Import Kompsat 2 Products


The KOMPSAT-2 system allows the acquisition of PAN images at spatial resolution of 1 meter and MS images of 4 meters from space. The mission objectives of the KOMPSAT-2 System are to provide the following capabilities in the field of earth observation. The KOMPSAT-2 system provides 1) surveillance of large scale disasters and their countermeasures, 2) acquisition of independent high resolution images for GIS, and 3) composition of printed maps and digitized image maps on domestic and overseas territories to users.

Imaging Performance

The KOMPSAT-2 allows the generation of high resolution images with a GSD of better than 1 m for PAN data and 4 m for MS data with nadir viewing condition at the nominal altitude of 685 km. The MSC has a single PAN spectral band between 500 - 900 nm and 4 MS spectral bands between 450-900 nm. PAN imaging and MS imaging can be operated simultaneously during mission operations. The swath width is greater than or equal to 15 km at the mission altitude for PAN data and MS data

This command allows to import Kompsat2 products. There are two levels of products that can be imported:

MSC image data format

The products can be either compressed in a zip archive, or uncompressed in a specific folder structure.

Whether the product is an archive or a folder, the list of files must have the same structure:

The product must contain 1 file and a image directory containing a TIFF images and metadata files:

File Naming Convention

Geodetic Coordinate System

The geodetic coordinate system is based on the WGS84 reference frame with coordinates expressed latitude, longitude, and height above the reference Earth ellipsoid