Coastline, Land and Water Masks

Coastline, Land and Water Masks

Creates the following masks for the currently loaded product: WaterMask, LandMask, and Coastline.


Coastline, Land and Water Masks To bring up the "Coastline, Land and Water Masks" window click this tool button in the "Layers" tool bar or select the corresponding menu item in "SeaDAS-Toolbox -> General Tools -> CoastlineLandWaterMasks".

NOTE: this tool can only be accessed if a SeaDAS file is currently selected.


This tool creates coastline, land and water masks within a selected product. Normally masks are made one mask at a time and enabled independently for each band. This tool allows the making and configuring of these masks all at one go. Additionally the masks can be set to enabled (visible) in a bands all at once.

The "Coastline, Land and Water Masks" window is divided into 4 sections. The top section enables the specification of the Shoreline Source Dataset and the Super Sampling Factor. This criteria is used when generating all of the masks. The next 3 sections allow the setting of the parameters Color, Transparency, and Enabled in all Bands for each mask.

Coastline Source Data

Each of these datasets is a rasterized file whose filename can be observed in the tooltip when hovering the mouse. If a selection entry is greyed out ("not enabled"), then it's corresponding file is not installed currently on your system. To install any of these files see ......
The current sources of this data are:

  1. SRTM_GC:
    (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) latitude range {-60S to 60N}
    (GlobCover world map) latitude range {-90S to -60S}, {60N to 90N}
  2. GSHHS:
    (Global Self-consistent, Hierarchical, High-resolution Shoreline database)

Super Sampling Factor

If the resolution of the selected shorelineSourceDataset is greater than the resolution of the currently loaded product then setting this parameter greater than 1 will be desirable. Something on the order of at least (productResolution/coastlineSourceDatasetResolution)^2 should be sufficient. The higher the value the slower the processing time.
The defaults are sufficient for the 1km default shoreline dataset.


Sets the color for the mask in the Mask Manager.


Sets the transparency level for the mask in the Mask Manager.

Enabled in all Bands

Applies the masks to all displayed bands.