l2gen | ![]() |
Creates a Level 2 file from an input Level 1 (A or B) file.
SeaDAS-OCSSW -> l2gen
For the command line version of help run l2gen -help
The l2gen GUI is dynamically created based on the selected IFILE. Once the IFILE is specified, l2gen is run in the background in a special mode in order to obtain and populate all the parameters and defaults for l2gen GUI. This means that if a new version of l2gen comes out, with new parameters, defaults, etc., your current version of SeaDAS will automatically support these parameters. Note that because of this l2gen dependency on the building of the GUI, SeaDAS 7 requires l2gen version 6.5.7 or later.
All l2gen parameters are contained within a series of categorized tabs:
Non-Defaults Selected Indicator (*)
When a parameter is chosen to be
a non-default value, that parameter will show up in the parfile textarea of the MAIN tab.
As an aid to help direct
the user to tabs containing at least one parameter set to a non-default value, an asterix
(*) will appear at the top
of the tab. Also within the tab, an asterix will appear next to each parameter which is a
non-default value.
Selecting the IFILE Once this IFILE has been specified, the mission and data level are obtained from this file. If the IFILE data level matches the expected input data level of l2gen, the GUI will then use this file to run l2gen in the background in order to obtain and populate all the parameters and defaults of l2gen GUI. One thing very important to note is that since this GUI is built from the IFILE, a subsequent selection of a different IFILE will cause the GUI to be rebuilt with all the fields set to the defaults. If you have parameters already specified and wish to save these, then the best route would be to save them in a parfile, select a new IFILE, then reload the parfile. An alternate way to try to keep your currently selected parameters, is to type the ifile name into the parfile textarea in the GUI.
Selecting the OFILE and the GEOFILE
Get Ancillary Files
Show Defaults
Parfile Textarea It's useful to note that when you are editing text in the parfile textarea you can click "Apply". This will cause the text to update all the GUI parameters. The parfile textarea will automatically be reformatted in a consistent way, so be aware that the order of your hand-entered parameters may change due to this. Clicking on another field or another tab will also have the same effect as clicking the "Apply" button. To reset all parameters within a given tab to the default, click the button at the bottom of the panel. To reset all parameters within all tabs, no button as of yet exists but you can simply delete the entire parfile textarea in the main tab, and this will restore everything to default. |
The l2gen product parameter L2PROD is initially set to the default value. At any time L2PROD can be restored to the default value by clicking 'Restore Defaults' at the bottom of this tab. L2PROD can be specified in a multitude of ways. Note that a change within any of one these product specifier controls will automatically update the others.
Product Selector
Wavelength Limiter Note that a change in the 'Wavelength Limiter' will not directly change the products selected, but only effects the behaviour of the 'Product Selector'. Also note that the Wavelength Limitor tool is expected to contain a list of wavelengths regardless of the mission selected. The wavelengths do vary depending on mission. If this tool does not contain any wavelengths then there is likely a problem and could perhaps be a bad IFILE.
