SNAP gpt

The SNAP Graph Processing Tool (gpt)

      gpt <op>|<graph-file> [options] [<source-file-1> <source-file-2> ...]

      This tool is used to execute SNAP raster data operators in batch-mode. The
      operators can be used stand-alone or combined as a directed acyclic graph
      (DAG). Processing graphs are represented using XML. More info about
      processing graphs, the operator API, and the graph XML format can be found
      in the SNAP documentation.

      <op>               Name of an operator. See below for the list of <op>s.
      <graph-file>       Operator graph file (XML format).
      <source-file-i>    The <i>th source product file. The actual number of source
                         file arguments is specified by <op>. May be optional for
                         operators which use the -S option.

      -h                 Displays command usage. If <op> is given, the specific
                         operator usage is displayed.
      -e                 Displays more detailed error messages. Displays a stack
                         trace, if an exception occurs.
      -t <file>          The target file. Default value is './target.dim'.
      -f <format>        Output file format, e.g. 'GeoTIFF', 'HDF5',
                         'BEAM-DIMAP'. If not specified, format will be derived
                         from the target filename extension, if any, otherwise the
                         default format is 'BEAM-DIMAP'. Ony used, if the graph
                         in <graph-file> does not specify its own 'Write' operator.
      -p <file>          A (Java Properties) file containing processing
                         parameters in the form <name>=<value> or a XML file
                         containing a a parameter DOM for the operator. Entries in this
                         file are overwritten by the -P<name>=<value> command-line
                         option (see below). The following variables are substituted in
                         the parameters file:
                             ${gpt.operator} (given by the 'op' argument)
                             ${gpt.graphFile} (given by the 'graph-file' argument)
                             ${gpt.parametersFile} (given by the -p option)
                             ${gpt.targetFile} (given by the -t option)
                             ${gpt.targetFormat} (given by the -f option)
      -c <cache-size>    Sets the tile cache size in bytes. Value can be suffixed
                         with 'K', 'M' and 'G'. Must be less than maximum
                         available heap space. If equal to or less than zero, tile
                         caching will be completely disabled. The default tile
                         cache size is '512M'.
      -q <parallelism>   Sets the maximum parallelism used for the computation, i.e.
                         the maximum number of parallel (native) threads.
                         The default parallelism is '8'.
      -x                 Clears the internal tile cache after writing a complete
                         row of tiles to the target product file. This option may
                         be useful if you run into memory problems.
      -T<target>=<file>  Defines a target product. Valid for graphs only. <target>
                         must be the identifier of a node in the graph. The node's
                         output will be written to <file>.
      -S<source>=<file>  Defines a source product. <source> is specified by the
                         operator or the graph. In an XML graph, all occurrences of
                         ${<source>} will be replaced with references to a source
                         product located at <file>.
      -P<name>=<value>   Defines a processing parameter, <name> is specific for the
                         used operator or graph. In an XML graph, all occurrences of
                         ${<name>} will be replaced with <value>. Overwrites
                         parameter values specified by the '-p' option.
      -D<name>=<value>   Defines a system property for this invocation.
      -v <dir>           A directory containing any number of Velocity templates.
                         Each template generates a text output file along with the
                         target product. This feature has been added to support a
                         flexible generation of metadata files.
                         See and option -m.
      -m <file>          A (Java Properties) file containing (constant) metadata
                         in the form <name>=<value> or any XML file. Its primary
                         usage is to provide an additional context to be used
                         from within the Velocity templates. See option -v.
      --diag             Displays version and diagnostic information.

      AddElevation                     Creates a DEM band
      AddLandCover                     Creates a land cover band
      BandMaths                        Create a product with one or more bands using mathematical expressions.
      Binning                          Performs spatial and temporal aggregation of pixel values into cells ('bins') of a planetary grid
      Collocate                        Collocates two products based on their geo-codings.
      Convert-Datatype                 Convert product data type
      EMClusterAnalysis                Performs an expectation-maximization (EM) cluster analysis.
      Fill-DEM-Hole                    Fill holes in given DEM product file.
      Flip                             flips a product horizontal/vertical
      GLCM                             Extract Texture Features
      Image-Filter                     Common Image Processing Filters
      Import-Vector                    Imports a shape file into a product
      KDTree-KNN-Classifier            KDTree KNN classifier
      KMeansClusterAnalysis            Performs a K-Means cluster analysis.
      KNN-Classifier                   K-Nearest Neighbour classifier
      Land-Cover-Mask                  Perform decision tree classification
      Land-Sea-Mask                    Creates a bitmask defining land vs ocean.
      LandWaterMask                    Operator creating a target product with a single band containing a land/water-mask.
      LinearToFromdB                   Converts bands to/from dB
      Maximum-Likelihood-Classifier    Maximum Likelihood classifier
      Merge                            Allows copying raster data from any number of source products to a specified 'master' product.
      Minimum-Distance-Classifier      Minimum Distance classifier
      Mosaic                           Creates a mosaic out of a set of source products.
      NdviOp                           The retrieves the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI).
      PCA                              Performs a Principal Component Analysis.
      PixEx                            Extracts pixels from given locations and source products.
      ProductSet-Reader                Adds a list of sources
      Random-Forest-Classifier         Random Forest based classifier
      Read                             Reads a data product from a given file location.
      ReplaceMetadata                  Replace the metadata of the first product with that of the second
      Reproject                        Reprojection of a source product to a target Coordinate Reference System.
      Resample                         Resampling of a multi-size source product to a single-size target product.
      StatisticsOp                     Computes statistics for an arbitrary number of source products.
      Subset                           Create a spatial and/or spectral subset of a data product.
      TemporalPercentile               Computes percentiles over a given time period.
      Terrain-Mask                     Terrain Mask Generation
      ToolAdapterOp                    Tool Adapter Operator
      Unmix                            Performs a linear spectral unmixing.
      Write                            Writes a data product to a file.