Mosaic Operator

Mosaic Operator Description


Full name:org.esa.snap.core.gpf.common.MosaicOp
Purpose:Creates a mosaic out of a set of source products.


Creates a mosaic out of a set of source products.


Name Description
updateProduct A product to be updated.
sourceProducts The source products to be used for mosaicking.


Name Data Type Default Description Constraints
variables Variable[] Specifies the bands in the target product. not null
conditions Condition[] Specifies valid pixels considered in the target product.
combine String OR Specifies the way how conditions are combined. value set: [OR, AND]
crs String EPSG:4326 The CRS of the target product, represented as WKT or authority code.
orthorectify boolean false Whether the source product should be orthorectified.
elevationModelName String The name of the elevation model for the orthorectification.
resampling String Nearest The method used for resampling. value set: [Nearest, Bilinear, Bicubic]
westBound double -15.0 The western longitude. interval: [-180,180]
northBound double 75.0 The northern latitude. interval: [-90,90]
eastBound double 30.0 The eastern longitude. interval: [-180,180]
southBound double 35.0 The southern latitude. interval: [-90,90]
pixelSizeX double 0.05 Size of a pixel in X-direction in map units.
pixelSizeY double 0.05 Size of a pixel in Y-direction in map units.