Processor Description
Since the MERIS Radiometric Correction processor makes use of the SNAP graph processing framework, it can be
used also as a command line tool. The graph processing is invoked
by the command
To obtain general help on the graph processing, use the command
${OPTTBX-INSTALL-DIR}/bin/gpt -h
Specific help on the MERIS Radiometry Correction processor, can be obtained with
${OPTTBX-INSTALL-DIR}/bin/gpt -h Meris.CorrectRadiometry
In this case, information on the usage and a list of all available parameters are given.
If MERIS N1 products shall be written as output result a graph xml file has to be created.
This xml file should concatenate the Meris.CorrectRadiometry operator and the Meris.N1Patcher operator.
A possible graph xml file would look like the following. For demonstration purpose only
the necessary parameter have been set.
<graph id="RadiometryCorrectionN1">
<node id="radiometry">
<node id="n1Writer">
This graph can be invoked by the following call on the command line:
gpt <graph-file.xml> -Pn1TargetFile=<path-to-target-file> -Sn1Product=<path-to-source-file>