Subset Operator

Subset Operator Description


Name: Subset
Full name: org.esa.snap.core.gpf.common.SubsetOp
Purpose: Create a spatial and/or spectral subset of a data product.
Version: 1.3


This operator is used to create either spatial and/or spectral subsets of a data product. Spatial subset may be given by pixel positions (parameter {@code region}) or a geographical polygon (parameter {@code geoRegion}). Subsets of band and tie-point grid are given by name lists (parameters {@code bandNames} and {@code tiePointGridNames}).


Name Description
sourceProduct The source product to create the subset from.


Name Data Type Default Description Constraints
sourceBands String[] The list of source bands.
tiePointGrids String[] The list of tie-point grid names.
region Rectangle The subset region in pixel coordinates. Use the following format: , , , If not given, the entire scene is used. The 'geoRegion' parameter has precedence over this parameter.
referenceBand String The band used to indicate the pixel coordinates.
geoRegion Geometry The subset region in geographical coordinates using WKT-format, e.g. POLYGON(( , , ..., )) (make sure to quote the option due to spaces in ). If not given, the entire scene is used.
subSamplingX int 1 The pixel sub-sampling step in X (horizontal image direction)
subSamplingY int 1 The pixel sub-sampling step in Y (vertical image direction)
fullSwath boolean false Forces the operator to extend the subset region to the full swath.
copyMetadata boolean false Whether to copy the metadata of the source product.