C2RCC Processor


The Case 2 Regional CoastColour (C2RCC) atmospheric correction is a full spectrum version using a set of neural networks which are trained on simulated top-of-atmosphere reflectance. The raditiave transfer simulations include the full ocean and atmosphere system, i.e. a specific water model is included in the simulations. C2RCC is used to generate the Case 2 water products in Sentinel 3 OLCI standard ESA products, as well as in the upcoming MERIS 4th Reprocessing. Products generated are the inherent optical properties (IOPs), absorption and scattering of the different constituents; the three major optically relevant concentrations, i.e. phytoplankton pigments, total suspended matter and yellow substance; and their related uncertainties.
It supports several sensors: starting from Sentinel-3 OLCI over Sentinel-2 MSI to Landsat-8 OLI and the heritage sensor MERIS, both in 3rd and 4th reprocessing versions. MODIS, VIIRS and SeaWiFS are supported as well.
More information about the processor can be found at the C2RCC Community Site C2RCC Community Site

C2RCC Algorithm Specification

C2RCC Processor Description