Layer Menu

Layer Menu

Layer Menu

No-Data Overlay  

Toggles the overlay of a no-data mask over the band Image View. The overlay properties can be modified at the no-nata overlay page in the Preferences Dialog.

No-Data layer on Layer Manager

Geometry Overlay   

Toggles the overlay of a Geometry over the band Image View.

Geometry on image view

Map Gridlines Overlay  

Toggles the overlay of a graticule (geographic lat/lon grid) over the current image. The Map Gridlines overlay properties can be modified in the preferences dialog.

Map Gridlines layer on image view

Pin Overlay  

Toggles whether or not to display the pins defined for the current product in the current Image View.

Pins and pin manager on image view

GCP Overlay  

Toggles whether or not to display the Ground Control Points (GCPs) defined for the current product in the current Image View.

World Map Overlay  

Toggles whether or not to display a world map layer. Which kind of world map layer is displayed can be chosen in the Opeions Dialog.


Layer Manager  

Opens or brings in front the Layer Manager window. See here.

Layer Editor 

The Layer Editor lets you alter layer properties in order to control the display of layer data. See here.