

Creates a mapped output.

Takes a product (or products if netCDF output) from an L1, L2 or L3 bin file, reprojects the data using Proj.4 and writes a mapped file in the requested output format.


SeaDAS-OCSSW -> mapgen

GUI Usage
Command Line Usage

GUI Usage

UI Element Name Type Description Required/Optional Default Value
ifile ifile input file or text file list of files. Required
ofile ofile output file name; default: <ifile>.MAP.<oformat ext>. Required
product string product(s) to map; comma separated Required
projection string One of the following predefined (proj4) projections may be selected:
        platecarree: Plate Carree (cylindrical) projection
                   projection="+proj=eqc +lat_0=<central_meridian>"
        mollweide: Mollweide projection
                   projection="+proj=moll +lat_0=<central_meridian>"
        lambert:   Lambert conformal conic projection
                   projection="+proj=lcc +lat_0=<central_meridian>"
        albersconic: Albers Equal Area Conic projection
                   projection="+proj=aea +lat_0=<central_meridian>"
        mercator:  Mercator cylindrical map projection
                   projection="+proj=merc +lat_0=<central_meridian>"
        ease2:     Ease Grid 2 projection
                   projection="+proj=cea +lon_0=0 +lat_ts=30 +ellps=WGS84
                              +datum=WGS84 +units=m +lat_0=<central_meridian>"
Optional platecarree
resolution string size of the output pixel in meters or SMI dimensions:
         #.#:  width of a pixel in meters
         #.#km:  width of a pixel in kilometers
         #.#deg:  width of a pixel in degrees
Optional 2km
north float Northern most Latitude Optional -999
south float Southern most Latitude Optional -999
east float Eastern most Longitude Optional -999
west float Western most Longitude Optional -999
oformat string format of the output file :
        netCDF:  Network Common Data Form v4 file
                  can contain more than one product
        png:     Portable Network Graphics format image
        ppm:     Portable PixMap format image
        tiff:    Tagged Image File Format with georeference tags
Optional netCDF4
central_meridian float central meridian to use for projection in degrees east. Optional 0
palfile ifile palette file name Optional see $OCDATAROOT/common/product.xml
datamin float minimum value for data scaling Optional default from product.xml
datamax float maximum value for data scaling Optional default from product.xml
scale_type string data scaling type:
        linear:   linear scaling
        log:      logarithmic scaling
        arctan:   arc tangent scaling
Optional default from product.xml
Product_rgb string comma separated string of RGB products e.g., product_rgb=rhos_645,rhos_555,rhos_469. Optional sensor specific, see $OCDATAROOT/<sensor>/l1mapgen_defaults.par
fudge float fudge factor used to modify size of L3 pixels Optional 1.0
threshold float minimum percentage of filled pixels before an image is generated Optional 0

UI Element Name Type Description
Browser Button Button Selects ifile/ofile
use_rgb Check Box Generate an RGB image output
trimNSEW Check Box Do not trim output to match input NSEW range
Load Parameters ... Button Reads in previously saved parameters and populates the fields in GUI.
Save Parameters ... Button Saves the current arguments in GUI in a file.
Run Button Executes the mapgen command with arguments provided in the UI.
Cancel Button Closes current processor GUI.
Apply Button Makes current arguments effective.
Open in SeaDAS Checkbox If selected, the ofile will be added to the open products list right after its generation.
? Button Displays the help content of the current command.

Common proj4 formatted projection strings for direct entry:

Albers Conic Equal Area: "+proj=aea +lat_0={latitude_of_center} +lon_0={longitude_of_center} +lat_1={standard_parallel_1}"
Cylindrical Equal Area: "+proj=cea +lat_ts={standard_parallel_1} +lon_0={longitude_of_center}"
Ease2: "+proj=cea +lat_ts=30.0 +lon_0={longitude_of_center}"
Equidistant Conic: "+proj=eqdc +lat_0={latitude_of_center} +lon_0={longitude_of_center} +lat_1={standard_parallel_1}"
Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area: "+proj=laea +lat_0={latitude_of_center} +lon_0={longitude_of_center}"
Lambert Conformal Conic: "+proj=lcc +lat_1={latitude_of_origin} +lon_0={longitude_of_origin}"
Mercator: "+proj=merc +lon_0={longitude_of_origin}"
Mollweide: "+proj=moll +lon_0={central_+meridian}"
Oblique Stereographic: "+proj=sterea +lat_0={latitude_of_origin} +lon_0={longitude_of_origin}"
PlateCaree: "+proj=eqc +lon_0={central_meridian}"
Sinusoidal: "+proj=sinu +lon_0={longitude_of_center}"
SMI: "+proj=eqc +lon_0={longitude_of_center}"
Tranverse Mercator: "+proj=tmerc +lat_0={latitude_of_origin} +lon_0={longitude_of_origin}"

