JIDE 3.5.15

Class TableRowMarkerSupport

  extended by com.jidesoft.marker.AbstractMarkerSupport
      extended by com.jidesoft.marker.AbstractRowMarkerSupport
          extended by com.jidesoft.marker.TableRowMarkerSupport
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TableRowMarkerSupport
extends AbstractRowMarkerSupport

TableRowMarkerSupport provides the marker support for table at the row level.

Constructor Summary
TableRowMarkerSupport(JTable table)
Method Summary
 int getRowCount()
 int getRowHeight()
 void scrollTo(int start, int end, boolean select)
          Scrolls the view to show the items from the start index to the end index.
Methods inherited from class com.jidesoft.marker.AbstractRowMarkerSupport
indexToPoint, pointToIndexRange
Methods inherited from class com.jidesoft.marker.AbstractMarkerSupport
createMarkerModel, getMarkerModel
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TableRowMarkerSupport(JTable table)
Method Detail


public void scrollTo(int start,
                     int end,
                     boolean select)
Description copied from interface: MarkerSupport
Scrolls the view to show the items from the start index to the end index.

start - the index of the start element
end - the index of the end element
select - true to select the elements. Otherwise false.


public int getRowHeight()
Specified by:
getRowHeight in class AbstractRowMarkerSupport


public int getRowCount()
Specified by:
getRowCount in class AbstractRowMarkerSupport

JIDE 3.5.15