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The OBPG has set up the Ocean Color Forum as the primary means of communication with our community. This includes SeaDAS specific forums. We urge everyone who has a SeaDAS question to use the Forum. We also welcome comments from members of the community.

Anyone can read the questions and answers in the forums. However, due to the nuisance of spammers, we have introduced a registration step for those wishing to post questions or comments.

To post to the Ocean Color Forum, register on Earthdata. Then head to the forum and click login. You’ll be taken back to Earthdata to login and authorize access, then redirected right back to the forum. If you were never registered to the forum, a red banner will appear at the top of the page to link you to this page where you can request to register for a forum account (just a quick click at the bottom of the page). The forum administrator will then be sent the request for approval. Once approved, you’ll be sent an email confirming your username and can post freely.

For website issues, please feel free to contact the website administrators.