColorChooserPanel.ColorChooserDialogProvider An interface to bring up a custom ColorChooserDialog to choose a color when when the "More" button is pressed on the ColorChooserPanel.
ComboBoxModelWrapper ComboBoxModelWrapper is a wrapper around list model which is referred as the actual list model or underlying list model.
DateFilter An interface used by DateChooserPanel to filter date.
DateModel A model that is used by DateChooser component.
DateModelListener A listener for DateModel.
DateSelectionListener The listener that's notified when selection value changes in DateSelectionModel.
DateSelectionModel This interface represents the current state of the selection for DateChooserPanel.
DefaultButtonProvider DefaultButtonProvider is an interface for default button.
ProcessKeyBinding This is an interface to make a protected method processKeyBinding in JComponent public so that we can use it to pass the key event to a component.

Class Summary
AbstractComboBox This class provides default implementation of any ComboBox-like component.
AbstractComboBoxSearchable Abstract Searchable for AbstractComboBoxes, provides the convertElementToString method and reset the popup if the combobox model changes
AbstractFileComboBox AbstractFileComboBox is the base class for FileChooserComboBox and FileNameChooserComboBox.
AbstractFileExComboBox AbstractFileComboBox is the base class for FileChooserComboBox and FileNameChooserComboBox.
ButtonPopupPanel ButtonPopupPanel provides a button panel which has OK and Cancel button.
CalculatorComboBox CalculatorComboBox is an AbstractComboBox that uses Calculator as popup panel.
CalculatorPopupPanel A PopupPanel that uses Calculator.
CalendarViewer CalendarViewer is a component that can display multiple months and allow you to choose multiple dates across all month viewers.
CheckBoxListChooserPanel CheckBoxListChooserPanel is a PopupPanel that can choose a value from a CheckBoxList.
CheckBoxListComboBox CheckBoxListComboBox is ComboBox which you can choose a value from a drop-down CheckBoxList.
CheckBoxListExComboBox CheckBoxListComboBox is ComboBox which you can choose a value from a drop-down CheckBoxList.
CheckBoxTreeChooserPanel CheckBoxTreeChooserPanel is a PopupPanel that can choose values from a check box _checkBoxTree.
CheckBoxTreeExComboBox CheckBoxTreeExComboBox is ComboBox which you can choose values from a check box tree.
ColorChooserPanel ColorChooserPanel is a panel that has many color buttons.
ColorComboBox ColorComboBox is a combobox which can be used to choose a Color.
ColorExComboBox ColorExComboBox is a combobox which can be used to choose a Color.
ComboBoxModelWrapperUtils ListWrapperUtilsis a utility class that contains several useful methods for ComboBoxModelWrapper.
DateChooserPanel DateChooserPanel is a popup panel that can choose Date.
DateComboBox DateComboBox is a combobox which can be used to choose a Date.
DateExComboBox DateComboBox is a combobox which can be used to choose a Date.
DateModelEvent DateModelEvent is an event to indicate changes in DateModel.
DateSelectionEvent An event that characterizes a change in the Date selection.
DateSpinnerComboBox Still in development.
DefaultComboBoxModelWrapper The default implementation of ComboBoxModelWrapper.
DefaultDateModel Default implementation of DateModel.
DefaultDateSelectionModel Default data model for DateSelectionModel.
ExComboBox This class provides an extended version of JComboBox.
ExComboBoxSearchable Abstract Searchable for ExComboBoxes, provides the convertElementToString method and reset the popup if the combobox model changes
FileChooserComboBox FileChooserComboBox is a combination of text field and a button.
FileChooserExComboBox FileChooserComboBox is a combination of text field and a button.
FileChooserPanel FileChooserPanel is a popup panel that can choose File.
FileNameChooserComboBox FileNameChooserComboBox is a combination of text field and a button.
FileNameChooserExComboBox FileNameChooserComboBox is a combination of text field and a button.
FileNameChooserPanel FileNameChooserPanel is a popup panel that can choose file name.
FilterableComboBoxModel FilterableComboBoxModel is a list model which wraps another list model so that user can apply filters on it.
FolderChooserComboBox FolderChooserComboBox is a combination of text field and a button.
