Processor Description - Land/Water Mask

User Interface

The Land/Water Mask processor can be invoked in the Sentinel Toolbox from tool menu by selecting Raster->Mask->Land/Water Mask. On the command line the Land/Water Mask processor is available by means of the Graph Processing Tool gpt which is located in the Sentinel Toolbox bin directory. Typing gpt LandWaterMask -h displays further information.

I/O Parameters Panel

I/O Parameters of LandWaterMask Processor

Source Product Group

Source product: Here the user specifies the source product. The combo box presents a list of all products opened in the SNAP. The user may select one of these or, by clicking on the button next to the combo box, choose a product from the file system.

Target Product Group

Name: Used to specify the name of the target product.

Save as: Used to specify whether the target product should be saved to the file system. The combo box presents a list of available file formats. The text field or the button next to it allow to specify a target directory.

Open in SNAP: Used to specify whether the target product should be opened in SNAP. When the target product is not saved, it is opened in SNAP automatically.

Processing Parameters Panel

Processing Parameters of LandWaterMask Processor

Resolution: Select one of the available resolutions from the predefined list. Defines the resolution and the origin of the source land/water map. Available resolutions are 50 meter, 150 meter and 1000 meter per pixel. For more explanation on the source data see the Land/Water Mask Algorithm Specification

Subsampling factor x: Specifies in how many sub-pixel each pixel of the input is sub-sampled in x-direction. A value of '1' means no sub-sampling at all.

Subsampling factor y: Specifies in how many sub-pixel each pixel of the input is sub-sampled in y-direction. A value of '1' means no sub-sampling at all.