JIDE 3.5.15

Class DefaultAutoRanger

  extended by com.jidesoft.chart.AbstractAutoRanger
      extended by com.jidesoft.chart.DefaultAutoRanger
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultAutoRanger
extends AbstractAutoRanger

A class that computes appropriate ranges for the x and y axes of a chart. By default the leading and trailing margin proportions for the x and y ranges are 10% of the difference between the maximum and the minimum (that is, the value is 0.1). If required, you can fix corner points of the x and y axes - for example to make sure the origin of the chart is at (0, 0) while allowing the maximum values to be auto-ranged.

Note that if you are using multiple y axes, these are 'bound' together by the rescaling procedure. This is intended for the case where, say, one axis shows Celsius and the other one Fahrenheit. In this case you want both axes to be rescaled together. If you want the rescaling of the axes to be more independent, try using the ZeroAlignedAutoRanger instead.

Constructor Summary
          Creates an auto ranger that does not constrain any of the corner points of the x or y axes, and with default values for the leading and trailing margin proportions.
DefaultAutoRanger(Double fixMinX, Double fixMinY, Double fixMaxX, Double fixMaxY)
          This constructor allows you to fix one or more parts of the ranges that are returned.
Method Summary
 Pair<Range<?>,Range<?>> getRanges(Chart chart)
          Computes appropriate x and y ranges for the supplied chart instance and applies them to the chart.
Methods inherited from class com.jidesoft.chart.AbstractAutoRanger
applyRangeConstraints, applyXRangeConstraints, applyYRangeConstraints, getAbsoluteMaxX, getAbsoluteMaxY, getAbsoluteMinX, getAbsoluteMinY, getLeadingXMarginProportion, getLeadingYMarginProportion, getRanges, getStackedRanges, getTrailingXMarginProportion, getTrailingYMarginProportion, isAllowXMarginToCrossZero, isAllowYMarginToCrossZero, setAbsoluteMaxX, setAbsoluteMaxY, setAbsoluteMinX, setAbsoluteMinY, setAllowXMarginToCrossZero, setAllowYMarginToCrossZero, setLeadingXMarginProportion, setLeadingYMarginProportion, setMarginProportions, setTrailingXMarginProportion, setTrailingYMarginProportion
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DefaultAutoRanger()
Creates an auto ranger that does not constrain any of the corner points of the x or y axes, and with default values for the leading and trailing margin proportions.


public DefaultAutoRanger(Double fixMinX,
                         Double fixMinY,
                         Double fixMaxX,
                         Double fixMaxY)
This constructor allows you to fix one or more parts of the ranges that are returned. A common example of this would be when you are plotting a bar chart and you always want the minimum y value to be 0. If you provide null as any of the values here, that part of the returned range is not fixed and an auto-range value is computed as normal.

fixMinX - the fixed value for min x, or null to compute value automatically
fixMinY - the fixed value for min y, or null to compute value automatically
fixMaxX - the fixed value for max x, or null to compute value automatically
fixMaxY - the fixed value for max y, or null to compute value automatically
Method Detail


public Pair<Range<?>,Range<?>> getRanges(Chart chart)
Computes appropriate x and y ranges for the supplied chart instance and applies them to the chart.

chart - the chart instance for which the ranges should be calculated
Ranges that can be used for the x and y axes of the supplied chart

JIDE 3.5.15