FolderChooserPanel FolderChooserPanel is a popup panel that can choose a folder.
FolderNameChooserComboBox FolderNameChooserComboBox is a combination of text field and a button.
FolderNameChooserExComboBox FolderNameChooserComboBox is a combination of text field and a button.
FolderNameChooserPanel FolderNameChooserPanel is a popup panel that can choose a folder name.
FontChooserPanel A popup panel for font.
FontComboBox FontComboBox is a combobox which can be used to choose a Font.
FontExComboBox FontComboBox is a combobox which can be used to choose a Font.
InsetsChooserPanel A popup panel for insets.
InsetsComboBox InsetsComboBox is a combobox which can be used to choose a Insets.
InsetsExComboBox InsetsComboBox is a combobox which can be used to choose a Insets.
JideColorSplitButton JideColorSplitButton is a special split button which can be used to choose a color.
ListChooserPanel ListChooserPanel is a PopupPanel that can choose a value from a list.
ListComboBox ListComboBox is just like a normal JComboBox which you can choose a value from a drop-down list box.
ListComboBoxSearchable ListSearchable is an concrete implementation of Searchable that enables the search function in ListComboBox.
ListExComboBox ListComboBox is just like a normal JComboBox which you can choose a value from a drop-down list box.
ListExComboBoxSearchable ListSearchable is an concrete implementation of Searchable that enables the search function in ListExComboBox.
MonthChooserPanel MonthChooserPanel is a popup panel that can choose Date.
MonthComboBox MonthComboBox is a combobox which can be used to choose a month.
MonthExComboBox MonthComboBox is a combobox which can be used to choose a month.
MultilineStringComboBox MultilineStringComboBox is a combobox which can be used to type in a multiple line text using JTextArea.
MultilineStringExComboBox MultilineStringComboBox is a combobox which can be used to type in a multiple line text using JTextArea.
MultilineStringPopupPanel A popup panel for multiple line text.
MultiSelectListChooserPanel MultiSelectListChooserPanel is a PopupPanel that can choose a value from a JList with allows multiple selection.
MultiSelectListComboBox MultiSelectListComboBox is ComboBox which you can choose a value from a drop-down JList which allows multiple selections.
MultiSelectListExComboBox MultiSelectListComboBox is ComboBox which you can choose a value from a drop-down JList which allows multiple selections.
NumberSpinnerComboBox An AbstractComboBox which has spinner as the editor to spin a number.
PopupPanel This PopupPanel is part of AbstractComboBox.
QuickComboBoxFilterField QuickListFilterField works along with any ListModel to provide searching feature.
SortableComboBoxModel SortableComboBoxModel is a combobox model wrapper which can do the sorting.
StringArrayComboBox StringArrayComboBox is a combobox which can be used to choose a String array.
StringArrayExComboBox StringArrayComboBox is a combobox which can be used to choose a String array.
StringArrayPopupPanel A popup panel for String array.
TableChooserPanel TableChooserPanel is a PopupPanel that can choose a value from a table.
TableComboBox TableComboBox is just like a normal JComboBox which you can choose a value from a drop down table.
TableComboBoxSearchable TableComboBoxSearchable is an concrete implementation of Searchable that enables the search function in TableComboBox.
TableExComboBox TableComboBox is just like a normal JComboBox which you can choose a value from a drop down table.
TableExComboBoxSearchable TableExComboBoxSearchable is an concrete implementation of Searchable that enables the search function in TableExComboBox.
TreeChooserPanel TreeChooserPanel is a PopupPanel that can choose a value from a tree.
TreeComboBox TreeComboBox is just like a normal JComboBox which you can choose a value from a drop-down tree.
TreeComboBoxSearchable TreeSearchable is an concrete implementation of Searchable that enables the search function in TreeComboBox.
TreeExComboBox TreeComboBox is just like a normal JComboBox which you can choose a value from a drop-down tree.
TreeExComboBoxSearchable TreeSearchable is an concrete implementation of Searchable that enables the search function in TreeExComboBox.

Package com.jidesoft.combobox Description

The package contains all kinds of comboboxes for JIDE Grids product.

JIDE 3.5.15