Selected Products Textarea |
This contains 2 sets of mutually exclusive options: pixels (spixl, epixl, dpixl, sline, eline, dline) and coordinates (north, south, east, west). This GUI will not permit selection of both sets, resetting the prior selection to the default. (i.e. If you set pixel field to a non-default value and then subsequently set a coordinate field to a non-default value, the latest selection (the coordinate field) will take precedent and the previously set field (the pixel field) will be automatically reset to the default. |
l2gen 9.6.0-V2022.1 (Nov 17 2022 15:36:06) Usage: l2gen argument-list The argument-list is a set of keyword=value pairs. The arguments can be specified on the commandline, or put into a parameter file, or the two methods can be used together, with commandline over-riding. return value: 0=OK, 1=error, 110=north,south,east,west does not intersect file data. The list of valid keywords follows: help (boolean) (alias=h) (default=false) = print usage information version (boolean) (default=false) = print the version information dump_options (boolean) (default=false) = print information about each option dump_options_paramfile (ofile) = print information about each option to paramfile dump_options_xmlfile (ofile) = print information about each option to XML file par (ifile) = input parameter file pversion (string) (default=Unspecified) = processing version string suite (string) (default=OC) = product suite string for loading suite-specific defaults eval (int) (default=0) = evaluation bitmask 0: standard processing 1: init to old aerosol models 2: enables MODIS and MERIS cloud Mask for HABS 16: enables MODIS cirrus mask 32: use test sensor info file 64: use test rayleigh tables 128: use test aerosol tables 256: use test polarization tables 1024: mask modis mirror-side 1 (navfail) 2048: mask modis mirror-side 2 (navfail) 4096: don't apply 'cold-only' or equatorial aerosol tests for SST 8192: use alt sensor info file in eval 32768: enables spherical path geom for dtran ifile (ifile) (alias=ifile1) = input L1 file name ilist (ifile) = file containing list of input files, one per line geofile (ifile) = input L1 geolocation file name (MODIS/VIIRS only) ofile (ofile) (alias=ofile1) (default=output) = output file #1 name, output vicarious L1B for inverse mode ofile[#] = additional output L2 file name oformat (string) (default=netCDF4) = output file format netcdf4: output a netCDF version 4 file hdf4: output a HDF version 4 file il2file (ifile) (alias=il2file1) = input L2 file names for sensor to be used as a calibrator. Alternatively, a data point can be used as a calibrator (e.g. MOBY) il2file[#] = additional L2 calibration file names tgtfile (ifile) = vicarious calibration target file aerfile (ifile) = aerosol model specification file metafile (ifile) = output meta-data file l2prod (string) (alias=l2prod1) = L2 products to be included in ofile #1 l2prod[#] = L2 products to be included in ofile[#] ctl_pt_incr (int) (default=8) = control-point pixel increment for lon/lat arrays proc_ocean (int) (default=1) = toggle ocean processing 1: On 0: Off 2: force all pixels to be processed as ocean proc_land (boolean) (default=off) = toggle land processing proc_sst (boolean) (default=false) = toggle SST processing (default=1 for MODIS, 0 otherwise) proc_cloud (boolean) (default=off) = toggle cloud processing atmocor (boolean) (default=on) = toggle atmospheric correction mode (int) (default=0) = processing mode 0: forward processing 1: inverse (calibration) mode, targeting to nLw=0 2: inverse (calibration) mode, given nLw target 3: inverse (calibration) mode, given Lw target (internally normalized) aer_opt (int) (default=99) = aerosol mode option -99: No aerosol subtraction >0: Multi-scattering with fixed model (provide model number, 1-N, relative to aermodels list) 0: White aerosol extrapolation. -1: Multi-scattering with 2-band model selection -2: Multi-scattering with 2-band, RH-based model selection and iterative NIR correction -3: Multi-scattering with 2-band model selection and iterative NIR correction -4: