Merge Operator

Merge Operator Description


Full name:org.esa.snap.core.gpf.common.MergeOp
Purpose:Allows merging of several source products by using specified 'master' as reference product.


The merge operator allows copying raster data from other products to a specified product. The first product provided is considered the 'master product', into which the raster data coming from the other products is copied. Existing nodes are kept.

It is mandatory that the products share the same scene, that is, their width and height need to match with those of the master product as well as their geographic position.


Name Description
masterProduct The master, which serves as the reference, e.g. providing the geo-information.
sourceProducts The products to be merged into the master product.


Name Data Type Default Description Constraints
includes NodeDescriptor[] Defines nodes to be included in the master product. If no includes are provided, all nodes are copied.
excludes NodeDescriptor[] Defines nodes to be excluded from the target product. Excludes have precedence above includes.
geographicError float 1.0E-5f Defines the maximum lat/lon error in degree between the products. If set to NaN no check for compatible geographic boundary is performed