JIDE 3.5.15

Package com.jidesoft.treemap

The package contains the classes related to the JIDE Treemap product.


Interface Summary
Aggregation This interface defines an aggregation scheme.
Algorithm The interface for all treemap layout algorithms.
Depth Indicates whether a given depth should be displayed or not.
Labeling<N> Defines how parent and leaf nodes should be labeled.
MutableTreeMapNode<N extends MutableTreeMapNode<N>> Defines the requirements for a TreeMapNode that can change.
Nesting Defines extra spacing between levels of the hierarchy.
Ordering Defines the order of the nodes to be laid out by the treemap algorithm.
Rendering<N> Defines how nodes should be rendered on the display.
Scale Defines how values should be transformed to determine their proportional size.
TreeMapController<N> Control the user interactions with the view.
TreeMapField<N> This interface represent a field (or column) that can be used to retrieve data in the TreeMapModel data structure.
TreeMapHeaderRenderer<N> This interface defines the method required to render headers in a TreeMapView.
TreeMapLabelRenderer<N> This interface defines the method required to render labels in a TreeMapView.
TreeMapListener The listener that's notified when the treemap model changes.
TreeMapModel<N> Main interface for the model part of TreeMap.
TreeMapNode<N extends TreeMapNode<N>> Interface representing an object that can be placed in a treemap layout.
TreeMapRenderer<N> Interface for stepwise rendering of a TreeMapView.
TreeMapSettings Keep track of all the settings that can be applied to a treemap.
TreeMapSettingsListener The listener interface for receiving "interesting" events about changes in the settings.
TreeMapTooltipRenderer<N> This interface defines the method required to render tooltip values in a TreeMapView.
TreeMapWorker Interface used when performing treemap updates.

Class Summary
AbstractAlgorithm This class provides a skeletal implementation of the Algorithm interface to minimize the effort required to implement this interface.
AbstractTreeMapField<N> This class provides a skeletal implementation of the TreeMapField interface to minimize the effort required to implement this interface.
AbstractTreeMapModel<N extends MutableTreeMapNode> This class provides a skeletal implementation of the TreeMapModel interface to minimize the effort required to implement this interface.
AbstractTreeMapNode<N extends AbstractTreeMapNode<N>> This class provides a skeletal implementation of the TreeMapNode interface to minimize the effort required to implement this interface.
AbstractTreeMapSettings This class provides a skeletal implementation of the TreeMapSettings interface to minimize the effort required to implement this interface.
AggregationFactory Factory class for accessing predefined aggregation schemes.
AlgorithmFactory Factory class for accessing predefined layout algorithms.
ColorHelper Helper class for dealing with colors.
DefaultTreeMapController<N> Default controller mediating user interactions with a TreeMapView.
DefaultTreeMapField<N> The default implementation of a TreeMapField.
DefaultTreeMapHeaderRenderer<N> The standard class for rendering (displaying) headers in a TreeMapView.
DefaultTreeMapHeaderRenderer.UIResource A subclass of DefaultTableCellRenderer that implements UIResource.
DefaultTreeMapLabelRenderer<N> The standard class for rendering (displaying) labels in a TreeMapView.
DefaultTreeMapLabelRenderer.UIResource A subclass of DefaultTableCellRenderer that implements UIResource.
DefaultTreeMapModel<N extends AbstractTreeMapNode> Default implementation of a TreeMapModel.
DefaultTreeMapSettings Default implementation of the TreeMapSettings interface.
DefaultTreeMapToolTip<N> Default implementation of a tooltip using JidePopup as a container.
DefaultTreeMapTooltipRenderer<N> The standard class for rendering (displaying) tooltips in a TreeMapView.
DefaultTreeMapTooltipRenderer.UIResource A subclass of DefaultTableCellRenderer that implements UIResource.
DefaultTreeMapView<N> Provides a view for a TreeMapModel
DepthFactory Factory class for accessing predefined depth schemes.
EnhancedJLabel Enhanced version of JLabel supporting text effects and word-wrap.
ExpandLabeling<N> Display the label of the parent nodes in the center of its children (overlaid).
LabelingFactory Factory class for accessing predefined labeling schemes.
NestingFactory Factory class for accessing predefined nesting schemes.
NoTreeMapField<N> Indicates that no TreeMapField is selected.
OrderingFactory Factory class for accessing predefined ordering schemes.
OverlayLabeling<N> Display the labels right on top of its children.
RenderingFactory Factory class for accessing predefined rendering schemes.
ScaleFactory Factory class for accessing predefined scaling schemes.
SurroundLabeling<N> Display the label of the parent node above its children.
ToolTipTreeMapRenderer<N> Renderer for displaying information about the node under the mouse (tooltip).
TreeMap<N> A facade to the TreeMap model-view-controller (MVC) architecture.
TreeMapEvent An event that characterizes a change in the treemap model.
TreeMapSettingsEvent An event that characterizes a change in the settings.
TreeMapToolTip<N> This abstract class defines the method required to display tooltips in a TreeMapView.
TreeMapView<N> Main class for the view part of TreeMap.

Enum Summary
DefaultTreeMapController.Mode Interaction mode.
TreeMapToolTip.ToolTipType Tooltip type.

Package com.jidesoft.treemap Description

The package contains the classes related to the JIDE Treemap product. A good and efficient starting point is the use of the TreeMap component. It contains all the information to get started within minutes!

JIDE 3.5.15