Command Line Usage

generate mapped output from a SeaDAS supported satellite data files
arguments can be specified on the commandline or in a parameter file
the two methods can be used together, with commandline over-riding the parfile

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --parfile PARFILE, -p PARFILE
                        input parameter file
  --ifile IFILE, -i IFILE
                        input file or text file list of files
  --geofile GEOFILE, -g GEOFILE
                        geolocation file or text file list of files
  --ofile OFILE, -o OFILE
                        output file name; default: <ifile>.MAP.<oformat ext>
  --logfile LOGFILE, -l LOGFILE
                        log file
                        default: mapgen_<timestamp>.log
                        <timestamp> is in seconds since Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00
                        this file is deleted if verbose is not set and no errors
                        occur during processing
  --use_rgb             generate an RGB image output
                        default: a pseudo-true color image with bands to use
                                 controlled by --product_rgb option
  --product PRODUCT     product(s) to map; comma separated
  --product_rgb PRODUCT_RGB
                        comma separated string of RGB products
                        e.g., product_rgb=rhos_645,rhos_555,rhos_469
                        default:  sensor specific, see
  --resolution RESOLUTION, -r RESOLUTION
                             #.#:  width of a pixel in meters
                           #.#km:  width of a pixel in kilometers
                          #.#deg:  width of a pixel in degrees
  --oformat {netcdf4,png,ppm,tiff}
                        netcdf4: Network Common Data Form v4 file
                                   can contain more than one product
                        png:     Portable Network Graphics format image
                        ppm:     Portable PixMap format image
                        tiff:    Tagged Image File Format with georeference tags
  --use_transparency, -t
                        make missing data transparent
                        only valid for color PNG and TIFF output
  --north NORTH, -n NORTH
                        northern-most latitude; default: input file max lßatitude
  --south SOUTH, -s SOUTH
                        southern-most latitude; default: input file min latitude
  --east EAST, -e EAST  eastern-most latitude; default: input file max longitude
  --west WEST, -w WEST  western-most latitude; default: input file min longitude
  --projection PROJECTION
                         "proj" projection string or one of the following:
                            platecarree: Plate Carree (cylindrical) projection
                              projection="+proj=eqc +lat_0=<central_meridian>"
                            mollweide:   Mollweide projection
                              projection="+proj=moll +lat_0=<central_meridian>"
                            lambert:     Lambert conformal conic projection
                              projection="+proj=lcc +lat_0=<central_meridian>"
                            albersconic: Albers equal-area conic projection
                              projection="+proj=aea +lat_0=<central_meridian>"
                            mercator:    Mercator cylindrical map projection
                              projection="+proj=merc +lat_0=<central_meridian>"
                            ease2:       Ease Grid 2 projection
                              projection="+proj=cea +lon_0=0 +lat_ts=30 +ellps=WGS84
                              +datum=WGS84 +units=m +lat_0=<central_meridian>"
  --central_meridian CENTRAL_MERIDIAN
                        central meridian to use for projection in degrees east
  --palfile PALFILE     palette filename
                        default: see $OCDATAROOT/common/product.xml
  --fudge FUDGE         factor used to modify pixel search radius for mapping
  --datamin DATAMIN     minimum value for scaling (default from product.xml)
  --datamax DATAMAX     maximum value for scaling (default from product.xml)
  --scale_type {linear,log,arctan}
                        data scaling method (default from product.xml)
  --threshold THRESHOLD
                        minimum percentage of filled pixels for image generation
                        default: 0
  --trimNSEW            do not trim output to match input NSEW range
  --write_projtext      write projection information to a text file (for mapgen_overlay script)
  --keep-intermediates  do not delete the intermediate L2/L3B files produced
  --verbose, -v         let's get chatty; each occurrence increases verbosity
                        default: error
                        -v info -vv debug