JIDE 3.5.15

Package com.jidesoft.chart.model

Contains models to support the Chart view (in a Model-View-Controller sense)


Interface Summary
Aggregation<U,T> An interface that collects together multiple items and presents one item to represent the multiple values.
AnnotatedChartModel A ChartModel that can be annotated
AnnotationModel This interface supports the idea of annotating an object with multiple Annotations.
Chartable A Chartable class has a getX() and a getY() method that together lend an object to being chartable in a two-dimensional chart.
Chartable3D A chartable that also carries a value for the Z axis
ChartableND A chartable that also carries a value for the Z axis
ChartModel This is the main interface for the models supported by the Chart component.
ChartModelChangeListener An interface implemented by classes that need to receive notification when a ChartModel has changed.
ChartModelListener This is a very simple interface that indicates a change of some kind in a chart model, without any indication of what the change is.
Highlightable If points of a ChartModel implement the Highlightable interface then a ChartStyle can be associated with those points that differ from the rest of the points of the model.
InvertibleTransform<T> A Transform that also provides an inverse transformation.
LeanChartModel A minimal extension to the ChartModel interface that allows us to retrieve the double-valued coordinates of the points without having to construct new objects
RangeProvider Copyright (c) Catalysoft Ltd, 2005-2010 All Rights Reserved Created: 14-Dec-2010 at 22:55:48
SimpleAggregation<T> An interface that collects together multiple items and presents one item of the same type to represent the multiple values.
Transform<T> An interface that provides the facility to transform an instance of a type into another instance of the same type.

Class Summary
AbstractDelegatingChartModel An abstract superclass that implements many of the methods necessary in a delegating ChartModel.
AnnotatedChartModelAdapter A class that accepts a regular ChartModel and exposes the interface of an Annotated ChartModel
AverageChartModel A ChartModel that averages all the y values of its delegate that have the same x value.
AxisExtent A value class used to indicate a range of values along an axis.
ChartableTableModel A simple class that is both chartable and can be displayed in a table
ChartCategory<T> A ChartCategory is an extension of a Category that allows you to set a highlight.
ChartModelChangeEvent An event object to signify a change in a ChartModel
ChartModelIterator Enables you to iterate through the points in a ChartModel.
ChartPoint A chart point in user/domain coordinates.
ChartPoint3D An implementation of a 3-dimensional chart point
ChartPointND A ChartPoint with any number of dimensions
ChartPointOHLC A ChartPoint specialised for financial charts in which each point has an open, high, low and close value.
CopiedChartModel A ChartModel class that creates a copy of the delegate chart model and does not allow it to be altered.
DefaultChartModel A default implementation of the ChartModel interface; now with improved API such that the add and remove methods return the ChartModel instance.
FilterableChartModel A simple implementation of a FilteringChartModel.
Highlight This is really a semantic tag for a point style.
IdentityTransform<T> A basic implementation that performs the identity transformation for any type
LeanMemoryChartModel The LeanMemoryChartModel is designed for cases where you have a large data set that is read-only.
LineSmoother This class contains utility methods to convert a ChartModel (or arrays of point coordinates) into a GeneralPath that uses Bezier curves to connect the points.
ModelMorpher A class to manage the transition ('morphing') from one ChartModel to another.
ModelMorpher.TransitionPoint A class specialised for the transition task - it knows where it is moving from and where to, as well as its current position.
RealPosition A simple implementation of Positionable
RectangularPoint A four dimensional point that assumes x, y, width and height as the meanings of the 4 coordinates
SamplingModel A ChartModel that presents a reduced-size version of its delegate by sampling its data.
SelectableChartModel This model contains multiple ChartModels and allows the user to select one of them
SortedChartModel Sorts the points of a chart model in increasing order.
SummingChartModel A chart model that gets its y values by summing the corresponding values of its delegate chart models.
TableToChartAdapter This class converts a table model to a chart model.
TimePosition A Positionable class that makes it easy to create positions on a Time Axis.
TransformingChartModel A chart model that provides a general transformation mechanism.
TransposingChartModel A ChartModel that swaps the x and y coordinates of its delegate when the transposing property is set to true.
TransposingChartPoint A class that represents a point but makes it easy to swap X and Y values.
WaterfallModelAdapter This class converts a waterfall model to a conventional chart model.

Enum Summary
ChartModelChangeType Used as the type of change in a ChartModelChangeEvent

Package com.jidesoft.chart.model Description

Contains models to support the Chart view (in a Model-View-Controller sense)

JIDE 3.5.15