Multi-scattering with fixed model pair (requires aermodmin, aermodmax, aermodrat specification) -5: Multi-scattering with fixed model pair and iterative NIR correction (requires aermodmin, aermodmax, aermodrat specification) -6: Multi-scattering with fixed angstrom (requires aer_angstrom specification) -7: Multi-scattering with fixed angstrom and iterative NIR correction (requires aer_angstrom specification) -8: Multi-scattering with fixed aerosol optical thickness (requires taua specification) -9: Multi-scattering with 2-band model selection using Wang et al. 2009 to switch between SWIR and NIR. (MODIS only, requires aer_swir_short, aer_swir_long, aer_wave_short, aer_wave_long) -10: Multi-scattering with MUMM correction and MUMM NIR calculation -17: Multi-scattering epsilon, RH-based model selection and iterative NIR correction -18: Spectral Matching of aerosols reflectance and iterative NIR correction -19: Multi-scattering epsilon (linear), RH-based model selection and iterative NIR correction aer_wave_short (int) (default=765) = shortest sensor wavelength for aerosol model selection aer_wave_long (int) (default=865) = longest sensor wavelength for aerosol model selection aer_swir_short (int) (default=-1) = shortest sensor wavelength for SWIR-based NIR Lw correction aer_swir_long (int) (default=-1) = longest sensor wavelength for SWIR-based NIR Lw correction aer_rrs_short (float) (default=-1.0) = Rrs at shortest sensor wavelength for aerosol model selection aer_rrs_long (float) (default=-1.0) = Rrs at longest sensor wavelength for aerosol model selection aermodmin (int) (default=-1) = lower-bounding model to use for fixed model pair aerosol option aermodmax (int) (default=-1) = upper-bounding model to use for fixed model pair aerosol option aermodrat (float) (default=0.0) = ratio to use for fixed model pair aerosol option aer_angstrom (float) (default=-999.0) = aerosol angstrom exponent for model selection aer_iter_max (int) (default=10) = maximum number of iterations for NIR water-leaving radiance estimation. mumm_alpha (float) (default=1.72) = water-leaving reflectance ratio for MUMM turbid water atmospheric correction mumm_gamma (float) (default=1.0) = two-way Rayleigh-aerosol transmittance ratio for MUMM turbid water atmospheric correction mumm_epsilon (float) (default=1.0) = aerosol reflectance ratio for MUMM turbid water atmospheric correction absaer_opt (int) (default=0) = absorbing aerosol flagging option 0: disabled 1: use rhow_412 aerosol index test 2: GMAO ancillary aerosol test glint_opt (int) (default=1) = glint correction: 0: glint correction off 1: standard glint correction 2: simple glint correction oxaband_opt (int) (default=0) = oxygen A-band correction 0: no correction 1: Apply Ding and Gordon (1995) correction 3: Apply oxygen transmittance from gas transmittance table (see gas_opt) cirrus_opt (boolean) (default=false) = cirrus cloud reflectance correction option filter_opt (boolean) (default=false) = filtering input data option filter_file (ifile) (default=$OCDATAROOT/sensor/sensor_filter.dat) = data file for input filtering brdf_opt (int) (default=0) = Bidirectional reflectance correction 0: no correction 1: Fresnel reflection/refraction correction for sensor path 3: Fresnel reflection/refraction correction for sensor + solar path 7: Morel f/Q + Fresnel solar + Fresnel sensor 15: Gordon DT + Morel f/Q + Fresnel solar + Fresnel sensor 19: Morel Q + Fresnel solar + Fresnel sensor fqfile (ifile) (default=$OCDATAROOT/common/morel_fq.nc) = f/Q correction file parfile (ifile) = par climatology file for NPP calculation gas_opt (int) (default=1) = gaseous transmittance bitmask selector 0: no correction 1: Ozone 2: CO2 4: NO2 8: H2O 16: Use ATREM 32: Use <sensor>_gas_transmittance.nc tables 64: CO 128: CH4 256: N2O atrem_opt (int) (default=0) = ATREM gaseous transmittance bitmask selector 0: H2O only 1: Ozone 2: CO2 4: NO2 8: CO 16: CH4 32: O2 64: N2O atrem_full (int) (default=0) = ATREM gaseous transmittance calculation option 0: Calculate transmittance using k-distribution method (fast) 1: Calculate transmittance using full