This command allows to import Muscate products.
Muscate is the format of Sentinel-2 L2A generated by THEIA MUSCATE processing center at CNES.
(THEIA's L2A product format)
A Muscate product contains:
- Surface REflectances: files ending "SRE_Bx.tif". Reflectance corrected for atmospheric effects, including adjacency effects
- Flat REflectances: files ending "FRE_Bx.tif". Also corrected for slope effect
- Values of atmospheric variables (ATB_RX.tif): water vapour and aerosol optical thickness
- Quicklook (jpg)
- Metadata xml file
- Masks folder
- No data mask (EDG_Rx.tif)
- Saturated pixel mask (SAT_Rx.tif)
- Cloud mask (CLM_Rx.tif)
- Geophysical mask (MG2_Rx.tif)
- IAB mask: interpolated WV and AOT
- Detector footprint (DTF_Rx-Dy.tif)
- Defective pixels mask (DFP_Rx.tif)
For a more detailed information about this format, please have a look at the following link: