ECOSTRESS Data Product Reader

ECOSTRESS Mission Overview

The ECOSTRESS instrument measures the temperature of plants and uses that information to better understand how much water plants need and how they respond to stress.

ECOSTRESS addresses three overarching science questions:

The ECOSTRESS mission answers these questions by accurately measuring the temperature of plants. Plants regulate their temperature by releasing water through tiny pores on their leaves called stomata. If they have sufficient water, they can maintain their temperature. However, if there is insufficient water, their temperatures rise. This temperature rise can be measured with a sensor in space. ECOSTRESS uses a multispectral thermal infrared (TIR) radiometer to measure the surface temperature, deployed on the International Space Station. The instrument will measure radiances at 5 spectral bands in the 8-12.5 m range with approximately 38 meter by 57 meter of spatial resolution on the ground.

ECOSTRESS Data Products

The ECOSTRESS mission will generate 13 different distributable data products. The products represent four levels of data processing, with data granules defined as an image scene. Each image scene consists of 44 scans of the instrument mirror, each scan taking approximately 1.181 seconds, and each image scene taking approximately 52 seconds. Each image scene starts at the beginning of the first target area encountered during each orbit. Each orbit is defined as the equatorial crossing of an ascending International Space Station (ISS) orbit.

ECOSTRESS Level 0 data include spacecraft packets that have been pre-processed by the Ground Data System (GDS). Level 1 products include spacecraft engineering data, the time-tagged raw sensor pixels appended with their radiometric calibration coefficients, the blackbody pixels used to generate the calibration coefficients, geolocated and radiometrically calibrated at-sensor radiances of each image pixel, the geolocation tags of each pixel, and the corrected spacecraft attitude data. Level 2 products include the land surface temperature and emissivity for each spectral band retrieved from the at-sensor radiance data, and a cloud mask. Level 2 products also appear in image scene granules. Level 3 products include evapotranspiration data derived from Level 2 products. Level 4 products include evaporative stress index and water use efficiency derived from Level 3 data.


The reader supports ECOSTRESS L1B/L2/L3/L4 data products in HDF5 data format.

Supported ECOSTRESS product types:

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