JIDE 3.5.15

Class SQLTokenMarker

  extended by com.jidesoft.editor.tokenmarker.TokenMarker
      extended by com.jidesoft.editor.tokenmarker.SQLTokenMarker
Direct Known Subclasses:
PLSQLTokenMarker, TSQLTokenMarker

public class SQLTokenMarker
extends TokenMarker

SQL token marker.

$Id: SQLTokenMarker.java,v 1.6 1999/04/19 05:38:20 sp Exp $
mike dillon

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.jidesoft.editor.tokenmarker.TokenMarker
Field Summary
protected  boolean isTSQL
Fields inherited from class com.jidesoft.editor.tokenmarker.TokenMarker
_lineInfoExtended, _lineInfoToken, _tokens, firstToken, lastLine, lastToken, lineInfo, nextLineRequested
Constructor Summary
SQLTokenMarker(KeywordMap k)
SQLTokenMarker(KeywordMap k, boolean tsql)
Method Summary
 void deleteLines(int index, int lines)
          Informs the token marker that line have been deleted from the document.
protected  void ensureCapacity(int index)
          Ensures that the _lineInfoToken array can contain the specified index.
 void insertLines(int index, int lines)
          Informs the token marker that lines have been inserted into the document.
 byte markTokensImpl(byte token, Segment line, int lineIndex)
          An abstract method that splits a line up into tokens.
Methods inherited from class com.jidesoft.editor.tokenmarker.TokenMarker
addToken, getDocument, getLastToken, getLineCount, isNextLineRequested, markTokens, setDocument, supportsMultilineTokens
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected boolean isTSQL
Constructor Detail


public SQLTokenMarker(KeywordMap k)


public SQLTokenMarker(KeywordMap k,
                      boolean tsql)
Method Detail


public void insertLines(int index,
                        int lines)
Description copied from class: TokenMarker
Informs the token marker that lines have been inserted into the document. This inserts a gap in the _lineInfoToken array.

insertLines in class TokenMarker
index - The first line number
lines - The number of lines


public void deleteLines(int index,
                        int lines)
Description copied from class: TokenMarker
Informs the token marker that line have been deleted from the document. This removes the lines in question from the _lineInfoToken array.

deleteLines in class TokenMarker
index - The first line number
lines - The number of lines


protected void ensureCapacity(int index)
Description copied from class: TokenMarker
Ensures that the _lineInfoToken array can contain the specified index. This enlarges it if necessary. No action is taken if the array is large enough already.

It should be unnecessary to call this under normal circumstances; insertLine() should take care of enlarging the line info array automatically.

ensureCapacity in class TokenMarker
index - The array index


public byte markTokensImpl(byte token,
                           Segment line,
                           int lineIndex)
Description copied from class: TokenMarker
An abstract method that splits a line up into tokens. It should parse the line, and call addToken() to add syntax tokens to the token list. Then, it should return the initial token type for the next line.

For example if the current line contains the start of a multiline comment that doesn't end on that line, this method should return the comment token type so that it continues on the next line.

Specified by:
markTokensImpl in class TokenMarker
token - The initial token type for this line
line - The line to be tokenized
lineIndex - The index of the line in the document, starting at 0
The initial token type for the next line

JIDE 3.5.15