TileCache Operator

TileCache Operator Description


Name: TileCache
Full name: org.esa.snap.core.gpf.internal.TileCacheOp
Purpose: Experimental Operator which provides a dedicated cache for its source product.
A guide on how this operator is used is provided at https://senbox.atlassian.net/wiki/x/VQCTLw.
Version: 0.1


Experimental: An Operator which uses a dedicated tile cache for the source product. The property snap.gpf.disableTileCache can be set to true in order to disable the cache for GPF by default. Within a graph, this operator can be used to cache the results of specific operators.


Name Description


Name Data Type Default Description Constraints
cacheSize int 1000 The cache size in MB. Set it to 0 to use default tile cache.