method (slow) atrem_geom (int) (default=0) = ATREM gaseous transmittance geometry option 0: Only recalculate geometry when error threshold reached (fast) 1: Recalculate geometry every pixel (slow) atrem_model (int) (default=0) = ATREM gaseous transmittance Atm. model selection 0: Use pixel's latitude and date to determine model 1: tropical 2: mid latitude summer 3: mid latitude winter 4: subarctic summer 5: subarctic winter 6: US standard 1962 atrem_splitpaths (int) (default=0) = ATREM gaseous transmittance split paths between solar and sensor (turns atrem_full on) 0: Calculates transmittance over total path length (default) 1: Calculates transmittance over separate solar and sensor paths (slow) iop_opt (int) (default=0) = IOP model for use in downstream products 0: None (products requiring a or bb will fail) 1: Carder 2: GSM 3: QAA 4: PML 5: NIWA 6: LAS 7: GIOP cphyt_opt (int) (default=1) = model for phytoplankton carbon 1: Graff/Westberry 2: Behrenfeld seawater_opt (int) (default=0) = seawater IOP options 0: static values 1: temperature & salinity-dependent seawater nw, aw, bbw polfile (ifile) = polarization sensitivities filename leader pol_opt (int) (default=-1) = polarization correction (sensor-specific) 0: no correction 1: only Rayleigh component is polarized 2: all radiance polarized like Rayleigh 3: only Rayleigh and Glint are polarized (MODIS default) 4: all radiance polarized like Rayleigh + Glint band_shift_opt (int) (default=0) = bandshifting option 1: apply bio-optical bandshift 0: linear interpolation add_ws_noise (float) (default=-1.0) = wind speed uncertainty simulation option <0.0: no noise added =0.0: use ws_unc to inform noise model >0.0: use input to inform noise model add_wd_noise (float) (default=-1.0) = wind direction uncertainty simulation option <0.0: no noise added =0.0: use wd_unc to inform noise model >0.0: use input to inform noise model add_mw_noise (float) (default=-1.0) = meridional wind uncertainty simulation option <0.0: no noise added =0.0: use mw_unc to inform noise model >0.0: use input to inform noise model add_zw_noise (float) (default=-1.0) = zonal wind uncertainty simulation option <0.0: no noise added =0.0: use zw_unc to inform noise model >0.0: use input to inform noise model add_rh_noise (float) (default=-1.0) = relative humidity uncertainty simulation option <0.0: no noise added =0.0: use rh_unc to inform noise model >0.0: use input to inform noise model add_pr_noise (float) (default=-1.0) = pressure uncertainty simulation option <0.0: no noise added =0.0: use pr_unc to inform noise model >0.0: use input to inform noise model add_wv_noise (float) (default=-1.0) = water vapor uncertainty simulation option <0.0: no noise added =0.0: use wv_unc to inform noise model >0.0: use input to inform noise model add_oz_noise (float) (default=-1.0) = ozone uncertainty simulation option <0.0: no noise added =0.0: use oz_unc to inform noise model >0.0: use input to inform noise model add_lt_noise (float) (default=0.0) = Lt uncertainty simulation option >0.0: add random normal noise to gain 0.0: no random noise added add_no2_tropo_noise (float) (default=-1.0) = tropospheric no2 uncertainty simulation option <0.0: no noise added =0.0: use no2_tropo_unc to inform noise model >0.0: use input to inform noise model add_no2_strat_noise (float) (default=-1.0) = stratospheric no2 uncertainty simulation option <0.0: no noise added =0.0: use no2_strat_unc to inform noise model >0.0: use input to inform noise model lt_noise_scale (float) = Lt noise scale factor option !=1.0: scales noise by factoring SNR =1.0: noise not scaled bias_frac (float) = bias fraction factor option !