

Creates a MODIS Level 1B file from an input Level 1A file.

Command Line Usage


SeaDAS-Toolobox -> SeaDAS Processors -> MODIS -> modis_L1B


modis_L1B creates a MODIS Level 1B file from an input Level 1A file.

modis_L1B GUI

UI Element Name Type Description Required/Optional Default Value
ifile ifile MODIS_L1A file name Required
geofile ifile L1A GEO file name Optional if GEOFILE is not provided, assumed to be basename of L1AFILE + '.GEO'
okm ofile Output MODIS L1B 1KM HDF filename Optional Derived from the ifile
hkm ofile Output MODIS L1B HKM HDF filename Optional Derived from the ifile
qkm ofile Output MODIS L1B QKM HDF filename Optional Derived from the ifile
obc ofile Output MODIS L1B OBC HDF filename Optional Derived from the ifile
lutver string L1B LUT version number Optional
lutdir string Path of directory containing LUT files Optional
del-okm boolean Delete 1km resolution L1B file Optional false
del-hkm boolean Delete 500m resolution L1B file Optional false
del-qkm boolean Delete 250m resolution L1B file Optional false
keep_obc boolean Save onboard calibration file Optional false
log boolean Save processing log file(s) Optional false

UI Element Name Type Description
Browser Button Button Selects ifile/ofile
Load Parameters ... Button Reads in previously saved parameters and populates the fields in GUI.
Store Parameters ... Button Saves the current arguments in GUI in a file.
Run Button Executes the modis_L1B command with arguments provided in the UI.
Cancel Button Closes current processor GUI.
Apply Button Makes current arguments effective.
Open in SeaDAS Checkbox If selected, the ofile will be added to the open products list right after its generation.
? Button Displays the help content of the current command.

Command Line Usage

usage: modis_L1B [-h] [--version] [-p PARFILE] [-o 1KMFILE] [-k HKMFILE]
                 [-q QKMFILE] [-c OBCFILE] [-l LUTVER] [-d LUTDIR] [-x] [-y]
                 [-z] [--keep-obc] [-v] [--log]
                 [L1AFILE] [GEOFILE]

positional arguments:
  L1AFILE               Input L1A file
  GEOFILE               INPUT GEOFILE filename - defaults to basename of
                        L1AFILE +'.GEO'

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -p PARFILE, --parfile PARFILE
                        Parameter file containing program inputs
  -o 1KMFILE, --okm 1KMFILE
                        Output L1B 1KM filename - defaults to
                        Output MODIS L1B HKM HDF filename
                        Output MODIS L1B QKM HDF filename
                        Output MODIS L1B OBC HDF filename
  -l LUTVER, --lutver LUTVER
                        L1B LUT version number
  -d LUTDIR, --lutdir LUTDIR
                        Path of directory containing LUT files
  -x, --del-okm         Delete 1km resolution L1B file
  -y, --del-hkm         Delete 500m resolution L1B file
  -z, --del-qkm         Delete 250m resolution L1B file
  --keep-obc            Save onboard calibration file
  -v, --verbose         print status messages
  --log                 Save processing log file(s)