

Extracts bin information from a level 3 bin file


SeaDAS-Toolobox -> SeaDAS Processors -> l3bindump

GUI Usage
Command Line Usage

GUI Usage

UI Element Name Type Description Required/Optional Default Value
ifile ifile input L3 bin file name Required
oformat string defines output format:
     txt:     plain text columnar format
     seabass: SeaBASS format
Optional txt
l3bprod string binned product to extract Required Unspecified
bin_number int bin number Optional -1
north float north boundary Optional -999
south float south boundary Optional -999
east float east boundarye Optional -999
west float west boundary Optional -999
lat float latitude Optional -999
lon float longitude Optional -999
radius float radius in km Optional -999

UI Element Name Type Description
Browser Button Button Selects ifile/ofile
Load Parameters ... Button Reads in previously saved parameters and populates the fields in GUI.
Store Parameters ... Button Saves the current arguments in GUI in a file.
Run Button Executes the l3bindump command with arguments provided in the UI.
Cancel Button Closes current processor GUI.
Apply Button Makes current arguments effective.
Open in SeaDAS Checkbox If selected, the ofile will be added to the open products list right after its generation.
? Button Displays the help content of the current command.

Command Line Usage

L3BIN 5.14 (Nov 14 2024 12:14:14)
l3bin ifile=input-file ofile=output-file prod=prodlist

  The input file is a list of L3 binned files.
  The argument-list is a set of keyword=value pairs. The arguments can
  be specified on the commandline, or put into a parameter file, or the
  two methods can be used together, with commandline over-riding.

  return value: 0=OK, 1=error, 110=no pixels binned. 

The list of valid keywords follows:

   help (boolean) (alias=h) (default=false) = print usage information
   version (boolean) (default=false) = print the version
   verbose (boolean) (default=off) = Allow more verbose screen messages
   dump_options (boolean) (default=false) = print
        information about each option
   dump_options_paramfile (ofile) = print
        information about each option to paramfile
   dump_options_xmlfile (ofile) = print
        information about each option to XML file
   par (ifile) (alias=parfile) = input parameter file
   pversion (string) (default=unspecified) = production version
   ifile (ifile) (alias=in,infile) = input file name with list of L3 files
   ofile (ofile) (alias=out) (default=output) = output bin file name
   oformat (string) (default=netCDF4) = output file format
           hdf4:    output a HDF4 file
           netCDF4: output a netCDF4 file
           hdf5:    output a HDF5 file

   merged (ofile) = merged file name
   latnorth (float) (default=+90) = northern most latitude
   latsouth (float) (default=-90) = southern most latitude
   loneast (float) (default=+180) = eastern most longitude
   lonwest (float) (default=-180) = western most longitude
   sday (int) (default=1970001) = start datadate (YYYYDDD) 
   eday (int) (default=2038018) = end datadate (YYYYDDD)
   deflate (int) (default=5) = deflate level
   orbit1 (int) (default=-1) = sorbit
   orbit2 (int) (default=-1) = eorbit
   median (int) (default=0) = median
   noext (boolean) (default=off) = set to 1 to suppress generation of
        external files
   unit_wgt (int) (default=0) = unit_wgt
   composite_scheme (string) = composite scheme (min/max)
   composite_prod (string) = composite product fieldname
   reduce_fac (int) (default=1) = scale reduction factor (power of 2)
   resolve (string) = bin resolution, overrides reduce_frac if defined
         H: 0.5km
         Q: 250m
        HQ: 100m
        HH: 50m
         1: 1.1km
         2: 2.3km
         4: 4.6km
         9: 9.2km
        18: 18.5km
        36: 36km
        1D: 1 degree
        HD: 0.5 degree
        QD: 0.25 degree
   prod (string) (alias=out_parm) (default=DEFAULT) = bin products
        [default=all products in L3 file]

   doi (string) = Digital Object Identifier (DOI) string