

Creates a Standard Mapped Image file from an input Level 3 bin file.

Command Line Usage


SeaDAS-OCSSW -> smigen


smigen reads in a Level-3 space-binned or time-binned file and generates a Standard Mapped Image (SMI) HDF product containing one of 5 possible statistical measures. SMI products are image representations of binned data products.

smigen GUI

UI Element Name Type Description Required/Optional Default Value
ifile text Input bin filename Required
ofile text Output map filename Required
prod text Product name Required
precision text Output map precision: 'B' (default), 'I', 'F' Optional
palfile text Palette filename optional default palette file
pversion text Processing version Optional
datamin float Minimum value for data scaling Optional product specific
datamax float Maximum value for data scaling Optional product specific
stype int Scaling type:
         1: linear
         2: log
Optional product specific
meas int Measurement to map:
         1: mean
         2: var
         3: stdev
         4: pixels
         5: scenes
Optional 1
loneast float Easternmost longitude used for output Optional +180
lonwest float Westernmost longitude used for output Optional -180
latnorth float Northernmost latitude used for output Optional +90
latsouth float Southernmost latitude used for output Optional -90
projection text Output projection type:
Optional RECT
resolution text Output resolution:
         1 deg (one deg)
         10 deg (0.1 deg)
Optional 9km
seam_lon float Longitude of Left Edge of Map Optional -180
proddesc text Product Description Optional
units text Product Units Optional

UI Element Name Type Description
Browser Button Button Selects infile/ofile
Load Parameters ... Button Reads in previously saved parameters and populates the fields in GUI.
Store Parameters ... Button Saves the current arguments in GUI in a file.
Run Button Executes the smigen command with arguments provided in the UI.
Cancel Button Closes current processor GUI.
Apply Button Makes current arguments effective.
Open in SeaDAS Checkbox If selected, the ofile will be added to the open products list right after its generation.
? Button Displays the help content of the current command.

Command Line Usage

Usage: smigen ifile ofile prod-name
   par        = parameter filename
   ifile      = input bin filename
   ofile      = output map filename
   oformat    = output format: 1 (HDF4 [default]), 2 (netCDF4), 3 (HDF5)
   deflate    = apply internal compression for netCDF output
   prod       = product name
   precision  = output map precision: 'B' (default), 'I', 'F'
   palfile    = palette filename
   pversion   = processing version (default is Unspecified)
   datamin    = minumum value for data scaling (default is prod-specific)
   datamax    = maximum value for data scaling (default is prod-specific)
   stype      = scaling type,1=LINEAR,2=LOG (default is prod-specific)
   meas       = measurement to map, 1=mean, 2=var, 3=stdev, 4=pixels, 5=scenes (default=1)
   loneast    = Easternmost longitude (default=+180)
   lonwest    = Westernmost longitude (default=-180)
   latnorth   = Northernmost latitude (default=+90)
   latsouth   = Southernmost latitude (default=-90)
   projection = SIN | RECT (default=RECT)
   resolution = 36km | 18km | 9km | 4km | 2km | 1km | hkm | qkm
                1deg (one deg) | hdeg (0.5 deg) | qdeg (0.25 deg)
                10deg (0.1 deg) |udeg-#.# (#.# deg)| ukm-#.# (#.# km) (default=9km)
   seam_lon   = Longitude of Left Edge of Map (default=-180)
   proddesc   = Product Description
   units      = Product Units

smigen 5.20 (Nov 30 2018 09:53:07)