=0.0: adds bias as a fraction of Lt =0.0: no bias added giop_aph_opt (int) (default=2) = GIOP model aph function type 0: tabulated (supplied via giop_aph_file) 2: Bricaud et al. 1995 (chlorophyll supplied via default empirical algorithm) 3: Ciotti and Bricaud 2006 (size fraction supplied via giop_aph_s) giop_aph_file (ifile) (default=$OCDATAROOT/common/aph_default.txt) = GIOP model, tabulated aph spectra giop_aph_s (float) (default=-1000.0) = GIOP model, spectral parameter for aph giop_adg_opt (int) (default=1) = GIOP model adg function type 0: tabulated (supplied via giop_adg_file) 1: exponential with exponent supplied via giop_adg_s) 2: exponential with exponent derived via Lee et al. (2002) 3: exponential with exponent derived via OBPG method giop_adg_file (string) (default=$OCDATAROOT/common/adg_default.txt) = GIOP model, tabulated adg spectra giop_adg_s (float) (default=0.018) = GIOP model, spectral parameter for adg giop_bbp_opt (int) (default=3) = GIOP model bbp function type 0: tabulated (supplied via giop_bbp_file) 1: power-law with exponent supplied via giop_bbp_s) 2: power-law with exponent derived via Hoge & Lyon (1996) 3: power-law with exponent derived via Lee et al. (2002) 5: power-law with exponent derived via Ciotti et al. (1999) 6: power-law with exponent derived via Morel & Maritorena (2001) 7: power-law with exponent derived via Loisel & Stramski (2000) 8: spectrally independent vector derived via Loisel & Stramski (2000) 9: fixed vector derived via Loisel & Stramski (2000) 10: fixed vector derived via lee et al. (2002) giop_bbp_file (ifile) (default=$OCDATAROOT/common/bbp_default.txt) = GIOP model, tabulated bbp spectra giop_bbp_s (float) (default=-1000.0) = GIOP model, spectral parameter for bbp giop_acdom_opt (int) (default=1) = GIOP model acdom function type 0: tabulated (supplied via giop_acdom_file) 1: no data giop_acdom_file (ifile) = file of specific CDOM absorption coefficients for aLMI giop_anap_opt (int) (default=1) = GIOP model anap function type 0: tabulated (supplied via giop_anap_file) 1: no data giop_anap_file (ifile) = file of specific NAP absorption coefficients for aLMI giop_bbph_opt (int) (default=1) = GIOP model bbph function type 0: tabulated (supplied via giop_bbph_file) 1: no data giop_bbph_file (ifile) = file of specific phytoplankton backscattering coefficients for aLMI giop_bbnap_opt (int) (default=1) = GIOP model bbnap function type 0: tabulated (supplied via giop_bbnap_file) 1: no data giop_bbnap_file (ifile) = file of specific nap backscattering coefficients for aLMI giop_rrs_opt (int) (default=0) = GIOP model Rrs to bb/(a+bb) method 0: Gordon quadratic (specified with giop_grd) 1: Morel f/Q giop_rrs_diff (float) (default=0.33) = GIOP model, maximum difference between input and modeled Rrs giop_grd (float) (default=[0.0949,0.0794]) = GIOP model, Gordon Rrs to bb/(a+bb) quadratic coefficients giop_wave (float) (default=-1) = GIOP model list of sensor wavelengths for optimization comma-separated list, default is all visible bands (400-700nm) giop_maxiter (int) (default=50) = GIOP Model iteration limit giop_fit_opt (int) (default=1) = GIOP model optimization method 0: Amoeba optimization 1: Levenberg-Marquardt optimization 3: SVD matrix inversion 4: SIOP adaptive matrix inversion gsm_opt (int) (default=0) = GSM model options 0: default coefficients 1: Chesapeake regional coefficients gsm_fit (int) (default=0) = SM fit algorithm 0: Amoeba 1: Levenberg-Marquardt gsm_adg_s (float) (default=0.02061) = GSM IOP model, spectral slope for adg gsm_bbp_s (float) (default=1.03373) = GSM IOP model, spectral slope for bbp gsm_aphw (float) (default=[412.0, 443.0, 490.0, 510.0, 555.0, 670.0]) = GSM IOP model, wavelengths of ap* table gsm_aphs (float) (default=[0.00665, 0.05582, 0.02055, 0.01910, 0.01015, 0.01424]) = GSM IOP model, coefficients of ap* table qaa_adg_s (float) (alias=qaa_S) (default=0.015) = QAA IOP model, spectral slope for adg qaa_wave (int) = sensor wavelengths for QAA algorithm chloc2_wave (int) (default=[-1,-1]) = sensor wavelengths for OC2 chlorophyll algorithm chloc2_coef (float) (default=[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]) = coefficients for OC2 chlorophyll algorithm chloc3_wave (int) (default=[-1,-1,-1]) = sensor wavelengths for OC3 chlorophyll algorithm chloc3_coef (float) (default=[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]) = coefficients for OC3 chlorophyll algorithm chloc4_wave (int) (default=[-1,-1,-1,-1]) = sensor wavelengths for OC4 chlorophyll algorithm chloc4_coef (float) (default=[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]) = coefficients for OC4 chlorophyll algorithm kd2_wave (int) (default=[-1,-1]) = sensor wavelengths for polynomial Kd(490) algorithm kd2_coef (float) (default=[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]) = sensor wavelengths for polynomial Kd(490) algorithm flh_offset (float) (default=0.0) = bias to subtract from retrieved fluorescence line height vcnnfile (ifile) = virtual constellation neural net file picfile (ifile) = pic table for Balch 2-band algorithm owtfile (ifile) = optical water type file owtchlerrfile (ifile) = chl error file associate with optical water type aermodfile (ifile) = aerosol model filename leader aermodels (string) (default=[r30f95v01,r30f80v01,r30f50v01,r30f30v01,r30f20v01,r30f10v01,r30f05v01,r30f02v01,r30f01v01,r30f00v01,r50f95v01,r50f80v01,r50f50v01,r50f30v01,r50f20v01,r50f10v01,r50f05v01,r50f02v01,r50f01v01,r50f00v01,r70f95v01,r70f80v01,r70f50v01,r70f30v01,r70f20v01,r70f10v01,r70f05v01,r70f02v01,r70f01v01,r70f00v01,r75f95v01,r75f80v01,r75f50v01,r75f30v01,r75f20v01,r75f10v01,r75f05v01,r75f02v01,r75f01v01,r75f00v01,r80f95v01,r80f80v01,r80f50v01,r80f30v01,r80f20v01,r80f10v01,r80f05v01,r80f02v01,r80f01v01,r80f00v01,r85f95v01,r85f80v01,r85f50v01,r85f30v01,r85f20v01,r85f10v01,r85f05v01,r85f02v01,r85f01v01,r85f00v01,r90f95v01,r90f80v01,r90f50v01,r90f30v01,r90f20v01,r90f10v01,r90f05v01,r90f02v01,r90f01v01,r90f00v01,r95f95v01,r95f80v01,r95f50v01,r95f30v01,r95f20v01,r95f10v01,r95f05v01,r95f02v01,r95f01v01,r95f00v01]) = aerosol models met1 (ifile) (default=$OCDATAROOT/common/met_climatology.hdf) = 1st meteorological ancillary data file met2 (ifile) = 2nd meteorological ancillary data file met3 (ifile) = 3rd meteorological ancillary data file ozone1 (ifile) (default=$OCDATAROOT/common/ozone_climatology.hdf) = 1st ozone ancillary data file ozone2 (ifile) = 2nd ozone ancillary data file ozone3 (ifile) = 3rd ozone ancillary data file anc_profile1 (ifile) = 1st ancillary profile data file anc_profile2 (ifile) = 2nd ancillary profile data file anc_profile3 (ifile) = 3rd ancillary profile data file anc_aerosol1 (ifile) = 1st ancillary aerosol data file anc_aerosol2 (ifile) = 2nd ancillary aerosol data file anc_aerosol3 (ifile) = 3rd ancillary aerosol data file sfc_albedo (ifile) = ancillary cloud albedo data file anc_cor_file (ifile) = ozone correction file pixel_anc_file (ifile) = per pixel ancillary data file land (ifile) (default=$OCDATAROOT/common/gebco_ocssw_v2020.nc) = land mask file water (ifile) (default=$OCDATAROOT/common/gebco_ocssw_v2020.nc) = shallow water mask file demfile (ifile) (default=$OCDATAROOT/common/gebco_ocssw_v2020.nc) = digital elevation map file dem_auxfile (ifile) = auxiliary digital elevation map file mldfile (ifile) = Multi-layer depth file icefile (ifile) (default=$OCDATAROOT/common/ice_mask.hdf) = sea ice file ice_threshold (float) (default=0.1) = sea ice fraction above which will be flagged as sea ice sstcoeffile (ifile) = IR sst algorithm coefficients file dsdicoeffile (ifile) = SST dust correction algorithm coefficients file sstssesfile (ifile) = IR sst algorithm error statistics file sst4coeffile (ifile) = SWIR sst algorithm coefficients file sst4ssesfile (ifile) = SWIR sst algorithm error statistics file sst3coeffile (ifile) = Triple window sst algorithm coefficients file sst3ssesfile (ifile) = Triple window sst algorithm error statistics file sstfile (ifile) (default=$OCDATAROOT/common/sst_climatology.hdf) = input SST reference file sstreftype (int) (default=0) = Reference SST field source 0: Reynolds OI SST reference file 1: AMSR-E daily SST reference file 2: AMSR-E 3-day SST reference file 3: ATSR monthly SST reference file 4: NTEV2 monthly SST reference file 5: AMSR-E 3-day or night SST reference file 6: WindSat daily SST reference file 7: WindSat 3-day SST reference file 8: WindSat 3-day or night SST reference file sstrefdif (float) (default=100.0) = stricter sst-ref difference threshold viirsnv7 (int) (default=-1) = =1 to use the VIIRSN V7 high senz latband sst and sst3 equations viirsnosisaf (int) (default=0) = =1 to use the VIIRSN OSI-SAF sst and sst3 equations no2file (ifile) (default=$OCDATAROOT/common/no2_climatology.hdf) = no2 ancillary file alphafile (ifile) (default=$OCDATAROOT/common/alpha510_climatology.hdf) = alpha510 climatology file tauafile (ifile) (default=$OCDATAROOT/common/taua865_climatology.hdf) = taua865 climatology file flaguse (string) (default=) = Flags to use xcalbox (int) (default=0) = pixel size of the central box in the L1 scene (e.g. 5 pixels around MOBY) to be extracted into xcalfile for the cross-calibration, 0=whole L1 xcalboxcenter (int) (default=[0,0]) = Central [ipix, iscan] of the box in the L1 scene, [0,0] = center of the L1 scene xcalpervalid (int) (default=0) = min percent of valid cross-calibration pixels within the box or the L1 scene, 0 = at least 1 pixel xcalsubsmpl (int) (default=1) = Sub-sampling rate for the data to be used for the cross-calibration chlthreshold (float) (default=100.000000) = threshold on L2 data chlorophyll (100.000000=CHL_MAX) aotthreshold (float) (default=1.000000) = threshold on L2 data AOTs (1.000000=AOT_MAX) coccolith (float) (default=[1.1,0.9,0.75,1.85,1.0,1.65,0.6,1.15]) = coccolithophore algorithm coefs cirrus_thresh (float) (default=[-1.0,-1.0]) = cirrus reflectance thresholds taua (float) = [taua_band1,...,taua_bandn] aerosol optical thickness of the calibration data point absaer (float) (default=0.0) = absorbing aerosol threshold on aerosol index rhoamin (float) (default=0.0001) = min NIR aerosol reflectance to attempt model lookup epsmin (float) (default=0.85) = minimum epsilon to trigger atmospheric correction failure flag epsmax (float) (default=1.35) = maximum epsilon to trigger atmospheric correction failure flag tauamax (float) (default=0.3) = maximum 865 aerosol optical depth to trigger hitau flag nLwmin (float) (default=0.15) = minimum nLw(555) to trigger low Lw flag wsmax (float) (default=8.0) = windspeed limit on white-cap correction in m/s windspeed (float) (default=-1000.0) = user over-ride of windspeed in m/s (-1000=use ancillary files) windangle (float) (default=-1000.0) = user over-ride of wind angle in deg (-1000=use ancillary files) pressure (float) (default=-1000.0) = user over-ride of atmospheric pressure in mb (-1000=use ancillary files) ozone (float) (default=-1000.0) = user over-ride of ozone concentration in cm (-1000=use ancillary files) relhumid (float) (default=-1000.0) = user over-ride of relative humidity in percent (-1000=use ancillary files) watervapor (float) (default=-1000.0) = user over-ride of water vapor in g/cm^2 (-1000=use ancillary files) vcal_opt (int) (default=-1) = Vicarious calibration option vcal_chl (float) (default=-1.0) = Vicarious calibration chl vcal_solz (float) (default=-1.0) = Vicarious calibration solz vcal_nLw (float) = Vicarious calibration normalized water leaving radiances vcal_Lw (float) = Vicarious calibration water leaving radiances vcal_depth (float) (default=-1000.0) = depth to use to exclude data from target file e.g. -1000 excludes depths less than 1000m vcal_min_nbin (int) (default=4) = minimum # of samples in a bin for acceptance vcal_min_nscene (int) (default=3) = minimum # of scenes in a bin for acceptance owmcfile (ifile) (default=$OCDATAROOT/common/owmc_lut.hdf) = lut for OWMC classification north (float) (default=-999) = north boundary south (float) (default=-999) = south boundary east (float) (default=-999) = east boundary west (float) (default=-999) = west boundary xbox (int) (default=-1) = number of pixels on either side of the SW point ybox (int) (default=-1) = number of scan lines on either side of the SW point subsamp (int) (default=1) = sub-sampling interval prodxmlfile (ofile) = output XML file describing all possible products breflectfile (ifile) = input NetCDF file for bottom reflectances and bottom types bpar_validate_opt (int) (default=0) = use solar noon(0), use sensor overpass (1) bpar_elev_opt (int) (default=0) = use bathymery (0), user-defined geometric depth (1) bpar_elev_value (float) (default=30.0) = user defined bpar geometric depth value deflate (int) (default=0) = deflation