Processor Description - FLH/MCI

User Interface

The FLH/MCI processor can be invoked from the menu by selecting Processing->Thematic Water Processing->FLH/MCI Processor.... On the command line the FLH/MCI processor is available by means of the Graph Processing Tool gpt which is located in the bin folder of the installation directory. Typing gpt FlhMci -h displays further information.

Selecting the FLH/MCI Processor command from the menu pops up the following dialog:

Source Product Group

Source product: Here the user specifies the source product. The combo box presents a list of all products opened in the application. The user may select one of these or, by clicking on the button next to the combo box, choose a product from the file system.

Target Product Group

Name: Used to specify the name of the target product.

Save as: Used to specify whether the target product should be saved to the file system. The combo box presents a list of available file formats. The text field or the button next to it allow to specify a target directory.

Open in SNAP: Used to specify whether the target product should be opened in the application. When the target product is not saved, it is opened automatically.

Processing Parameters Panel

Preset: Select one of the available presets from the predefined list. The specific parameters override the values of the preset. Available presets are:

Preset Lower Baseline Band Name Upper Baseline Band Name Signal Band Name Line Height Band Name Slope Band Name Mask Expression
MERIS L1b MCI radiance_08 radiance_10 radiance_9 MCI MCI_slope NOT l1_flags.LAND_OCEAN AND NOT l1_flags.BRIGHT AND NOT l1_flags.INVALID
MERIS L2 FLH reflec_9 reflec_7 reflec_8 FLH FLH_slope l2_flags.WATER
MERIS L2 MCI reflec_10 reflec_8 reflec_9 MCI MCI_slope l2_flags.WATER
OLCI L1b MCI Oa12_radiance Oa10_radiance Oa11_radiance MCI MCI_slope (! || quality_flags.fresh_inland_water) && ! quality_flags.invalid
OLCI L2 FLH Oa11_reflectance Oa08_reflectance Oa10_reflectance FLH FLH_slope WQSF_lsb.WATER || WQSF_lsb.INLAND_WATER
OLCI L2 MCI Oa12_reflectance Oa10_reflectance Oa11_reflectance MCI MCI_slope WQSF_lsb.WATER || WQSF_lsb.INLAND_WATER

Lower baseline band name: The name for the lower wavelength band defining the baseline. Enter a band name or select one of the list of available bands (only available when an input product is already selected).

Upper baseline band name: The name of the upper wavelength band defining the baseline. Enter a band name or select one of the list of available bands (only available when an input product is already selected).

Signal band name: The name of the signal band, i.e. the band for which the baseline height is calculated. Enter a band name or select one of the list of available bands (only available when an input product is already selected).

Line height band name: The name of the line height band in the target product.

Generate slope parameter: Activates or deactivates calculating the slope parameter.

Slope band name: The name of the slope band in the target product (disabled when calculating the slope is deactivated)

Mask expression: A ROI-mask expression to be evaluated during processing. Used to define pixels of interest.

Cloud correction factor: The cloud correction factor used during calculation. See algorithm documentation for details.

Invalid FLH/MCI value: The value written to a target pixel when it is excluded from the ROI or the FLH/MCI calculation yields an invalid result.

Button Group

Run Creates the target product. The FLH/MCI processing is actually deferred until its band data are accessed, either by writing the product to a file or by viewing its band data. When the Save as option is checked, the FLH/MCI processing is triggered automatically.

Close Closes the dialog.

Menu Group

File The entries found in this menu allow to save the current processing parameters to disk and to open a saved parameter set from disk.

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