Name |
Data Type |
Default |
Description |
Constraints |
remoteSharedFolderPath |
String |
Specifies the shared folder path. |
not null |
remoteSharedFolderUsername |
String |
Specifies the username account of the machine where the shared folder is created. |
not null |
remoteSharedFolderPassword |
String |
Specifies the password account of the machine where the shared folder is created. |
not null |
localSharedFolderPath |
String |
Specifies the local shared folder path used to connect to the remote shared folder. |
not null |
localPassword |
String |
Specifies the password of the local machine. |
slaveGraphFilePath |
String |
Specifies the slave graph file path to be executed on the remote machines. |
not null |
sourceProductFiles |
String[] |
Specifies the product files. |
not null |
remoteMachines |
RemoteMachineProperties[] |
Specifies the remote machines credentials. |
not null |
masterGraphFilePath |
String |
Specifies the master graph file path. |
not null |
continueOnFailure |
Boolean |
Specifies the flag to continue or not when a remote machine fails. |
not null |
masterProductFormatName |
String |
Specifies the master product format name. |
not null |
masterProductFilePath |
String |
Specifies the master product file path. |
not null |
waitingSecondsTimeout |
int |
Specifies the waiting seconds to complete the output products on the remote machines. |
slaveProductsFolderNamePrefix |
String |
Specifies the folder name prefix of the slave output products. |
slaveProductsName |
String |
Specifies the name of the output products obtained using the slave graph. |
slaveProductsFormatName |
String |
Specifies the format name of the output products obtained using the slave graph. |