JIDE 3.5.15

Package com.jidesoft.filter

The package contains filter related classes for JIDE Grids product.


Interface Summary
Filter<T> Filter is used to filter some values away by checking the value in Filter.isValueFiltered(Object).
FilterFactory FilterFactory is an interface responsible for creating filters through user interface.
FilterFactoryWithEditProperty An extended interface to provide editable properties for ValueEditor.
MutableValueFilter<E> Defines the requirements for a filter that can change.
ObjectGrouperSupport The interface to let the filters support ObjectGrouper.
ValueFilter<E> This interface represents the current state of a filter.
ValueFilterEvent<E> An event that characterizes a change in the current filtering.
ValueFilterListener<E> The listener interface for receiving "interesting" events about filtering.

Class Summary
AbstractFilter<T> This abstract class provides default implementations for most of the methods in the Filter interface.
AbstractMutableValueFilter<E> This class provides a skeletal implementation of the MutableFilter interface to minimize the effort required to implement this interface.
AbstractValueFilter<E> This class provides a skeletal implementation of the Filter interface to minimize the effort required to implement this interface.
AllFilter<T> A Filter that always returns false in AllFilter.isValueFiltered(Object) no matter what the input value is.
AndFilter An filter which filters a value if any one of its filters filters away the value.
BetweenFilter<T> A Filter returns false in BetweenFilter.isValueFiltered(Object) only if the input value is between the two specified values.
CustomFilterEditor CustomFilterEditor is a panel for an end user to create a Filter using a user interface.
DateOrCalendarFilter<T> A Filter returns false in DateOrCalendarFilter.isValueFiltered(Object) only if the input value is the same date as today's date.
EmptyFilter<T> A Filter returns false in EmptyFilter.isValueFiltered(Object) only if the input value is null or considered as empty, such as an empty string.
EqualFilter<T> A Filter returns false in EqualFilter.isValueFiltered(Object) only if the input value equals the specified value.
FilterFactoryConverter Converters to convert the FilterFactory to String.
FilterFactoryManager FilterFactoryManager is a class that contains the FilterFactory for each data type.
FilterUtils The utility class dealing with filters.
GreaterOrEqualFilter<T> A Filter returns false in GreaterOrEqualFilter.isValueFiltered(Object) only if the input value is greater than or equal the specified value.
GreaterThanFilter<T> A Filter returns false in GreaterThanFilter.isValueFiltered(Object) only if the input value is greater than the specified value.
InFilter<T> A Filter returns false in InFilter.isValueFiltered(Object) only if the input value is in a collection of the specified values.
LastMonthFilter<T> A Filter returns false in DateOrCalendarFilter.isValueFiltered(Object) only if the input value is within the last month of today's date.
LastQuarterFilter<T> A Filter returns false in DateOrCalendarFilter.isValueFiltered(Object) only if the input value is within the last quarter of today's date.
LastWeekFilter<T> A Filter returns false in DateOrCalendarFilter.isValueFiltered(Object) only if the input value is within the last week of today's date.
LastYearFilter<T> A Filter returns false in DateOrCalendarFilter.isValueFiltered(Object) only if the input value is within the last year of today's date.
LessOrEqualFilter<T> A Filter returns false in LessOrEqualFilter.isValueFiltered(Object) only if the input value is less than or equal the specified value.
LessThanFilter<T> A Filter returns false in LessThanFilter.isValueFiltered(Object) only if the input value is less than the specified value.
LikeFilter<T> A filter implements filtering a string based the LIKE condition as in SQL.
MonthFilter<T> A Filter returns false in DateOrCalendarFilter.isValueFiltered(Object) only if the input value is within in the month as specified.
MultipleFilters MultipleFilter is an abstract class that has a list of filters.
NextMonthFilter<T> A Filter returns false in DateOrCalendarFilter.isValueFiltered(Object) only if the input value is within the next month of today's date.
NextQuarterFilter<T> A Filter returns false in DateOrCalendarFilter.isValueFiltered(Object) only if the input value is within the next quarter of today's date.
NextWeekFilter<T> A Filter returns false in DateOrCalendarFilter.isValueFiltered(Object) only if the input value is within the next week of today's date.
NextYearFilter<T> A Filter returns false in DateOrCalendarFilter.isValueFiltered(Object) only if the input value is within the next year of today's date.
NoneFilter<T> A Filter that always returns true in NoneFilter.isValueFiltered(Object) no matter what the input value is.
NotBetweenFilter<T> A Filter returns false in NotBetweenFilter.isValueFiltered(Object) only if the input value is not between the two specified values.
NotEqualFilter<T> A Filter returns false in NotEqualFilter.isValueFiltered(Object) only if the input value not equal to the specified value.
NotFilter This filter will return the opposite value from NotFilter.isValueFiltered(Object) method from the filter it contains.
NotInFilter<T> A Filter returns false in NotInFilter.isValueFiltered(Object) only if the input value is not in a collection of the specified values.
NotLikeFilter<T> A Filter returns opposite value in NotLikeFilter.isValueFiltered(Object) of LikeFilter.
OrFilter An filter which filters a value if all of its filters filter away the value.
QuarterFilter<T> A Filter returns false in DateOrCalendarFilter.isValueFiltered(Object) only if the input value is within in the quarter as specified.
RegexFilter<T> A filter implements filtering a string based the regular expression as defined in Java Pattern class.
SimpleFilterEvent<E> An event that characterizes a change in the current filter.
SimpleValueFilter<E> A simple mutable filter implementation.
ThisMonthFilter<T> A Filter returns false in DateOrCalendarFilter.isValueFiltered(Object) only if the input value is within the same month of today's date.
ThisQuarterFilter<T> A Filter returns false in DateOrCalendarFilter.isValueFiltered(Object) only if the input value is within the same quarter of today's date.
ThisWeekFilter<T> A Filter returns false in DateOrCalendarFilter.isValueFiltered(Object) only if the input value is within the same week of today's date.
ThisYearFilter<T> A Filter returns false in DateOrCalendarFilter.isValueFiltered(Object) only if the input value is within the same year of today's date.
TodayFilter<T> A Filter returns false in DateOrCalendarFilter.isValueFiltered(Object) only if the input value is the same date as today's date.
TomorrowFilter<T> A Filter returns false in DateOrCalendarFilter.isValueFiltered(Object) only if the input value is the same date as tomorrow's date.
ValueEditor This is the component contained in the CustomFilterEditor.
WildcardFilter<T> A filter implements filtering a string based the wildcards.
YearFilter<T> A Filter returns false in DateOrCalendarFilter.isValueFiltered(Object) only if the input value is within in the year as specified.
YesterdayFilter<T> A Filter returns false in DateOrCalendarFilter.isValueFiltered(Object) only if the input value is the same date as yesterday's date.

Package com.jidesoft.filter Description

The package contains filter related classes for JIDE Grids product.

JIDE 3.5.15