The SeaDAS processing components (OCSSW) can be installed only on Linux or macOS (Intel) systems. For this reason, it has been difficult for Windows users to use the OCSSW programs in an efficient way. SeaDAS 8.1.0 and future releases use a client/server model, which enables the physical decoupling of the SeaDAS GUI application and the OCSSW package. (Note SeaDAS 8.0.0 was a Beta version and did not support client/server model. SeaDAS 7.5 also supports client/server model)
Since the SeaDAS client and the OCSSW server reside on two separate machines, they need a way to share files. They can either transmit the files over the network or use a shared folder. For virtual machines, we can use a shared folder and eliminate the transmission of files over the network.
The OCSSW server provides access to OCSSW programs through web services. The web services are packaged as an independent JAR (Java ARchive) file and can be deployed on a machine (real or virtual) capable of running OCSSW programs. With this new capability, we have additional options that enable SeaDAS to access to OCSSW programs:
In this manual, we explain how to configure the OCSSW server and the SeaDAS client for each scenario.
Click for instructions:
Please make sure that you have created a valid .netrc file in your home directory ($HOME) and also copy it into the $HOME/seadasClientServerShared/ directory..
Under your $HOME
directory, create the "ocssw"
and "seadasClientServerShared"
directories if they don't already exist. (NOTE: You can create these directories anywhere that you have full permission to operate. You have to provide the full path later)
For example,
> cd
> mkdir ocssw
> mkdir seadasClientServerShared
docker run -v $HOME/ocssw:/root/ocssw -v $HOME/seadasClientServerShared:/root/seadasClientServerShared -p 6400:6400 -p 6402:6402 -p 6403:6403 -t seadas/ocssw-run:2.0
Skip to Section 4: SeaDAS Client Configuration.
For this option, we are using Oracle's VirtualBox software. (Other VM software may work, but we have only tested VirtualBox using an Ubuntu 20.04 server configuration)
$ sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom $ cd /media/cdrom $ sudo apt-get install -y dkms build-essential linux-headers-generic linux-headers-$(uname -r) $ sudo su $ ./ $ reboot $ lsmod | grep -io vboxguest $ sudo usermod -aG vboxsf
in the "Folder Path" and name it, for example, "seadasClientServerShared", in the "Folder Name"With a shared folder named "seadasClientServerShared", as above, the folder can be mounted as the directory ~/seadasClientServerShared
with the command:
$ sudo mount -t vboxsf -o uid=$UID,gid=$(id -g) ocssw_shared ~/seadasClientServerShared
If you experience any problem with setting up a shared folder, please visit Ubuntu Help pages for shared folder setup.
The client and server share the whole disk.
The client and server DO NOT have a shared disk.
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install oracle-java##-installer $ sudo apt install oracle-java##-set-default
Replace ##
with the version number. (e.g. 12 ...tested with 8, 10 and 12, should work with later releases as well)
$ sudo apt install python
$ sudo apt install git
The OCSSW Web Services Package consists of two files than need to be downloaded to the server machine. For our example we will put them in the home directory.
We have not had success with openJDK for this server JAR, so you will need to install the official Oracle Java package - step #1 under "Configure the Virtual or Real Machine" above.
In each environment, ocsswserver.config
will differ slightly. Click to see an example.
Not Applicable
ocsswrest.version=1.0 baseUriPortNumber=6400 ocsswroot=${user.home}/ocssw serverWorkingDirectory=${user.home}/seadasClientServerShared clientServerSharedDir=true keepIntermediateFilesOnServer=false processInputStreamPortNumber=6402 processErrorStreamPortNumber=6403
ocsswrest.version=1.0 baseUriPortNumber=6400 ocsswroot=${user.home}/ocssw serverWorkingDirectory=/mnt/c/Users/${username}/seadasClientServerShared clientServerSharedDir=true keepIntermediateFilesOnServer=false processInputStreamPortNumber=6402 processErrorStreamPortNumber=6403
is your Windows username, not WSL username (unless you set them to the same value).
ocsswrest.version=1.0 baseUriPortNumber=6400 ocsswroot=${user.home}/ocssw serverWorkingDirectory=${user.home}/seadasClientServerShared clientServerSharedDir=false keepIntermediateFilesOnServer=false processInputStreamPortNumber=6402 processErrorStreamPortNumber=6403
The config file properties related to port numbers and the folders are essential and should match the values in the client configuration file. Please see the "SeaDAS Client Configuration" section of this document for the corresponding client configuration properties and their values.
To start the OCSSW server, execute the following command:
$ java -Xmx4G -jar seadas-ocsswserver.jar ocsswserver.config
To stop the OCSSW server, press Ctrl + C
To configure the client to communicate with the server, the SeaDAS config file needs to be edited.
Click an environment to see which lines to edit in the file:
seadas.ocssw.location=docker seadas.ocssw.port=6400 seadas.ocssw.sharedDir=C:\\Users\\${}\\seadasClientServerShared${} seadas.ocssw.keepFilesOnServer=false seadas.ocssw.processInputStreamPort=6402 seadas.ocssw.processErrorStreamPort=6403
seadas.ocssw.location=virtualMachine seadas.ocssw.port=6400 seadas.ocssw.sharedDir=C:\\Users\\${}\\seadasClientServerShared${} seadas.ocssw.keepFilesOnServer=false seadas.ocssw.processInputStreamPort=6402 seadas.ocssw.processErrorStreamPort=6403
seadas.ocssw.location=virtualMachine seadas.ocssw.port=6400 seadas.ocssw.sharedDir=C:\\Users\\${}\\seadasClientServerShared${} seadas.ocssw.keepFilesOnServer=false seadas.ocssw.processInputStreamPort=6402 seadas.ocssw.processErrorStreamPort=6403
seadas.ocssw.location=remote server IP addess seadas.ocssw.port=6400${} seadas.ocssw.keepFilesOnServer=false seadas.ocssw.processInputStreamPort=6402 seadas.ocssw.processErrorStreamPort=6403