Supported ENVISAT Products |
This page contains an overview of all ENVISAT products supported by the SNAP software. Each product listed here has a link to it's (raw binary) datasets, to its geophysical content and - where applicable - to a flag coding which provides metadata for the quality flag datasets possibly contained in a product.
Note: The following tables and sub-tables in this document have been automatically generated from the SNAP data descriptor database (DDDB). This database is internally used by the SNAP software. It does therefore not replace ESA's official ENVISAT Product Handbook, which is provided with the ESA EnviViewtool.
The tables contained in this document may also be used as a reference for software developers who use the Java API (application programming interface) in order to access ENVISAT products. The data types you'll find in the tables for certain raw data fields and spectral/geophysical can have different representations in different programming languages. The data type conversion table provides developers with the appropriate primitive data types for the Java and the C programming languages.
Product Type | Description | Bands | Flags |
MER_RR__1P |
MERIS Reduced Resolution Geolocated and Calibrated TOA Radiance Product | MER_RR__1P |
MER_RR__1P_flags |
MER_RR__1P |
MERIS Reduced Resolution Geolocated and Calibrated TOA Radiance Product Valid until 2002-12 |
MER_RR__1P |
MER_RR__1P_flags |
MER_FR__1P |
MERIS Full Resolution Geolocated and Calibrated TOA Radiance Product | MER_FR__1P |
MER_RR__1P_flags |
MERIS Full Resolution Full Swath Geolocated and Calibrated TOA Radiance Product | MER_FR__1P |
MER_RR__1P_flags |
MER_FR__1P |
MERIS Full Resolution Geolocated and Calibrated TOA Radiance Product Valid until 2002-12 |
MER_FR__1P |
MER_RR__1P_flags |
MERIS Full Resolution Geo/Ortho-corrected TOA Radiance | MER_FRG__1P |
MER_RR__1P_flags |
MERIS Full Resolution Full Swath Geo/Ortho-corrected TOA Radiance | MER_FSG__1P |
MER_RR__1P_flags |
MER_RR__2P |
MERIS Reduced Resolution Geophysical Product | MER_RR__2P |
MER_RR__2P_flags |
MER_RR__2P |
MERIS Reduced Resolution Geophysical Product Valid until 2004-07 |
MER_RR__2P |
MER_RR__2P_flags |
MER_FR__2P |
MERIS Full Resolution Geophysical Product | MER_FR__2P |
MER_RR__2P_flags |
MERIS Full Resolution Full Swath Geophysical Product | MER_FR__2P |
MER_RR__2P_flags |
MER_FR__2P |
MERIS Full Resolution Geophysical Product Valid until 2004-07 |
MER_FR__2P |
MER_RR__2P_flags |
MERIS Extracted Cloud Thickness and Water Vapour Product for Meteo Users | MER_LRC_2P |
not available |
MERIS Extracted Cloud Thickness and Water Vapour Product | MER_RRC_2P |
not available |
MERIS Extracted Vegetation Indices Product | MER_RRV_2P |
not available |
Product Type | Description | Bands | Flags |
ATS_AR__2P |
AATSR averaged geophysical product | not available | not available |
AATSR Spatially Averaged Sea Surface Temperature for Meteo Users | not available | not available |
ATS_NR__2P |
AATSR geophysical product (full resolution) | ATS_NR__2P |
ATSR__2P_flags |
AATSR Gridded brightness temperature and reflectance | ATS_TOA_1P |
ATS_TOA_1P_confid_flags |
Product Type | Description | Bands | Flags |
ASAR Alternating Polarization Ellipsoid Geocoded Image | ASA_APG_1P |
not available |
ASAR Alternating Polarization Medium Resolution Image product | ASA_APM_1P |
not available |
ASAR Alternating Polarization Mode Precision Image | not available | not available |
ASAR Alternating Polarization Mode Single Look Complex | ASA_APS_1P |
not available |
ASAR Alternating Polarization Browse Product | ASA_AP__BP |
not available |
ASA_GM1_1P |
ASAR Global Monitoring Mode Image | not available | not available |
ASAR Image Mode Ellipsoid Geocoded Image | ASA_IMG_1P |
not available |
ASAR Image Mode Medium Resolution Image | ASA_IMM_1P |
not available |
ASAR Image Mode Precision Image | ASA_IMP_1P |
not available |
ASAR Image Mode Single Look Complex | ASA_IMS_1P |
not available |
ASAR Image Mode Browse Product | ASA_IM__BP |
not available |
ASAR Wide Swath Medium Resolution Image | ASA_WSM_1P |
not available |
ASAR Wide Swath Mode Browse Image | not available | not available |
ASAR Wave Mode SLC Imagette and Imagette Cross Spectra | not available | not available |
ASAR Wave Mode Imagette Cross Spectra | not available | not available |
ASAR Wave Mode Wave Spectra | not available | not available |