JIDE 3.5.15

Package com.jidesoft.action

The main package for JIDE Action Framework product.


Interface Summary
Dockable An interface to indicate the component can be docked to a DockableBarHolder.
DockableBarContainer.DockableBarShrinkOrderProvider This is an interface to provide shrink order for a designated row while doing layout.
DockableBarDockableHolder DockableBarDockableHolder interface extends both DockableBarHolder and DockableHolder.
DockableBarHolder DockableBarHolder interface is used to indicate the container can hold DockableBars.
DockableBarManager DockableBarManager is an interface that has all the necessary methods to manages DockableBars.
DockableBarPopupMenuCustomizer Interface to customer a popup menu for DockableBar.

Class Summary
Chevron Chevron is a special component used by CommandBar.
CommandBar CommandBar is a special DockableBar which is used to implement components like toolbars and menu bars.
CommandBar.Expansion A filler component that can be added to CommandBar to push components after it to align to the other end.
CommandBarFactory This class is used by JIDE examples to make creation of comamnd bar and components on the command bars easier.
CommandBarSeparator CommandBarSeparator provides a general purpose component for implementing divider lines - most commonly used as a divider between menu items that breaks them up into logical groupings.
CommandBarTitleBar CommandBarTitleBar is used in CommandBar when it's in floating mode.
CommandMenuBar This is the same as CommandBar with setMenuBar(true).
DefaultAppletDockableBarDockableHolder An implementation of JApplet which can support both DockableBars (of JIDE Action Framework) and DockableFrames (of JIDE Docking Framework).
DefaultDialogDockableBarDockableHolder An implementation of JFrame which can support both DockableBars (of JIDE Action Framework) and DockableFrames (of JIDE Docking Framework).
DefaultDialogDockableBarHolder Default implementation of DockableBarHolder.
DefaultDockableBarDockableHolder An implementation of JFrame which can support both DockableBars (of JIDE Action Framework) and DockableFrames (of JIDE Docking Framework).
DefaultDockableBarHolder Default implementation of DockableBarHolder.
DefaultDockableBarManager Default implementation of DockableBarManager.
DefaultInternalFrameDockableBarDockableHolder A JInternalFrame implementation DockableBarDockableHolder which can support both DockableBars (of JIDE Action Framework) and DockableFrames (of JIDE Docking Framework).
DefaultInternalFrameDockableBarHolder An JInternalFrame implementation of DockableBarHolder.
DockableBar DockableBar is the base component that works with DockableBarManager.
DockableBarContainer DockableBarContainer is the container for dockable bars.
DockableBarContainerLayout For internal usage only.
DockableBarContext A object that stores state, mode and size information of a DockableBar.
DockableBarDockableHolderPanel A JPanel which can be used as DockableBarHolder and DockableHolder
DockableBarHolderPanel A JPanel which can be used as DockableBarHolder.
DockableBarLayoutLoader DockableBarLoader is a utility that loads a layout produced by action framework without actually loading it into a DockableBarManager.
DockableBarManagerUndoableEdit An UndoableEdit for DockingManager.
DockableBarPersistenceUtils The docking persistence utility class to save/load docking layout to/from XML format stream or file.
FloatingDockableBarContainer A container for floating DockableBar.
MainContainer As command bars are around the border of top level windows, MainContainer is the rectangle area among those command bars.

Package com.jidesoft.action Description

The main package for JIDE Action Framework product.

JIDE 3.5.15