Soft Button


The Soft Button tool let's you assign any number of layer tools to be turned on simultaneously. The Soft Button can be configured in the Preferences

Preference Fields

The following fields assign the behavior of the soft button.

‣ Apply to all Open View Windows:
		Applies Soft Button behavior to all compatible open view windows to the same product

‣ Show Map Gridlines Layer:
		Assigns Soft Button behavior to turn on or off the Map Gridlines (Graticule) Layer.

‣ Show Color Bar Legend Layer:
		Assigns Soft Button behavior to turn on or off the Color Bar Legend Layer.

‣ Show Annotation Metadata Layer:
		Assigns Soft Button behavior to turn on or off the Annotation Metadata Layer.

‣ Show No-Data Layer:
		Assigns Soft Button behavior to turn on or off the No-Data Layer.

‣ Show Masks Layers:
		Assigns Soft Button behavior to turn on or off the Masks Layers.

‣ Show Favorite Masks:
		Assigns Soft Button behavior to turn on or off any masks in the field 'Favorite Mask List'.

‣ Favorite Mask List:
		List of masks to show if 'Show Favorite Masks' is assigned.

‣ Show Vectors Layers:
		Assigns Soft Button behavior to turn on or off the Vectors Layers.

‣ Show Geometry Layer:
		Assigns Soft Button behavior to turn on or off the Geometry Layer.

‣ Show Pins Layer:
		Assigns Soft Button behavior to turn on or off the Pins Layer.

‣ Show Ground Control Points Layer:
		Assigns Soft Button behavior to turn on or off the Ground Control Points Layer.

‣ Set Scene Image Position/Zoom:
		Can be assigned to position and zoom image to the values of fields in the sections 'Position/Zoom (POS_ZOOM1)' and 'Position/Zoom (POS_ZOOM2)' 

‣ POS_ZOOM1: Center Image (Horizontal):
		Centers scene image horizontally in view window (assigned by 'Set Scene Image Position/Zoom')

‣ POS_ZOOM1: Center Image (Vertical):
		Centers scene image vertically in view window (assigned by 'Set Scene Image Position/Zoom')

‣ POS_ZOOM1: Image Zoom:
        Zoom percentage (assigned by 'Set Scene Image Position/Zoom')

‣ POS_ZOOM1: Image Shift (Horizontal):
		Shifts image horizontally in the view window - positive value shifts rightward - (assigned by 'Set Scene Image Position/Zoom')

‣ POS_ZOOM1: Image Shift (Vertical):
		Shifts image vertically in the view window - positive value shifts downwards - (assigned by 'Set Scene Image Position/Zoom')

‣ POS_ZOOM2: Center Image (Horizontal):
		Centers scene image horizontally in view window (assigned by 'Set Scene Image Position/Zoom')

‣ POS_ZOOM2: Center Image (Vertical):
		Centers scene image vertically in view window (assigned by 'Set Scene Image Position/Zoom')

‣ POS_ZOOM2: Image Zoom:
		Zoom percentage (assigned by 'Set Scene Image Position/Zoom')

‣ POS_ZOOM2: Image Shift (Horizontal):
		Shifts image horizontally in the view window - positive value shifts rightward - (assigned by 'Set Scene Image Position/Zoom')

‣ POS_ZOOM2: Image Shift (Vertical):
		Shifts image vertically in the view window - positive value shifts downwards - (assigned by 'Set Scene Image Position/Zoom')