SeaDAS Visualization Installers

The Windows installers are executables. The MacOSX installer is a dmg file. The Linux installers are shell scripts. They can be executed as the following:

        $ sh seadas_<version>_linux[64]_installer.sh

Once installed, you may wish to add the seadas-<version>/bin directory to your path to allow easy launching of SeaDAS, e.g. add the following to your .bashrc:

        $ export PATH=[full-path-to]/seadas-<version>/bin:$PATH

SeaDAS Processing Programs and Source Code

The SeaDAS data processing components are distributed separately from the SeaDAS visualization package.

Currently, the processing components can only be installed on Linux or MacOSX (Intel, not PowerPC) systems. The Linux binaries were compiled on a system with GLIBC-2.14. If your system has an older version, you will need to build the binaries from source.

Processing Component Sizes

A typical installation (e.g. processing programs, MODIS and SeaWiFS data files) will require 3 — 5G of disk space. A full installation will require more than 10G of disk space.

Component Size (G/M/K) Component Size (G/M/K)
Processing Programs 1.1 G OCM-1 Components 145 M
Aquarius Components 2.0 G OCM-2 Components 145 M
AVHRR Components 2.0 K OCTS Components 145 M
CZCS Components 73 M OSMI Components 23 M
* MODIS Components 955 M SeaWiFS Components 173 M
MERIS Components 273 M VIIRS Components 184 M
MOS Components 37 M Source Code 117 M
Evaluation Components (all missions) 1.1 G

Install with GUI

Once the visualization package is installed, you can easily install the processing components:

Manual Installation

The processing components can be installed manually, with or without the installation of the visualization package.

  1. Ensure that the requirements are satisfied
  2. Download the installer script
  3. Make sure the installer script is executable:
  4.     $ chmod +x install_ocssw.py
  5. Run the installer:
  6. The following will install the processing programs and required data packages for the MODIS-Aqua and SeaWiFS missions into the user's HOME directory:
        $ ./install_ocssw.py --install-dir=$HOME/ocssw --git-branch=<version> --aqua --seawifs 
    * Replace <version> in the --git-branch option with the desired branch. (e.g.--git-branch=v7.2) * The following will install the processing source code into an existing directory:
        $ ./install_ocssw.py --install-dir=$HOME/ocssw --git-branch=<version> --src
    The following will install the programs and data packages required for MODIS direct broadcast processing:
        $ ./install_ocssw.py --install-dir=$HOME/ocssw --direct-broadcast

Note: this includes the processing programs and the MODIS-Aqua and MODIS-Terra data packages. It does NOT include the source code.

Processing Package Installer Usage

Usage: install_ocssw.py [options]
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Print more information while running
  -i INSTALL_DIR, --install-dir=INSTALL_DIR
                        destination directory for install. Defaults to
                        $OCSSWROOT or "$HOME/ocssw" if neither are given.
  -g GIT_BASE, --git-base=GIT_BASE
                        web location for the git repositories
  -b GIT_BRANCH, --git-branch=GIT_BRANCH
                        branch in the git repositories to checkout
  -a ARCH, --arch=ARCH  set system architecture (linux, linux_64,
  -s, --src             install source code
  -l LOCAL, --local=LOCAL
                        local directory containing previously downloaded
  -c, --clean           Do a clean install by deleting the install directory
                        first, if it exists
  --aquarius            install Aquarius files
  --avhrr               install AVHRR files
  --czcs                install CZCS files
  --goci                install GOCI files
  --hico                install HICO files
  --meris               install MERIS files
  --aqua                install MODIS Aqua files
  --terra               install MODIS Terra files
  --mos                 install MOS files
  --ocm1                install OCM1 files
  --ocm2                install OCM2 files
  --octs                install OCTS files
  --oli                 install Landsat 8 OLI files
  --osmi                install OSMI files
  --seawifs             install SeaWiFS files
  --viirsn              install VIIRSN files
  --direct-broadcast    install direct broadcast files
  --eval                install evaluation sensor files

Command Line Configuration

Add the following lines to your “.bashrc” file to configure your command line environment. This assumes your login shell is bash. If you are using a different shell, talk to your system admin.

export OCSSWROOT=[SeaDAS_install_dir]/ocssw
source $OCSSWROOT/OCSSW_bash.env

where: [SeaDAS_install_dir] is the directory where you installed SeaDAS.