Collocate Operator

Collocate Operator Description


Full name:org.esa.snap.collocation.CollocateOp
Purpose:Collocates two products based on their geo-codings.


This operator is used to spatially collocate two data products. It requires two source products, a {@code reference} product which provides the Coordinate reference system and grid into which the raster data sets of the {@code secondary} product are resampled to.


Name Description
reference The source product which serves as master.
secondaryProduct The source product which serves as slave.
sourceProducts The source product which serves as secondary.


Name Data Type Default Description Constraints
sourceProductPaths String[] A comma-separated list of file paths specifying the source products
referenceProductName String The name of the reference product.
targetProductName String _collocated The name of the target product
targetProductType String COLLOCATED The product type string for the target product (informal)
copySecondaryMetadata boolean false Copies also the metadata of the secondary products to the target
renameReferenceComponents boolean true Whether or not components of the reference product shall be renamed in the target product.
renameSecondaryComponents boolean true Whether or not components of the secondary product shall be renamed in the target product.
referenceComponentPattern String ${ORIGINAL_NAME}_M The text pattern to be used when renaming reference components.
secondaryComponentPattern String ${ORIGINAL_NAME}_S${SLAVE_NUMBER_ID} The text pattern to be used when renaming ssecondary components.
resamplingType ResamplingType NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR The method to be used when resampling the secondary grid onto the reference grid.