DVI Algorithm Specification


The Difference Vegetation Index algorithm is sensitive to the amount of vegetation.

This is the simplest vegetation index:
   - Sensitive to the amount of vegetation
   - Distinguishes between soil and vegetation
   - Does NOT deal with the difference between reflectance and radiance caused by the atmosphere or shadows

The DVI results from the following equation:

DVI = (IR_factor * near_IR - red_factor * red)

In the area of red the incoming solar radiation won´t be extensively absorbed by the pigments of the mesophyll inside the folios, primarily by the chlorophyll.
In the area of the near infrared in contrast the bigger part of the incoming radiation was reflected.


Also the processor computes an additional flags band called 'dvi_flags' with the following bit coding:

Bit PositionDescription
Bit 0The computed value for DVI is NAN or is Infinite
Bit 1The computed value for DVI is less than -Infinity
Bit 2The computed value for DVI is greater than Infinity