level raman_opt (int) (default=0) = Raman scattering Rrs correction options 0: no correction 1: Lee et al. (2013) empirical correction 2: Westberry et al. (2013) analytical correction 3: Lee et al. (1994) analytical correction gmpfile (ifile) = GMP geometric parameter file (MISR only) water_spectra_file (ifile) = water absorption/scattering coefficient file shallow_water_depth (float) (default=30.0) = threshold for flagging shallow water avw_coef (float) (default=[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]) = coefficients for AVW cloud_hgt_file (ifile) = Cloud height and temperature file Currently, use the MODIS L2 cloud file (MYD06...) from the LAADS DAAC calfile (ifile) = system calibration file rad_opt (int) (default=0) = radiation correction option (sensor-specific) 0: no correction 1: apply MERIS Smile correction viirscalparfile (ifile) = VIIRS L1A calibration parameter file name (VIIRS only) geom_per_band (boolean) (default=0) = geometry per band option: 0: use nominal viewing geometry - same for all bands 1: use band-specific viewing geometry (if available) xcalfile (ifile) = cross-calibration file xcal_opt (int) = cross-calibration option (sensor-specific) comma separated list of option values, 1 per band, with bands listed in xcal_wave. 3: apply cross-calibration corrections (polarization and rvs) 2: apply cross-calibration polarization corrections 1: apply cross-calibration rvs corrections 0: no correction xcal_wave (float) = wavelengths at which to apply cross-calibration. Comma separated list of sensor wavelength values associated with xcal_opt. resolution (int) (default=-1) = processing resolution (MODIS only) -1: standard ocean 1km processing 1000: 1km resolution including aggregated 250 and 500m land bands 500: 500m resolution including aggregated 250 land bands and replication for lower resolution bands 250: 250m resolution with replication for lower resolution bands newavhrrcal (int) (default=0) = =1 for new noaa-16 calibration ch22detcor (float) (default=[1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0]) = Channel 22 detector corrections (MODIS only) ch23detcor (float) (default=[1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0]) = Channel 23 detector corrections (MODIS only) sl_pixl (int) (default=-1) = SeaWiFS only, number of LAC pixels for straylight flagging sl_frac (float) (default=0.25) = SeaWiFS only, straylight fractional threshold on Ltypical outband_opt (int) (default=99) = out-of-band correction for water-leaving radiances 2: On (default for MODIS, SeaWiFS, OCTS) 0: Off (default for MOS, OSMI) maskland (boolean) (default=on) = land mask option maskbath (boolean) (default=off) = shallow water mask option maskcloud (boolean) (default=on) = cloud mask option maskglint (boolean) (default=off) = glint mask option masksunzen (boolean) (default=off) = large sun zenith angle mask option masksatzen (boolean) (default=off) = large satellite zenith angle mask option maskhilt (boolean) (default=on) = high Lt masking maskstlight (boolean) (default=on) = stray light masking sunzen (float) (default=75.0) = sun zenith angle threshold in deg. satzen (float) (default=60.0) = satellite zenith angle threshold hipol (float) (default=0.5) = threshold on degree-of-polarization to set HIPOL flag glint_thresh (float) (alias=glint) (default=0.005) = high sun glint threshold cloud_thresh (float) (alias=albedo) (default=0.027) = cloud reflectance threshold cloud_wave (float) (default=865.0) = wavelength of cloud reflectance test cloud_eps (float) (default=-1.0) = cloud reflectance ratio threshold (-1.0=disabled) cloud_mask_file (ifile) = cloud mask file - with CF_CATEGORY cloud designations offset (float) = calibration offset adjustment gain (float) = calibration gain multiplier spixl (int) (default=1) = start pixel number epixl (int) (default=-1) = end pixel number (-1=the last pixel) dpixl (int) (default=1) = pixel sub-sampling interval sline (int) (default=1) = start line number eline (int) (default=-1) = end line number (-1=the last line) dline (int) (default=1) = line sub-sampling interval