JIDE 3.5.15

Package com.jidesoft.list

The package contains all kinds of components and classes related to JList for JIDE Grids product.


Interface Summary
DualListModel The model class for DualList.
EventFireListModel The list model that could fire ListDataEvent directly.
FilterableListModelListener The listener interface for receiving FilterableListModel events.
GroupableListModel GroupableListModel is the model used by GroupList.
GroupListModel An enhanced interface of ListModel.
ImagePreviewList.PreviewImageIcon An interface to allow specify title, description and size information in addition to the icon itself.
ListFilter<T> A filter for FilterableListModel.
ListModelWrapper ListModelWrapper is a wrapper around list model which is referred as the actual list model or underlying list model.
ListPopupMenuCustomizer An interface to allow user to customize for the ListPopupMenuInstaller.
ListUndoableSupport Undoable support for ListModel to implement.

Class Summary
AbstractGroupableListModel This is an abstract implementation for GroupableListModel.
AbstractGroupListModel This is an abstract implementation of GroupListModel However, some methods such as #getGroupStart(int) & #getGroupEnd(int) may not have a good performance.
AbstractListFilter<T> AbstractListFilter is a special Filter for ListModel.
AbstractUndoableListModel Abstract undoable list model that extends AbstractListModel.
CheckBoxListSelectionModelWithWrapper CheckBoxListSelectionModelWithWrapper is to work with any CheckBoxList that has at least one list model wrapper in its list model chain.
CheckBoxListWithAllSelectionModel Deprecated. replaced by CheckBoxListSelectionModel
CompoundListDataEvent Compound ListDataEvent to contain multiple subevents and the original event.
DefaultGroupableListModel This is a default implementation for GroupableListModel.
DefaultListModelWrapper The default implementation of ListModelWrapper.
DefaultPreviewImageIcon Default implementation of PreviewImageIcon.
DefaultUndoableListModel Default undoable ListModel.
DualList DualList is a pane that contains two JLists and a bunch of buttons.
FilterableCheckBoxList This is a filterable CheckBoxList.
FilterableCheckBoxListSelectionModel Deprecated. replaced by CheckBoxListSelectionModelWithWrapper
FilterableListModel FilterableListModel is a list model which wraps another list model so that user can apply filters on it.
FilterableListModelEvent An AWTEvent that adds support for FilterableListModel objects as the event source when filter is added or removed.
GroupList GroupList is JList that supports the grouping of items.
GroupListShrinkSearchableSupport GroupListShrinkSearchableSupport is a subclass of ShrinkSearchableSupport to make GroupList shrinkable while searching.
ImagePreviewList ImagePreviewList is a component that can preview images.
ImagePreviewPanel A panel can display image icon along with the description and detail.
JideList JideList is an extended version of JList.
ListGroupChangeEvent An event to indicate the group information is changed in GroupableListModel.
ListIconsFactory A helper class to contain icons for JIDE Grids product.
ListModelWrapperUtils ListWrapperUtilsis a utility class that contains several useful methods for ListModelWrapper.
ListPopupMenuInstaller ListPopupMenuInstaller allows you to add a popup menu to a JList and customize it.
ListTransferHandler The default TransferHandler for JList.
ListUtils A collection of utility methods for JList.
QuickListFilterField QuickListFilterField works along with any ListModel to provide searching feature.
SortableListModel SortableListModel is a list model wrapper which can do the sorting.
StyledListCellRenderer A list cell renderer based on StyledLabel.
StyledListCellRenderer.UIResource A subclass of DefaultListCellRenderer that implements UIResource.
TextFieldList TextFieldList is a pane that contains a JTextField on the left and a JList on the right and a bunch of buttons.
UndoableListDataEvent A special ListDataEvent that contains the information of UndoableEdit.
UndoableListInstaller The installer to make a JList have undoable feature.

Package com.jidesoft.list Description

The package contains all kinds of components and classes related to JList for JIDE Grids product.

JIDE 3.5.15