Unlike most other operators, that can compute single {@link Tile tiles},
the statistics operator processes all of its source products in its {@link #doExecute(ProgressMonitor)} method.
Name |
Data Type |
Default |
Description |
Constraints |
sourceProductPaths |
String[] |
A comma-separated list of file paths specifying the source products.
Each path may contain the wildcards '**' (matches recursively any directory),
'*' (matches any character sequence in path names) and
'?' (matches any single character).
If, for example, all NetCDF files under /eodata/ shall be considered, use '/eodata/**/*.nc'.
shapefile |
File |
An ESRI shapefile, providing the considered geographical region(s) given as polygons. If null, all pixels
are considered.
featureId |
String |
name |
The name of the attribute in the ESRI shapefile that shall be used to identify featuresin the output. If
none is given or if the shapefile does not have the attribute, the feature id will beused. This parameter is
case-sensitive. It is only considered when the shapefile parameter is set.
startDate |
The start date. If not given, taken from the 'oldest' source product. Products that have a start date before
the start date given by this parameter are not considered.
format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss |
endDate |
The end date. If not given, taken from the 'youngest' source product. Products that have an end date after
the end date given by this parameter are not considered.
format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss |
bandConfigurations |
BandConfiguration[] |
The band configurations. These configurations determine the input of the operator. |
not null |
outputShapefile |
File |
The target file for shapefile output. Shapefile output will only be written if this parameter is set. The
band mapping file will have the suffix _band_mapping.txt.
outputAsciiFile |
File |
The target file for ASCII output.The metadata file will have the suffix _metadata.txt.
ASCII output will only be written if this parameter is set. |
percentiles |
int[] |
90,95 |
The percentile levels that shall be created. Must be in the interval [0..100] |
accuracy |
int |
3 |
The degree of accuracy used for statistics computation. Higher numbers indicate higher accuracy but may lead to a considerably longer computation time. |
interval |
TimeIntervalDefinition |
If set, the StatisticsOp will divide the time between start and end time into time intervalsdefined by this parameter. All measures will be aggregated from products within these intervals. This parameter will only have an effect if the parameters start date and end date are set. |
writeDataTypesSeparately |
boolean |
false |
If true, categorical measures and quantitative measures will be written separately. |