Unmix Operator

Unmix Operator Description


Full name:org.esa.snap.unmixing.SpectralUnmixingOp
Purpose:Performs a linear spectral unmixing.
Version: 1.1


Implements a spectral unmixing algorithm.


Name Description
sourceProduct The source product.


Name Data Type Default Description Constraints
sourceBands String[] The list of spectral bands providing the source spectrum.
endmembers Endmember[] The list of endmember spectra. Wavelengths must be given in nanometers.
endmemberFile File A text file containing (additional) endmembers in a table. Wavelengths must be given in nanometers.
unmixingModelName String Constrained LSU The unmixing model. value set: [Unconstrained LSU, Constrained LSU, Fully Constrained LSU]
abundanceBandNameSuffix String _abundance The suffix for the generated abundance band names (name = endmember + suffix). not null; pattern: [a-zA-Z_0-9]*
errorBandNameSuffix String _error The suffix for the generated error band names (name = source + suffix). not null; pattern: [a-zA-Z_0-9]*
computeErrorBands boolean false If 'true', error bands for all source bands will be generated.
minBandwidth double 10.0 Minimum spectral bandwidth used for endmember wavelength matching. interval: (0,*)