Image Animator
Animate the image, angular view or spectrum view.
To bring up the "Image Animator" window click this tool button
in the "Layer" tool bar or select the
corresponding menu item in "SeaDAS-Toolobx -> General Tools -> Image Animator".
NOTE: this tool can only be accessed if the image of a band or product is displayed.
The Image Animator tool animates images opened in window, spectrum view or angular View
User Interface
The user interface of "Image Animator" tool is shown in the following image.

- Select Image Type decides the type of the images you want to animate. You can select
"Band Images", "Angular View" or "Spectrum View". The default is "Band Images".
If you choose Band Images, you should also check the bands that will be animated.
If one of the checked bands are not open, you need to click "Create Images" to create
the image, before you can click "Animate Images", which will start the animation in "Animation
With Speed Control" window. You can use the "Frame Per Second" slider to decide the speed of the animation.
Closing the "Animation With Speed Control" window will return to "Animate Images" window.

If you choose Angular View, an "Angular View Animation" window will pop out, similar to
"Angular View" window.

By clicking
, you open the "Angular Band Chooser" window
which allows you to define which angular bands to animate. You can also use the "Angular Band Chooser"
to change the symbol and line style of an angular band.

By clicking
, you start the the animation in "Animation
With Speed Control" window. You can use the "Frame Per Second" slider to decide the speed of the animation.
Closing the "Animation With Speed Control" window will return to "Angular View Animation" window.
Closing the "Angular View Animation" window will return to "Animate Images" window with the radio button set at
"Band Images"
If you choose Spectrum View, a "Spectrum View Animation" window will pop out, similar to
"Spectrum View" window.

By clicking
, you open the "Spectrum Chooser"
which allows you to define which spectral bands to animate. You can also use the "Spectrum Chooser"
to change the symbol and line style of a spectra.

By clicking
, you start the the animation in "Animation
With Speed Control" window. You can use the "Frame Per Second" slider to decide the speed of the animation.
Closing the "Animation With Speed Control" window will return to "Spectrum View Animation" window.
Closing the "Angular View Animation" window will return to "Animate Images" window with the radio button set at
"Band Images"