l2brsgen | ![]() |
Creates a Level 2 Browse file.
Command Line Usage
SeaDAS-Toolobox -> SeaDAS Processors -> l2brsgen
l2brsgen takes a product from a L2 file, subsamples the file and writes a browse file.
![]() |
UI Element Name | Type | Description | Required/Optional | Default Value |
ifile | ifile | Input L2 file name. Please provide the full path name when manually enter the file name. | Required | |
ofile | ofile | Output image filename for generated browse file. Please provide the full path name when manually enter the file name. | Required | |
product_table | ifile | product table | Optional | $OCDATAROOT/common/l2brsgen_product_table.dat |
prod | string | level 2 product | Required | chlor_a |
quality | int | highest quality value acceptable | Optional | 999 |
rflag | string | replacement flag | Optional | ORIGINAL |
flaguse | string | Flags used to mask data | Optional | |
chl_flags | string | Flags used to mask data for chl product if flaguse not set | Optional | ATMFAIL,HILT,STRAYLIGHT,CLDICE,LOWLW,CHLWARN,CHLFAIL,NAVWARN,MAXAERITER,NAVFAIL,FILTER,HIGLINT |
sst_flags | string | Flags used to mask data for sst product if flaguse not set | Optional | SSTFAIL |
spixl | int | start pixel number | Optional | 1 |
epixl | int | end pixel number (-1=the last pixel) | Optional | -1 |
dpixl | int | pixel subsampling interval | Optional | 1 |
sline | int | start line number | Optional | 1 |
eline | int | end line number(-1=the last line) | Optional | -1 |
dline | int | line subsampling interval | Optional | 1 |
palfile | ifile | palette filename. "default" means the palette is chosen using the product table file. The value of this field is used when apply_pal is checked. | optional | default |
palette_dir | ifile | directory containing the palette files | Optional | $OCDATAROOT/common/palette |
datamin | float | minimum value for data scaling. | Optional | 0.0 or derived from the default product_table.dat |
datamax | float | maximum value for data scaling | Optional | 0.0 or derived from the default product_table.dat |
stype | int | scaling type:
1: linear 2: log |
Optional | 0 |
oformat | string | defines output format:
hdf4: HDF browse file png: PNG color or grayscale image file ppm: PPM color or PGM grayscale image file |
Optional | HDF4 |
apply_pal | boolean | apply color palette, grayscale is used when apply_pal is left unchecked | Optional | no |
UI Element Name | Type | Description |
Browser Button | Button | Selects ifile/ofile |
Load Parameters ... | Button | Reads in previously saved parameters and populates the fields in GUI. |
Store Parameters ... | Button | Saves the current arguments in GUI in a file. |
Run | Button | Executes the l2brsgen command with arguments provided in the UI. |
Cancel | Button | Closes current processor GUI. |
Apply | Button | Makes current arguments effective. |
Open in SeaDAS | Checkbox | If selected, the ofile will be added to the open products list right after its generation. |
? | Button | Displays the help content of the current command. |
l2brsgen 2.0 (Nov 14 2024 12:14:31) Usage: l2brsgen argument-list This program takes a product from a L2 file, subsamples the file and writes a browse file The argument-list is a set of keyword=value pairs. The arguments can be specified on the commandline, or put into a parameter file, or the two methods can be used together, with commandline over-riding. The list of valid keywords follows: help (boolean) (alias=h) (default=false) = print usage information version (boolean) (default=false) = print the version information dump_options (boolean) (default=false) = print information about each option dump_options_paramfile (ofile) = print information about each option to paramfile dump_options_xmlfile (ofile) = print information about each option to XML file par (ifile) = input parameter file ifile (ifile) = input L2 file name ofile (ofile) (default=output) = output filename prod (string) (default=chlor_a) = product name quality (int) (default=999) = highest quality value acceptable rflag (string) (default=ORIGINAL) = replacement flag flaguse (string) = Flags used to mask data chl_flags (string) (default=ATMFAIL,HILT,STRAYLIGHT,CLDICE,LOWLW,CHLWARN,CHLFAIL,NAVWARN,MAXAERITER,NAVFAIL,FILTER,HIGLINT) = Flags used to mask data for chl product if flaguse not set sst_flags (string) (default=SSTFAIL) = Flags used to mask data for sst product if flaguse not set spixl (int) (default=1) = start pixel number epixl (int) (default=-1) = end pixel number (-1=the last pixel) dpixl (int) (default=1) = pixel subsampling interval sline (int) (default=1) = start line number eline (int) (default=-1) = end line number (-1=the last line) dline (int) (default=1) = line subsampling interval apply_pal (boolean) (default=no) = apply color palette, false = grayscale palfile (ifile) (default=default) = palette filename. "default" means the palette is chosen using the product table file palette_dir (ifile) (default=$OCDATAROOT/common/palette) = directory containing the palette files product_table (ifile) (default=$OCDATAROOT/common/l2brsgen_product_table.dat) = product table datamin (float) (default=0.0) = minimum value for data scaling (default see product_table) datamax (float) (default=0.0) = maximum value for data scaling (default see product_table) stype (int) (default=0) = scaling type (default see product_table) 1: LINEAR 2: LOG oformat (string) (default=HDF4) = format of the output file hdf4: (1) HDF browse file png: (5) PNG color or grayscale image file ppm: (7) PPM color or PGM grayscale image file